
Casual Tone Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"That's what happens when you have friends in serious places."
"For now, my name's been Daz, you didn't really care, and I'll see you in a bit."
"It's mischief night so I'm not going to be too late for trick-or-treating, that's tomorrow bro, that's tomorrow."
"Christianity is like, 'God said this.' What source? Believe me, and so trust me, bro."
"I'm literally just standing in this guy's way of course this guy with the shades on of course he's running it all right you're all loaded bro."
"Upgrade a base, upgrade a life. No offense, my dude."
"If you don't do the ish yeah the ish we'd still be paying so yeah maybe another five years yeah."
"I wasn't in any kind of crazy trouble or nothing like that."
"That's it for the Lan show this week. See you again next week, same bad time, same bad channel except not."
"I hope to see you in the next one. Take it easy."
"Life's a fragile thing. Here one minute you're chewing on a burger, the next minute you're dead meat."
"I feel amazing. You're not concerned about deleveraging? Oh no, buy the blood, banter fam, right?"
"What's wrong with mac and cheese? I mean, nothing. And at face value, it's absurd."
"Let me know in the comments what you want for Christmas this year now me personally I just want some socks because you can never go wrong with socks."
"This is an improvement over what I currently got going on, dude."
"And the ghost is clearly just doing their thing."
"Honestly, screw it. See Javier, never mind I found him. Come along big dog."
"Thank you kindly for watching, this has been Cities Skylines Green Cities part whatever it is, part 9 I think, whatever part whatever it is."
"That was crazy, bro. Hope you guys enjoyed the video."
"Meanwhile all right guys so the boys finally got here."
"But you know it's just fun, you know what I mean. It's like working out like we're getting more reps, and the more reps we get like the better and the smoother everything goes."
"Smile because it happens, oh yeah, but also you know like things like series and stuff that you like."
"Grab a coffee or a drink or a glass of wine because... I really want to give you all of the information!"
"So, I think that this is a good place to stop... I'll see you in the next one."
"My meeting with Wilbur was pretty easy, really easy clap."
"Let me know in the comment section below and uh have a good day or night or whatever the [__] you're at I'm out peace."
"I've had more of these things, man. How many? A lot."
"Can you stay like super still? Can you use the voice on the worm?"
"We didn't capture G O'Connor unfortunately but it's all good."
"That's how it's going to be, crazy, you know what I mean?"
"What do you think, sweet Maya? All we need is time... and money."
"I try to say it very conversationally and nicely."
"Thanks for tuning in guys, thanks for being here even if you get me in trouble, or the producers. I'm gonna need another hot pocket."
"You can't tell me you don't, like, love McDonald's. Like, oh."
"I'm gonna drink the H-E-B brand cola. Yeah, RC, Santa. I'm good with that."
"We got a promo player pick, go ahead why not."
"Sorry to have kept you waiting, but of course here we are."
"Scott, I'm sorry you found out, man, go ahead, get your shirt."
"Alright guys, let's uh, let's have some fun."
"The finesse shots, that's all you need to say, man."
"This is something I always think is funny...it's basically the spare parts J."
"I just come across some ones that just don't like... Some of them want to align your chakras which I'm okay with like whatever no you know what I'm saying."
"Black guys timing is the best timing so we're just gonna float until then."
"Can I do one shout out? Of course. Shout out to Tony, best producer in the game, no cap."
"Definitely go check it out if you want to, and I'm gonna go clean up my desk. Thanks Kara for sponsoring, love ya, bye."
"Nobody had the keys, that was just a big oops there, dude."
"My name is Sugar yeah and I ain't got no voo but I'm chilling here today."
"Simba, you know, the chosen one or whatever he said."
"I mean how could I pass that up I I could never you guys know me I love me some low-hanging fruit."
"They're getting really, really gangster, dude."
"That's pretty much it, guys. A special shout out to the owner again. Make sure you check out the Minions 2 Simulator update linked in the description. And always brush your teeth. Thanks for watching, have a good day, and see you later."
"Welcome to the morning of the baby shower, happy baby shower! We are all late."
"No one's gonna know where Miss Rockwell went. Hey, the cows are still alive, that's all that matters, right?"
"Salutation salivation, this is so good. I love this."
"Who doesn't like free [stuff]? Plus you get to hear me swear a lot."
"It's not financial advice, but if you made some money, I mean who cares."
"No pressure at all, okay here we go, here we go, here we go."
"I'm all about the best about the oh no ah floppy fish boy, I caught a king salmon baby chick mate."
"I don't care and Robert can Junior doesn't care."
"Grab your popcorn, kick your feet up, let's go ahead and get into this video."
"One of the exceptional aspects of Brian's confession is the level of detail he provides together with his casual commentary and jokes."
"I like mine kind of burnt, okay, and I do be flipping them over with my fingers."
"Yeah, straws are killing turtles, but shut the [ __ ] up about turtles, dude. I like turtles too, but come on."
"It's just the thing, you know? I wasn't gonna not drive home."
"Yeah it's slight upgrades but it's nothing like game breaking it's mostly except for the hand cannon oh there's the the foam finger the foam finger I just give myself that weapon."
"Does anybody know which way I'm supposed to go? Not this way."
"I sacked him three times whoa didn't compliment you yeah I mean not immediately after."
"I'm only doing this because I understand it. That's fine, this is fun."
"Nothing much, just I want something a little bit asleep but I have a fashion line it's called my name the clothes are sick you should buy them and yeah thanks hello world."
"I think one of the reasons I'm willing to spit is like my opinion is still my opinion and like you know take it with a grain of salt."
"Have a wonderful beautiful day. Chill man, you're going to."
"I'm making dinner I made the dinner I came to get you come stay whatever you want I don't really give a [ __ ]."
"It's something we were prototyping, you know."
"Accuracy 80, I'll take that. If I got an 80% in school, I'd be like, 'Yeah dude!'"
"It's all good as they say, get in the hood right."
"Normally you go for a band-aid, Greg, you know, maybe run it under some water in the kitchen."
"Everything in me would believe mixing raspberry lemonade and Mountain Dew should be fine."
"Let's just say we're meeting with producers, ooh, no big deal."
"Wash your [ __ ] hands... and have fun play video games."
"These are my props right here, so if y'all be wondering where I get my props from, these are all my props right here, we got, you want to stay here? Oh god, you don't say, anything we got, that right now."
"Don't forget to follow me on Instagram I've been posting a lot more on there and but just go for it or don't whatever I hope the an amazing day they'll give this video a thumbs up if you want to see more and that's all I got for you by."
"Good game would buy a new underwear on Amazon."
"Anyways I'll see you guys next time with another video peace out."
"I know I said I'd skip a lot but uh yeah."
"If you see me eating do whip for the literal 15th time, mind your business."
"As always, I gotta bounce, I'll catch y'all in 2023, peace out."
"Stay healthy though, you know what I'm saying?"
"I quite like the casual nature of this show."
"I love that he literally says 'I got that from Caesar' - that sounds so much more colloquial."
"Hey man, I just work here, these guys are crazy."
"Are you chilling like a big boy? Are you chilling like a villain?"