
Idea Validation Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Bad ideas will crumble and the good ideas will win."
"It's right to demand of any idea that there should be testable predictions."
"If you have to lie to people to support your ideas, change your ideas." - Andrew Klavan
"Feedback will progress your idea to impact, validation might make you feel better but they can't serve the same purpose. You got to choose one."
"If it's hard to explain, it's not a good idea yet."
"It's satisfying to test out an idea and have it work thanks to the systemic nature of the game design."
"Real good ideas stand the criticism all on their own."
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant. If you have good ideas, your ideas will stand up to scrutiny."
"So, when someone says to you, 'This is the greatest thing since sliced bread,' they're saying your idea is great."
"The only way to figure out whether that business idea that you have is worth doing is to get it out into the world."
"Truth is not based on what I say... truth is in the ideas themselves."
"If people tell you if you have a rational idea that it's not going to work, that means you have a genius idea."
"I think every idea is a good idea to just try, why not? You never know if one of your ideas was actually the right idea, then it's like, wow, you know?"
"A good idea will be a good idea no matter who supports it."
"If you've got good ideas, then good people will flock to you."
"Good ideas have to be backed up with hard work and that accepting criticism you can never go wrong with that"
"If your idea is good, what are you even afraid of?"
"Choose one idea to validate. Super simple, but still so many people miss this."
"Bad ideas eventually time is bad ideas worst enemy."
"If an idea is in my head, it's because I've seen a ton of evidence that it's right by that point."
"Embrace failure... it's not that you alone have failed, it's that the idea didn't have merit."
"Certain ideas have currency because they have the ability to predict features of the real world."
"I felt like I understood something about the format and it gave me more confidence in my ideas moving forward."
"Debate between experts about the evidence for claims can help us to identify weak points in the ideas."
"I think your idea about the paint was a good one."
"If we've got an idea, let's test it and see if it's actually got validity."
"Does a movie start with an idea or does it start with an audience?"
"The great thing is you don't have to prove this idea to yourself or to anyone else because you already know it's good."
"Programming is the vehicle to test whether these ideas are helping you to think in a practical way. The best thought has practical consequences."
"That's a brilliant idea, Harrison."
"No new idea in the history of the world has been proven in advance analytically."
"As soon as you get an idea, find some small way to test it. Immediate imperfect action is always the answer."
"Sounds like a good idea to me, hopefully it'll work."
"That's a great idea, Jennifer. I love that."
"That's perfect. That's a great idea."
"We have to make sure that our ideas fit the data."
"Sometimes his ideas are not that crazy, actually pretty good."
"It's the smartest idea I've ever heard in my entire life."
"So being able to validate your idea in only a few hours without having to schedule tons of meetings and get lots of people involved and plan lots of things, that's really cool."
"Most new ideas fail because the market simply does not care."
"It was a really good idea, so I'm glad we came up with it."
"That whole thing was a really great idea."
"Oh yes, I think that's a lovely idea."
"That is spectacular, I think that's a great idea."
"That's not a bad idea, that's cool."
"That's not a bad idea, yes indeed."
"This is absolutely an affirmation of the longer-term success of your idea."
"You are valuable, and your ideas are valuable."