
Back Pain Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"The good news is there is a universal cure for most back pains."
"Everyone has lower back pain because we sit too much. That is the medical reason why lower sitting is bad for health."
"Understanding basic physics and how it applies to your particular build can give insight into why your perfect technique still leaves you with an achy back."
"There's nothing worse than a bad back. It just kills your entire week."
"If you have back problems like that, there are some serious questions you start asking yourself... Your back is central to everything."
"Back pain with loss of bladder control? Go to the hospital immediately."
"The majority of the pain that's associated with it... is when that bulging or ruptured disc irritates or compresses surrounding structures..."
"Back pain is the most debilitating, like it shuts you down."
"Back pain is one of the conditions most amenable to placebo effects."
"You can reduce or alleviate lower back pain. It's not uncommon to hear people with back injuries say they couldn't ride a bike without a suspension seatpost."
"If you're currently suffering from a bulging disc at the L5 S1 level, today's video is going to give you some of the best exercises for treating it."
"The best medicine, ladies and gentlemen, for your back is movement, but the movement should be in the right direction."
"Most back pain cases are mechanical, meaning something moves out of place."
"65 out of 100 adults without any back pain have abnormalities such as arthroses and bulging discs."
"So if you want a good exercise regimen, you can check out our video on the best exercises to prevent back pain."
"So much of what you'll hear about today when thinking about how to build a really strong, pain-free back is about creating the kind of stability around the spine."
"Stretching is very dependent on individual assessment. What the science shows actually is if you separate strength from endurance, endurance is much more protective for future back pain than strength is."
"Many people hurt their back in an effort to increase the strength thinking that that's going to relieve their back pain."
"It's been remarkable to me to see how much I and others can relieve their back pain and strengthen the particular areas and aspects of the body that then can avoid further back pain."
"You have this roller coaster of back pain. You start with just having some back pain and maybe some buttock pain, and then it becomes full-blown sciatica."
"An x-ray doesn't do a great job of picking these things up, especially in the early phases. Really, you need some type of MRI or bone scan to pick these things up."
"Most of the habits that people do is just tearing the scab, you know, the low back... people do this twisting [__] up [__] instead of just standing up as you would if your back was jacked, right?"
"Core strength is actually one of the best things that you can do to treat your lower back pain and to treat your sciatic pain."
"These are the essential exercises everyone with low back pain should be doing."
"There's quite a lot going on not only with the hip but it's also going to work into the lower back."
"Seat cushion with gel inside provides relief from lower back pain and sciatica."
"Put a hold on the squats if you're having back pain."
"If you do struggle with back pain like I do, the FlexiSpot Pro Plus standing desk E7 that I recently got was amazing."
"What a wonderful class for those with back pain."
"The key takeaway points of this video: Back pain is one of the most common presenting symptoms."
"The most common cause of back pain, particularly in young and middle-aged adults, is lumbosacral strain, for which there is no specific diagnostic test."
"Stretching the muscle will not correct the back movement, but correcting the back movement will stretch the muscle."
"We can significantly stop the pain if we stop the motion in the back."
"If you're looking to relieve back pain, this is usually a better solution than reaching down and touching your toes."
"Acute uncomplicated low back pain is first treated with NSAIDs."
"This is one of my favorite poses for anyone that says they have low back pain."
"B vitamins, including thiamine and pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin, that's B1, B6, and B12, can be considered as adjuvants in non-specific back pain."
"If you have tight hamstrings and you feel some lower back pain or you feel the inability to flatten your back out when you're bending over, you need to work on these hamstrings."
"So if you're having some lower back pain, which about 80% of the people in my country at least have or have had lower back pain, I really challenge you to focus on your hip flexors."
"In low back pain, a large majority of the cases are actually due to tight muscles."
"If you consistently have low back pain and your doctor does not give you any contraindications, then getting an inversion board… is one of the best things you can do."
"It's estimated that up to 80% of people will experience low back pain in their lifetime."
"It's really good for me and I'm always complaining about my back being super sore all the time."
"Inflammatory back pain improves with activity, unlike mechanical back pain."
"This is a great exercise if you struggle with lower back pain throughout the day."
"If you are experiencing pain in your low back, if it's radiating down your leg, please go see a physiotherapist."
"You'll hopefully be pleasantly surprised how much of your psoas tightness is related to some of that hidden low back restriction that you may not even notice there."
"Lower back pain is really common even in younger people just because people are not lifting right, people are not doing exercise before their workout."
"If you sit at a desk a lot, the low back gets compressed; this pose will help to lengthen it."
"Eight out of ten people will have back pain at some point in their life."
"So I can tell you from experience, this is exactly how I got over my back issues."
"Research shows that you need to strengthen your core if you want to alleviate some of that low back pain."
"What causes persistent back pain is complex, there's a whole bunch of factors that interrelate."
"The most important things to prevent your back pain is to care for your health."
"Back pain can be effectively managed at any age; age is not a reason to have back pain managed well."
"Exercise is about the best thing that you can do for low back pain."
"My lower back pain was gone instantly."
"That's movement medicine, and if you're struggling with lower back pain, using this routine daily would be an incredible gift you can give to yourself."
"Nine out of 10 times, if you have a client with back pain, it's weak core stability."
"I've been having this kind of chronic back pain... and then I started to do direct hip flexor work."
"You know you're 30 when you throw your upper back out by sleeping on your side."
"It's absolutely tremendous and if you have back problems, it can help alleviate a lot of those back problems."
"Back pain is one of those things that affects all sorts of people, from the young to the old, man and woman, and people of all ethnicities."
"Low back pain... the majority of these people have nonspecific low back pain and they'll get better on their own."
"Back pain is a real thing and it is a real struggle, so don't just take this lightly."
"Strong and stable back is arguably the best video ever made... over 80% of people have back pain throughout their life."
"If you got back pain and you haven't had this stuff done before, really encourage you to either, if you're in Melbourne, obviously coming to see us."
"Actually, 80 percent of people suffer from back pain at one point in their life."
"All these hip opening postures are really helpful for easing back pain."
"Back pain is multifactorial; it's always a combination of your thoughts, your feelings, societal factors, and the structures at play."
"This is a wonderful way to relax the low back, alleviating any low back pain."
"This is going to prevent you from having low back pain, any sort of hip issue."
"The pain for my back disappeared."
"Opening up the QL or quadratus lumborum stabilizer muscle common in low back injury or pain."
"If you can address low back pain holistically by working with all the parts that are included and what can create that imbalance, then you can really help with decreasing that pain."