
Personal Reactions Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Taking something personally is effectively accepting some fear or insecurity that prevents an open wound being seen clearly."
"It was like crazy where I was like that's I did not expect that."
"I am getting goose bumps over here, is this an exciting moment."
"One thing I think that's happening is she's getting pretty angry at Trump and he's attacking her a lot..."
"Expect the unexpected, they just get triggered and the truth comes out."
"I was not expecting that... damn it, I really wanted them to work out."
"Our reactions are a huge opportunity for learning and growth."
"I immediately knew that was a very strange thing to happen."
"They feel slightly bitter about what's happened."
"I think it's now me and Tommy about, well, I'm not gonna go in too much because there is a video coming out on it but it was really bad, to be honest with you."
"Horror is subjective. What makes you urinate out every orifice in terror is like a gentle itch to others."
"My disappointment was immeasurable, however my day was not ruined."
"It is absolutely reasonable for Ken to not be happy to hear that jobs discriminate against men."
"People do things to you based on their own triggers."
"When I read a description of a partial birth abortion, this was the thing that blew his mind." - Dominic Kalana
"I feel amazing. I wasn't absolutely not expecting this."
"People have the choice to get mad about what the hell they want to get mad about."
"It can be weirdly galvanizing in certain ways."
"I really thought that I was gonna do this video and be like, 'Hey, this ray tracing looks kind of cool,' but I did not think it was going to have this much of an impact on me."
"The most important thing is how you react to it and how you respond."
"Sorry not sorry though, that was really oddly satisfying."
"If someone responds to you messing up their pronouns in a snappish or harsh way, it's more about their insecurities and not really about you."
"I was excited to watch it for, I think, the first time all the way through."
"All that impact coming down, wow, this is just... this is not right."
"Anytime the word 'honey' comes up, there is a noticeable physical reaction for me."
"What the heck was that? Someone was yelling at me, good, I got distracted."
"That was one of the scariest roller coasters I've ever rode in my life."
"You'd think that there's probably some reason she reacted so strongly to her phone."
"If it makes it to stage separation, I'm gonna lose my mind a little bit."
"I've never seen Brad get this mad like ever. This is crazy."
"Imagination is just as well, because you see it's a lot of different people involved and you react."
"Psychologists will talk about seeing contempt on the face of the couple and they say that is the kiss of death for that relationship."
"After rolling gacha, he had a total of nine skills looking at the number made Crest emotional as tears formed in his eyes."
"I really like that she would be upset about that."
"Everything I've seen up to this point has amazed me."
"Boom! Oh, that's actually awesome. I like that."
"It's just so insane. So, I'm like sitting here like, 'Is this [ __ ] coming from? Where is this actually coming from?'"
"Circumstances can be the same, but the way we react to them can be completely different depending on what kind of person you are."
"Let's see if he'll take it, oh man, look at her, oh my gosh, and he's gonna take it."
"I didn't expect this. This is over-the-top. It's crazy."
"If you're mad about anything, you're already in a victim state."
"Be aware of your reactions and how they shape your reality."
"I'd be insulted initially by some of the inroads they made to me."
"Wow, holy crap... I wasn't expecting that at all."
"From here to the rest of the career is a complete surprise to me, so it'll be some genuine reactions and all that."
"People react and grieve in different ways."
"Everyone's different, everyone reacts to everything differently."
"You only react to things that bother you."
"The way we react to the other comes not from the other but it comes from our wounding."