
Viewer Satisfaction Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Please make a point of seeing it and you will not be disappointed."
"Just because people are watching a lot of something doesn't actually mean that they necessarily enjoy it or that they're satisfied by it."
"And I couldn't end this review without praising the ending of the movie which delivers neither a heroic escape nor a cheap stinger to try to get one last scare out of the audience."
"I know for a fact you feel great right now because you just learned a shitload about support and resistance trading."
"The real win for the studio here isn't about who wins. It's that neither monster loses."
"Video chapters or timestamps allow viewers to find what they need and leave them satisfied, building trust and loyalty."
"The value you give to the viewer matters more than how fancy the videos look."
"Top Gun: Maverick exceeds both of them by a long shot."
"I thoroughly enjoyed this movie from start to finish."
"The whole goal, the whole mission, is to predict what the viewer wants to watch."
"The Season is too long, and one of the reasons it feels that way is because there is very little pay off here."
"What a way to end this season. We've seen a different side to Max this year."
"Toyota makes the most reliable hybrids in the world and arguably probably at this point the most reliable turbo engines as well."
"Reducing the amount of filler in the first 30 seconds of the video is almost certainly a good thing for long-term viewer satisfaction."
"That was such a great way to end the series."
"I am perfectly okay with Fleabag having only two seasons and you should too."
"It's satisfying to watch over and over again."
"My audience to me is very important. I try to keep my audience happy."
"It's kind of funny that even though Mr Beast squid game seems to have recreated most of the same challenges as this multi-million dollar Netflix production there are actually fewer complaints about the conditions the contestants were subjected to."
"Retention doesn't matter as much as people think it does... it's just viewer satisfaction, it can't just be retention, you know."
"Viewer satisfaction... one of their best indicators."
"Good movie, great movie... really liked it, very pleased."
"It definitely feels like a movie to watch again... satisfying to capture all the things that we missed."
"Almost every major issue I have with the living daylights is rectified here."
"We're feeling like hey, I could have used another 20-30 minutes."
"I thought the second season was already straight."
"The payoff, I promise, it's worth it in the end."
"If you stick with this video till the end, I think you'll be very happy you did."
"It was solid for what it is, I definitely don't regret watching it."
"What a beautiful ending, absolutely love that."
"We have to end this video on a win, I just don't, I know I like it, like if I don't end in a win then it's like, like when you guys finish the video it's nice when there's a win at the end you know."
"The more you enjoy it, the more your audience enjoys it."
"As a whole, I enjoyed this miniseries even more than Islands."
"I thought it was pretty good and by the measure of Game of Thrones I thought it was really good."
"All that really matters is a satisfying conclusion. If you don't have a good ending, then everything that came before could possibly be looked at as being somewhat unfulfilling."
"Ultimately, I want to please you guys and want to provide content that you're going to enjoy and get value from."
"It just makes it a little bit disappointing and as well as that I know viewers like it when something's working at the end."
"The happy ending: 'YouTube finally did something good.'"
"The action 1000% delivered when it was present on screen."
"It was probably the best pay-per-view of the year."
"If up until the final episode of Game of Thrones as a viewer you have remained quite happy with the show, I'm honestly thrilled for you because I wish I could find the same enjoyment."
"Thank you very much for watching this video. I do hope that you've enjoyed it and found it useful."
"Thank you for making an incredible show and providing an ending that it and US viewers deserved right up until that very final moment I applauded it."
"I'm here to make the viewers happy but most importantly I'm here to make myself happy too."
"I would love it if by the end of this video you've liked what you've watched."
"If you don't enjoy the action that you're seeing on the show, I don't know what to tell you."
"I really hope you guys enjoyed this video if not, I'm sorry."
"the most satisfying ending for a viewer would be to see everything blow up in Kendall's space"
"And this has been all for today. I hope you enjoyed the video, I hope it was helpful in any way, shape, or form."
"Kudos to WWE, good job on them making a right decision out of a show so far up until this point that didn't really offer anything to the viewer."
"If you watched tonight, your weekend is fulfilled."
"It's been our pleasure to serve you the best show on the Internet."
"...I hope you guys found this video to be worth the wait."
"It's been very satisfying that for basically everybody, I have already watched their first season already."
"For those of you who resisted watching it, I think you'll be much happier when you're able to see a finished product that is edited and polished with the effects and proper sounds."
"We've been having a phenomenal time doing this channel, and I know that you guys are really enjoying the content that we're putting out."
"That was pretty much worth sitting through for me."
"SEO, whether it's on YouTube or Google, it's all about giving the viewers exactly what they want."
"I certainly hope you guys enjoyed it."