
Cultural Fascination Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Demons... remain the object of perennial fascination."
"Knowing that the structure used to exist as a mundane parking lot snack location is weirdly fascinating."
"Our fascination with mermaids isn't going anywhere."
"People around the world are fascinated by this place not just stalkers."
"The lore of treasure and treasure hunting is so like crazy deeply ingrained and people... they'll do anything to look for treasure."
"It may have already been known in some ways but the fact that Goddess statues can sense each other and their condition fascinated me."
"I think it's fair to say that almost all of us are intrigued by the gangster rap lifestyle."
"What is it about conspiracies and aliens that are attracting people like a magnet?"
"The dwemer are without a doubt one of the most fascinating races to ever grace the elder scrolls timeline."
"Remember the guy who got plastic surgery to become a Korean woman?"
"Crystal skulls have captured the fascination of people around the world due to their mysterious appearance and the legends associated with them."
"The danger or illicit aspect of moonshine production makes it intriguing for many people."
"I find all this cult stuff super interesting."
"What is it about monsters that fascinates us?"
"That inauthenticity is at the root of our fascination with the cool Heather."
"The fascination with Western weddings got started in the ‘80s, when millions of Japanese citizens watched celebrities like Princess Diana and singer Momoe Yamaguchi take their vows on TV."
"Her story serves as a reminder that the paranormal continues to captivate our curiosity."
"The lost city of Atlantis is one unexplained mystery that has stood the test of time."
"In short, tribes are fascinating because there's no direction you can't take them."
"Black eyed anything is [ __ ] scary so I get why people are so obsessed with this this topic."
"It's kind of difficult to imagine that someone lives this kind of life in this day and age, but it is very, very fascinating."
"Nowhere is affection for his Britannic Majesty stronger than in the fabled lands of India."
"Ask yourself, why are vampires always the hot monster?"
"Humans love monsters: dragons, werewolves, vampires..."
"The mystery of the Loch Ness Monster continues to fascinate millions around the world."
"Why do you think people are so fascinated by dragons?"
"Fascinated by Egypt, its mysteries, history, culture, weapons, soldiers."
"The enduring mystery of Bigfoot continues to captivate and perplex the world."
"More than a century after it struck an iceberg and sank beneath the waves, the royal mail ship Titanic continues to capture the popular imagination."
"Swords are cool as fuck. But they were not the primary weapons of most warriors in pre-modern times."
"Foreign mysteries are often fascinating because they appeal to our innate curiosity as humans."
"I love Cults. I mean, I don't love them but I'm very fascinated by them."
"I apologize I'm probably not gonna shut the [__] up about Japan for like a while."
"Giants are as much a part of our culture today as they used to be. There's just something about massive towering versions of ourselves that inspire awe and fear into us."
"Nerds worldwide would dive into the zombie culture and embrace it thoroughly."
"The khajiit are the most interesting... with the moons and everything in there."
"John's legacy: an enduring fascination with North Sentinel Island."
"Japan is one of those countries that's high on everyone's list if they've never visited. It's a fascinating place."
"The mystery of the lost city of Atlantis still captures the imagination of millions."
"The enduring allure of the Palmyra Wolves symbolizes our fascination with the unknown and the power of folklore in shaping our perception of the world."
"Ancient Egypt: one of the most fascinating civilizations on earth."
"Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds - everyone loves diamonds, right?"
"The Patterson gimlin film continues to Fascinate and Spark discussions about the existence of elusive creatures that may hide in the unexplored corners of our world."
"Dreaming about the zombie apocalypse is an American pastime that rivals baseball."
"I feel like the main reason why I'm loving this book so much so far is because it really speaks to like 17-year-old me who is just obsessed with England."
"There can be no doubt that the cult of death and the insistence upon portents of the end proceed from a some traitors desire to see it happen."
"The fascination was that Suretsi was a chief."
"Death has been one of the most fascinating parts of culture throughout history."
"The legacy of the commites, whether divinely, extraterrestrially, or humanly inspired, continues to captivate us and will likely do so for many millennia to come."
"The Greeks loved Egypt; they were super fascinated by Egyptian culture and their discoveries."
"Why is the Northern European temperament always inspired by the tropical and South Seas lifestyle? There's a parallel there. What's the allure of paradise? I think the opposites attract."
"I am fascinated by ancient cultures, and I'm as fascinated by Japanese culture as I am by Egyptian culture or Chinese dynasties."
"Egyptomania: a reference to the obsession that many people have with ancient Egypt."
"That's the thing that's most interesting to me, how this mythical creature has kind of perpetuated in our culture."
"This country is obsessed with vending machines."
"This period steeped in Victorian era fascination saw ancient cultures not as relics of the past but as windows into a grand albeit lost world."
"I'm a bit of an Americanophile. I'm quite obsessed with American culture in a lot of ways."
"I got obsessed with this... I also just started falling in love with India without even coming here."