
Action Sequence Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Mr. Philips: Introduces Trevor so well, iconic lines, cool shootout."
"For example, say you have one character swing at another. The other character is able to duck out of the way, causing the attacker to create a hole in the wall."
"Everybody online right now is talking about that Airport scene... it is a magnificent action sequence."
"The free running sequence in Madagascar is the best action sequence in the entire James Bond series."
"I got an idea, let's throw it at them and then you're gonna shoot it."
"The first frame of this movie is an intense action sequence."
"Constantly racing against the timer, trying to hit the multiple speed boost, weaving through a barrage of blaster bolts."
"There's one action sequence, a hallway fight, that is worth the price of admission alone."
"In the scene in which Indy and his father tried to escape in a Zeppelin, Indy throws Vogel out of a window."
"The 20-minute action set piece sequence at the very end where the Black Pearl finally goes one-on-one against the flying Dutchman in a storm of all storms."
"Every punch is lovingly crafted to be satisfying to watch and it just makes this whole fight rather striking."
"Alright come on this is what I wanted to orbital blast it I still will if I have to now bring it down bring it down bring it down."
"Harus realizes the danger he is in. He throws Tina over his shoulder and starts running as fast as he can."
"An action scene during the new Mad Max movie, and everything makes sense. You know what each character is doing and it all leads to itself."
"Once you break the third bracelet before he moves it forward, it actually goes to the air."
"Oh my god, the boat sequence where Jake has to steer it away from debris!"
"They get introduced in this cinematic where they make short work of a large group of rebels."
"Savored a dude for stop the blaster being wild force freezing Poe all in a matter of seconds. Come on!"
"Krillin then goes into a brief rage because of Yamcha's death and obliterates all of the Cybermen with a single blast."
"Carnom, mix of Carnage and Venom, web-swinging action."
"The frozen lake battle sequence took a whopping five weeks to shoot."
"She smashes her way out of the cage and with a combination of Earthbending and her newfound metal bending easily turns the tables on her captors."
"Orders of operations: kill the sectoid first, then follow up with the shredder rocket, then finish strong with a Papa Bear heat ammo special."
"The train sequence at the end of the film, that entire sequence, I'm really surprised they never really showed any of it in much of the marketing."
"He returns to America, eats a cheeseburger, refines his design, and wipes out the Ten Rings in a brutally effective display of the Iron Man's weapons."
"Bakugo blows up both of All for One's arms and saves All Might, changing the future."
"As far as action and fighting go, this has got to be one of the best chapters of Attack on Titan yet."
"It's a flex, it's a grab, it's a smash in that order."
"They're jumping, jumping. He might be dead. Here we go. Is it enough damage? I can't tell."
"That sequence with all the glass, the knife—that's probably my favorite sequence."
"Secret Invasion definitely, what they did there with that big boss battle."
"The action in John Wick 4 promises to be very intense."
"The bus fight scene is one of the greatest MCU fights to date."
"Boom! Hostile target located: Imperial Star Destroyer."
"This final fight was awesome with some stellar animation to go with all the ridiculously cool attacks thrown by Deku and All Might."
"Henry cavill's villainous John Locke that steals the show from the moment he reloads his arms for the best single fist fight in the entire franchise."
"how can you not Marvel at Tom Cruise in a high-speed car chase with only one hand free I'm intrigued to see where the AI storyline goes in part two and it remains to be seen if this will indeed be the final mission."
"Simple finds one, he finds two, this time he finds three."
"I grabbed it and ran down the road where eventually I found some ammo for it. Now it was time to make a play and get some gear back."
"Wonder Woman's fight against the anarchist is one of the best action sequences in the entire film."
"Prepare to jump to hyperspace in three, two, one... Punch it!"
"We're just gonna charge up a jump here to launch across this rooftop and then and slam ourselves into a cutscene room."
"Get ready to fight, I'm gonna kill some slavers, keep going through doors and escaping my blades."
"Now there was one day we were on set we're doing this scene that's in the trailer that where we're all running into battle and you know all of us are on set and it's just like 40 superheroes."
"I just saw someone fall out on one there's someone down here there's some down here you see Mighty Mite shield off where the heck is it where the heck is he okay well there's a few people."
"Zero Division's true power unleashed as Senjumaru activates her Bankai."
"Oh what a crash man, just demolished their car."
"My favorite action sequence of the film kicks off here as Paloma and Bond try to get away with Obrichev."
"It's time we assault Mero's hideout and take him out once and for all."
"This movie is going to open with some like Giant disaster that just builds and builds one Superman's going to stop this from happening and then something even worse is going to happen."
"He utilizes each of the turtle's weapons and even does a Neo running on the agent Smith clones from Matrix Reloaded move using Donny's stats."
"Let's go, let's go, we gotta go, three guards coming, roll, roll, roll!"
"The fantasy here is to dodge, weave, punch, amplify, electrify, punish, repeat."
"I'll boost you up, you grab it, you open it."
"Hydra operators are sending the orbs through the portal, yikes!"
"There's a wonderful ebb and flow to that action."
"Tony's first fight scene using the Mark II suit will probably go down in history as a defining moment when it comes to modern action sequences."
"That end whole sequence with Batman basically going through and trying to fight Joker, very good."
"He vaulted over the railing and suspended himself momentarily before letting go."
"What's your favorite action sequence in Star Wars history?"
"The scene where Hathaway has to catch his falling comrade from the sky was a kick-ass setpiece."
"Every subsequent action sequence was more badass than the last one."
"The fight on top of the train sequence is pretty accessible as far as action sequences go."
"That whole sequence of fighting Bellows was just getting sick getting to see loose Let's Go full which was incredible and that moment at the end with Bellows trying to plead with her her face she was not having it she didn't wasn't buying it for a second."
"This is probably one of, if not my very favorite vehicle-based action sequences in the entire series."
"Peter pulls together multiple strands to beat Electro, mirrored from a shot of Andrew Garfield doing this."
"The Ginza attack is one of the best Godzilla sequences ever put to film."
"You take out the ones on the second floor first, then whoever looks like they're about to shoot me next."
"Catch! You need a hand? Thanks, oh awesome, let's go."
"He grabs a pen and using it as a weapon, he begins to take down his assailant with precision."
"The Jedi leap out of the water back onto solid ground."
"I love nearly avoiding the guy chasing me and shattering through the glass as I make an epic jump."
"It's one of the best sequences I've ever seen in a movie; it was incredible."
"That Gurney chase out of the back of the ambulance was like one of the cooler action sequences I've seen in an anime."
"Beyond that, there's some great action sequences."
"He's almost like a judgmental figure; he comes in, so it's an Inspector Calls but with gunplay."
"The suspense they built up... there's only one way out, and Indy's got to cut the rope."
"The big advantage of a procedural garbage matte is that it will follow along with our action."
"It’s plain to see here as Goku starts to backflip away from Jiren’s blasts, and the plumes of smoke explode around him."
"That one-on-one with our man and Artemis in the bathroom was insane, definitely the best fight of the show."