
Perception Shift Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Instead of perceiving your reality as being third dimensional with fourth dimensional overlays, the fourth dimension becomes your primary reality."
"It's amazing how it takes tragedy sometimes to look at an idea and go that's a good idea because right now that would be like when you think about that specific person."
"Everything you knew about politics just changed in one day."
"A shift in soul, a difference in how you perceive and experience the world. Is it better? Is it worse? Now? No. But it's not the same."
"Life becomes heavenly, it's a whole shift in perception."
"Recognize the Brahman behind the appearance, don't stay at the level of the appearance." - Swami
"Falling asleep in the new assumption changes everything."
"Luffy sees the beauty of it and says, 'This monster is awesome. This monster's cool. This is our monster. This monster is interesting. I want.'"
"When we change our minds we literally begin to see the world with new eyes."
"The emotions, the feelings that in the past I might have said 'oh this shouldn't be happening' is actually an opportunity."
"By practicing being in the lucid zone... integrating information... you see things differently."
"Helping people to understand the enchantment is a great way for them to see past it."
"Once those who are open to transformation goes through the intense process they can never unsee what they now see for the rest of their lives."
"We live in a time now where that veil is coming off and people are starting to wake up and see more of that picture."
"It's when you start hearing this echo coming in strong."
"Miracles reawaken the awareness that the spirit, not the body, is the altar of truth."
"The miracle is simply a shift in perception from fear to love." - Marianne Williamson
"How can we reshape our lives? How can we reshape the way we see things? How do we shift our perception? I think that we have to start as a society."
"Once you get that revelation, you cannot un-see it."
"This is an energy of going deep. This is an energy of transcending our normal perception of reality."
"Could it be that the veil is lifting? Now that is a metaphor itself."
"When you actually do speak to them it's so different from what you've perceived that your whatever game plan you had going into it goes out the window."
"But ordinarily, it's just what you're used to. This may not seem ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. This will become ordinary."
"Seeing beauty where other people see garbage."
"You change the timelines immediately, immediately change the future, immediately feel it switching, switching, switching, yep."
"We're breaking out of this Matrix, we're seeing things differently."
"Now that I see the big picture, and now I think you're really wise because we have secrets at the back of the deck as well."
"Nintendo really was the savior of gaming because when they released the NES in 1985, it completely shifted people's perception of video games."
"Your spirit team is trying to protect you from this energy and from this kind of like drawing more negativity to yourself by helping you to release control of this situation right, to change what your perception of this is."
"Accessing the Fifth Dimension involves a significant expansion of consciousness and a change in perception of how we see and interact with the world."
"It's changed everything about what I used to think about homelessness."
"The shift in perception must occur in the exact proportion to which the valuelessness of sickness is recognized."
"Wow how we look at beauty is changing"
"Shift your perception to see things differently."
"One thing I will say about Colleen is that I do think people went from being like 'oh she's sexualizing herself'... but then now the conversation isn't about that, the conversation is about like is she okay...?"
"A lot of times if you kind of shift your perspective of how you're looking at something, it can kind of open up a window or door that you didn't see before. So that's the intention with that."
"Forgiveness is to give for one perception a much more expansive and life-giving perception."
"That is something that will also wake people up and realize, huh, something has clearly changed."
"True Blood's portrayal of vampires as complex, sympathetic characters helped to shift perceptions away from traditional horror tropes."
"I allow for a shift in perception; I'm able to reframe and see challenges through a different lens."
"Your perception of what constitutes big money has shifted or changed... huge sign wealth is coming your way."
"The miracle entails a sudden shift from horizontal to vertical perception."
"It's not about impressions, it's about improvement."
"Spotify has even coined this new trend hyper pop, a new brand of eccentric pop music that aims to shift listeners' perceptions of what pop can be and sound like."
"Better than I've ever been, totally awake, vivid, amazing, extraordinary shift in perception."
"Our practice of mindfulness is meant to help us see this, to help us look at things, look at reality from the point of view of experience."
"Time to reflect, change your present, challenge your perception."
"Shift your perception about abundance, about what you deserve."
"There's going to be a shifting to your perception and the way you see things."
"Help those of you who need a shift in perception to get yourself unstuck."