
Customer Dissatisfaction Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"A refund is a key indicator to the level of aggravation people are feeling."
"Shout out to Comcast being the [ __ ] worst."
"I will never be buying from Daily Harvest, both because of the effects... but also just the overall way that Daily Harvest has handled this whole situation. I am not a fan."
"You wonder why they're leaving left and right again, arrogance precedes them."
"If this is the direction that Square Enix is planning to take, if they're just gonna go full EA on us from here on out..."
"It was just so fun to sit around inside the restaurant. We said we wouldn't think we'd be doing this, to just sit here. It's a real luxury to sit there and complain about food that isn't good."
"Tactics like this didn't exactly win over any die-hard Netflix users and only served to further alienate their already frustrated and rapidly dwindling customer base."
"It's bad marketing, it's not good. It's not a good look. It's gonna make people upset."
"So if you guys are going to promote all week that Nicki is supposed to be live streamed during Hulu, and then they just switch it up..."
"None of my friends, colleagues, or family members will ever purchase a plan from you. That's a promise."
"Thank you UPS, I'm sure this poster that says 'do not bend' right on the packaging will hang up great."
"Backers have all the right to be pissed and express their disdain towards how such an exciting project was mishandled."
"This is just absolutely unacceptable to launch a game like that here in 2023."
"A lot of people are very upset with how this game has launched."
"Their goal wasn't to make players happy, it wasn't to make a better game system, their goal was to monetize everybody more effectively."
"I've never been more consistently disappointed by a company than Game Freak for Pokémon."
"Nintendo is either grossly incompetent or massively ignorant."
"Karen gives a bad review because she doesn't like that they have one breakfast option."
"And to see just how bad all this can get, let's go back to PG&E, arguably California's most hated company. In fact, a quick skim through any PG&E affiliate's Yelp page gives you just a taste of that because you'll find reviews like..."
"It's a slap in the face to fans of the franchise who have supported it for so long."
"Customer dissatisfaction equals lost business."
"It's still the idea that we now have to pay for these benefits that were once complementary that keeps guests riled up."
"Nobody's like 'Great gym!' It's all 'They scammed me out of my money!'"
"I really did not appreciate being pressed by the sales guy into giving tens."
"Even the soccer mom that comes in... she may very well be into all sorts of you know have found on the gym type of shits but but but she's gonna be pissed eventually."
"The Perth Mint is in default. I'm hearing horror story after horror story involving the Perth Mint. People can't convert from synthetic to physical."
"What kind of dog [ __ ] return is that, bro? You get people to spend 360 euros and you get 36."
"Passengers are never satisfied these days. You give them one thing, the appetite actually increases."
"It's bloody awful and certainly not the experience someone who just spent $800 us on our 2080 is looking for."
"This bothered me as I was paying for a custom tattoo design and I feel the price I was quoted four thousand dollars reflected this."
"I was slightly disenfranchised with the whole GM experience."
"They don't put enough meat on it, and they don't grill. Nah, I'm not doing that, no way Jose, not doing it."
"It's truly a shame because you just, we grew up with Disney and it doesn't seem like it would be that hard of a fix, you know, it doesn't seem like, 'Hey, you know what we messed up here.'"
"People get pissed off and without fail, you have general admission people getting in before paid VIP."
"Help me make that make sense, because frankly, the experience alone was enough for me to never book with her ever again."
"Creating artificial restrictions like this for no logical reason beyond monetization is how you piss people off."
"This isn't just a growing Together release thing this has been going on for so long and it's just getting to a point where it's just unacceptable."
"This already makes Grand Theft Auto Trilogy Definitive Edition among the worst user-rated games in Metacritic history."
"Why would they say it's in poor condition when it actually looks really good? Gaslighting me, dude."
"Many people requested this video As Dead matter has an incredibly High number of disgruntled backers and ex-employees however unlike in many of the other Kickstarter to court series they seem to suffer from incompetence and not from malevolence."
"These designs are really cute but these are not the designs I wanted why did you send these to me seller I wrote a very honest review on them."
"Living hell and he could not handle it and he refused to live under these conditions and didn't stay one night at this place and demanded his money back."
"Missing features, broken promises: the Madden experience."
"The food is so bad, how though? Like do they just like not care as much about the Chuck E Cheese's?"
"Paid online service? For what we're getting, it's not worth the price."
"People hate Nike because they could easily solve this problem."
"I regret ever recommending Trezor hardware wallet... they clearly care more about profits than their customers or their customers' privacy."
"Boost Mobile can eat a dick. Mobile is terrible."
"Madden 19 PlayStation 4 with a hair that was on it, it's gross."
"The food quality has dropped... veggies came out raw."
"I absolutely love it, I don't know why these are discontinued, that was a stupid decision."