
Series Recommendation Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"One of the most underrated anime: 'Re:Zero' Season 1."
"These stories are fascinating enough by virtue of their nature and conception; it's what lies at the heart of this series that really makes me want to thrust it into everyone's hands."
"Do you like brilliantly written characters? This is your series."
"It's just so good, in one of my all-time favorite fantasy series."
"I would like to see Blades in the Dark featured in the 'Other Games You Might Like' series."
"True Detective season 4 starts tonight strong recommend."
"Do not let the name fool you, it's an amazing series full of awesomeness and creativity."
"You gotta love Netflix series, man, 'Jersey Breaking Bad,' that's a good one."
"Definitely planning to watch it, finishing up 'All of Us Are Dead' which is really good by the way."
"A few times now slime incarnation has shown in a remarkable capacity for finding grounded human moments in outlandish concepts and fantasy clichés."
"This has been a very powerful series to watch thank you for suggesting it."
"I've heard good things about this series. Drama, psychological, Shonen. It's psychological tag on that, so that sounds really, really good."
"Probably gonna be really good. Beastars. I've heard a lot of good things about it."
"If you have any interest in getting into the Kingdom Hearts series, now is actually the best time."
"Just a perfect two-book series that I highly recommend checking out."
"Peaky Blinders would definitely recommend that."
"This series is just everything. It's just so good, you just have to read it."
"Highly recommend all of the True Detective Seasons actually."
"I would highly highly recommend you check out the Hermit Quest series and see if it's for you because this season is a heck of a lot better than last time."
"I've started rewatching Handmaid's Tale and it is very very good television excellence."
"I highly recommend the series to everybody... it's cute, it's funny, it's expertly made, and most of all, heart."
"Thank you for joining me, I hope that this gave you some series to jump into"
"Jane the Virgin is amazing from start to finish."
"The series was just so good I'm so happy to over read it I was saying right now I think this book is sitting at a 4.5 for me I really really enjoyed it and again cannot speak more highly of this series seriously check it out..."
"I never want this series to end and I could not recommend it more."
"If these sorts of topics Fascinate you too then I'd really check out one dream series redefining reality."
"In my opinion, this is one of the best series on television right now."
"Love this book so much, we couldn't recommend this series more."
"Farscape is now like one of my all-time favorite shows"
"Breaking Bad, genuinely one of the best shows ever made. That [__] is so good."
"...definitely check this series out, get your hands on it, it's a really good one."
"I was so beyond excited that I finally completed the series as it is such a great series I highly recommend it just a great Supernatural shown in series done by the same Creator as Hunter Hunter so yeah"
"This series is brilliant, trust me."
"Such a good series. If you guys want a good series, So I'm just better so what is the series to get."
"They should, and they should watch 'Mindhunter' on Netflix and they should watch Shoot Your Shot."
"Everybody should read this series; Lana and Logan can do no wrong."
"I highly recommend Kakuranger and I give it a 5 out of 5 grown-ups in spandex."
"If you can get the chance to pick up this series, please, you gotta because I want to see more series like this."
"You should go watch it even if you haven't seen Breaking Bad."
"Better Call Saul is great, if you're a Breaking Bad fan, it's absolutely a must-watch."
"If you're a fan of either squid game or Black Mirror I highly recommend."
"I would highly recommend this series."
"If you enjoy Welcome Home and the secrets that they have, you're probably going to enjoy this one."
"Oh my God, you aren't caught up with this one? This is the latest series from the creative geniuses over at Glitch Productions."
"If you haven't watched Good Omens, you should."
"If you want a coming of age series, I really recommend Paradise Kiss."
"If you want a fun, intelligent, interesting series that ends up having long lasting, long loved appeal, you call Arakawa."
"This is a Zombie Survival Series which is so good."
"It's a solid miniseries, and if you want to start here as your journey for Critical Role, you can't really go wrong."
"Everybody I've shown Invincible to, even if they don't traditionally like animation, they can get into it."
"Check out Sakamoto Days, it's a super super cool series and it deserves even more attention than it already has."
"I highly recommend Full Metal Alchemist, it is an amazing series."
"If you're watching my series and not watching his, please go and watch his as well."