
Final Product Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"If the final product's good, I don't really care."
"This is the final sequence I came up with, I like it, it's pretty weird and cool."
"I'm super excited to see what the final version does look like."
"Sometimes it's more interesting to show the process than it is to show the final result."
"Every little bit sums in, adds up to the finished product."
"The intended end result of this whole process is to make a finished game that's so polished and so natural that it's impossible to imagine the amount of work that got it there."
"This is our final version of the cake, take a good look, it looks so nice. We did such a good job."
"Bioshock Infinite is one of the more noticeable examples of what was shown to the public prior to its release and how different it was from the end product."
"Isn't this baby a beauty? Oh, hours, it was hours, but hey, it's worth it at the end of the day."
"The final product is really nice."
"Honestly, I cannot tell you how happy I am with the final product."
"Right there is the final product. Beautiful jar of canned salmon with garlic, herbs, and jalapenos."
"What you see out of the camera is not going to be the final product."
"It literally be me acting into a final mix which as an actor is unbelievable you never get to be the final product you just do it other people do their things and then somebody puts it all together."
"So this is the final product, I'm like loving this table so, so much, I'm loving the layout, I feel creative, I'm excited."
"So, yeah, so this is the final product, I'm like loving this table so, so much, I'm loving the layout, I feel creative, I'm excited."
"I mean, you know you look at the head here that looks a bit more similar to the final product."
"In UX fidelity means how closely a design matches the look and feel of the final product."
"This page was made by an artist who cared about the final product in the game."
"Despite all the challenges this one faced and the well-deserved criticism, I gotta say the final product was stunning."
"The finished result is a work of art."
"People see the finished product, but they don't see the sacrifice."
"The final result sounds incredibly clean."
"We started with this dingy raw and ended on this beautiful finished image."
"That is the final image, here's one last before and after."
"So this is the final product, and oh my god, look how gorgeous this turned out."
"I'm going to show you the final result once I put it on the mannequin."
"You just have to be patient, but this one's worth it. I love the final look of this stuff."
"This is the final composition we'll be creating."
"There's our final image that can be posted on social media."
"The final product is something that's very light and crispy, it's really special."
"I couldn't be more happy with the final result."
"And here we go, see, this is the muslin, this is the finished product, one shoulder asymmetrical pleated bustier, done and done."
"Open it up in your favorite media player in Finder. I like to just press spacebar and hear my track and we can be sure that we've got a master that we're happy with."
"Everything you do right now affects the outcome of the final product."
"Wait till the ending to see the final product."
"I am giving you props because the finished product is what we want to get to."
"This is what the final version looks like, so again it's just kind of regular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which is pretty cool."
"From that pure anguish and pain, they created the final product."
"Just wait until you see this finished product."
"Ten years of breeding, ten years of production, you're going to see the final product."
"The original concept is not what the final product was, which is very often the case."
"And then this is what the final images look like, and I hope you really enjoy the look."
"There's our final render for our witch hat."
"These two files, the source data and your generic letter, are merged together by mail merge and then finally you get your final letter."
"And this is what we end up with, and I love this."
"This blanket measures approximately 52 by 64 inches when it is completed."
"Here's the final product after all of the engineering and hard work."
"I'm so happy with the final product."