
Kitchen Tips Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Pretty simple 2:1 ratio pot with a lid one of those two of these just water."
"The secret to stress-free cooking is making it easy for yourself."
"Clean as you go and always start with a clean kitchen."
"Thanks so much, friends, for watching today's Mega Mama kitchen q a video."
"Having pre-prepped veggies in the freezer is one of my favorite convenience items."
"Homemade pastry in the freezer makes cooking so much easier."
"Do not refreeze after thawing out and that's really important that's really really really really important."
"Sourdough doesn't make cooking harder or more cumbersome, it just gives you more options."
"The secret of having fun in the kitchen is to know what to do with the ingredients."
"If you are struggling with how to store spices... I highly recommend this method."
"Vacuum sealing keeps food fresh for much longer."
"You can make it pretty non-stick. That's what seasoning is."
"Your vinaigrettes can last a good two weeks in the refrigerator and your creamy dressings your dairy based dressings can stay fresh about one week in your refrigerator."
"Now this recipe calls for a Dutch oven. I don't have a Dutch oven, but I do have a pot."
"Having a nice sharp knife is really going to make a huge difference."
"Having homemade marinades in the freezer has been a life changer for me."
"Flare-ups and grease fires are not the same thing."
"A great tip for stopping potatoes, apples, and avocados from going brown: When cut, simply cover with water and add a squeeze of lemon. The acidity stops the flesh from oxidizing, which is what causes the color to change."
"If you keep avocados in a jar of water they will keep for five weeks."
"A vegetable peeler isn't just for potatoes or carrots. You can use it to shave off thin slices of onion."
"If you're struggling to get your taco shells to stay in place, use a muffin tray. Flip the tray upside down, spray it with oil, and place your tortillas in the gap. Cook them for around 10 minutes at 700 degrees for the perfect crispy taco shell."
"Extends the life of your bananas."
"You know, with Lisa's review out, her tips for how to get the most out of your microwave, and some surprising additions to the cookware field that were actually pretty impressive, things are looking up in the microwave realm."
"This is a custard pie so we bake it before the filling goes in so you need something to weigh it down as you're baking i just use rice via bag of rice it's very inexpensive i don't really bother with pie weights."
"As a general rule, I don't cook things from Frozen because it's too hard to get them cooked all the way through before you overcook the outside."
"It keeps that lettuce fresh longer."
"And it's kind of like with ferments, I always tell you put them in a jar, so if they bubble over, you won't have a mess on your hands."
"You want to keep it seasoned. Yeah, so don't wash your pan at all."
"Hack number fourteen: make butter spread."
"Many coffee mugs come with curved notches on their bottom. When you're washing your mugs, put them against the rack at an angle in your dishwasher."
"You can use a roasting pan with a rack if you own one."
"Remember to either replace or clean your tongs after cooking chicken."
"I know that there are people probably watching this who did not realize that you can peel ginger using a spoon, so instead of grabbing a knife and trying to cut the skin off of the ginger, just grab a spoon and scrape it, it makes life so much easier."
"This hack will work for strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries."
"You can cut down on time and clean up even further with this dish."
"I love that you don't have to prep the cherry tomatoes, you just dump 'em in the pot and they cook perfectly on their own."
"One of my favorite kitchen hacks is filling a spray bottle with olive oil. It just makes it a lot easier to control."
"Do as I say, not as I do. Always crack your eggs in a separate container before you dump them in your batter."
"Make sure you wear your goggles when you're dicing up the onions."
"You want non-corrosive surfaces when you're working with an acid vegetable like tomatoes."
"In the book, I talk about the tenting technique and I definitely recommend that you cover them because you're going to get so much more shelf life."
"I think I just found a hack for cooking at home, man."
"There is no great mystery to cooking as long as you can remember the timing and the temperature."
"When you clean up in the kitchen as you go, you're gonna be stress-free, it's a promise."
"Stir it up together, and you now have baking powder."
"Label and date your leftovers and any open products; you'll know without having to open the container what it is and how long it's been in there."
"A wet paper towel next to an onion stops you from crying while slicing it."
"If your cutting board is slipping and sliding around, take a kitchen towel and just slightly dampen it and put it underneath, that will help prevent it from sliding all over."
"The secret to freezing your bananas is to take them out of their peels."
"Line your pan with foil, cleanup is way easier."