
Learning Attitude Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Good people like people who are ready and willing to work and learn."
"Be willing to be wrong, or you're never going to learn a damn thing."
"If you respect that and then you come in, not to show your knowledge but to say, 'look, we've read everything that you've said but we've got some questions.'"
"Oh, I think I found it. See, there's no such thing as a mistake, just happy accidents. Let's go."
"I'm a sponge, always willing to learn and work with people."
"Being genuinely curious is a really good first step, I think."
"Just assume always assume that the person you're talking to has something to teach you."
"You have to be the one to ask questions if you don't know all the information about a subject. That means you have something to learn, which is not a bad thing."
"I'm not going to be afraid to learn. I can do it."
"Let it be a lesson for all of us that if we ever get caught in a situation where we don't know the answer it is okay to just say I don't know."
"If you don't like something, learn about it and it will teach you something."
"Understanding and being unafraid to learn is the key."
"Don't think about how anything makes you look. A dumb question, bad code, focus on solving the problem and how you're going to solve the next one even better."
"We don't think we're always right, we're always learning."
"I'm not afraid of getting things wrong. I believe that everything is a lesson and you shouldn't have any regrets at the end of the day."
"I may be a rookie at your little sport but I'm a fast learner."
"I think culturally, in the UK through Asia and in Australia, people are a lot more willing to be like, hey, I don't know, I need to learn more from this."
"Don't come into things with a chip on your shoulder and be really receptive to knowledge and information from people."
"I have very little ego when it comes to learning."
"Do not be afraid of making mistakes or of temporary failures."
"You can always learn something from yourself as you age."
"It's not a sin not to know; it's a sin to not want to find out."
"When you're curious, you lean forward and you watch."
"There are no stupid questions. If you don't know, the best thing to do is ask."
"I approach everything by asking loads of questions and not being ashamed of asking questions."
"If you're gonna do it, do it to learn all or not, it doesn't have to be all or nothing."
"Being playful and enthusiastic helps you improve faster."
"Being a beginner is the ultimate state to be in mentally."
"You have to grow, you have to be willing to learn and bounce back."
"Sometimes you guys very nicely point out some of the mistakes I make, and that is always really appreciated so I can go and fix them."
"Women are not afraid to ask questions because they want to learn and they wanna be better and they wanna succeed."
"Being a great orator is really about being a great listener. Being a great teacher is really about being a great student."
"Learning is best done with an open mind rather than a hostile one."
"Empty out the cup. Do not stop yourself from learning today."
"Approach poker with the mindset of constant learning and improvement."
"If you're willing to identify that you don't know when you don't know and you're willing to be shown to be wrong and to be honest in the discussion that surrounds us, I don't know how you can really go wrong."
"Just do it, man. Just try it and if it fails, it fails."
"Be ready to learn and be hungry to learn and give max effort always."
"The only stupid question is the one you don't ask."
"When you see someone else's mess, be a student, not a critic."
"It's your attitude to learn new things and what you have learned till now."
"Learning is fun; what can I gain from this?"
"The most important technique is your attitude toward learning."
"I'm not afraid to look stupid, I know you guys like that because you learn from it."
"Be nice to everyone, be respectful, be a sponge, soak up as much as you can."
"Charlemagne was not aloof in his attitude to learning."
"Keep a growth mindset instead of this pass/fail mindset."
"Take from the good, filter through that, and just be a sponge."
"The best way to learn and the best way to make progress is just putting on my athlete hat and saying, 'Yes coach, here we go.'"
"Never feel bad about making a mistake, what you should feel bad about is not learning from your mistakes."
"If you are in a learning mindset, if you get questions wrong, you'll be curious, not disappointed."
"It didn't matter if I thought I was gonna be good at this; you don't have to be good at this, you just have to be willing to learn how to get good at it."
"Lastly, you're going to need curiosity and patience."
"Modeling enjoyment, curiosity, and a willingness to try new things goes a long way to encouraging a positive attitude toward learning."
"It's a pleasure, Don Daanish. I like that you're not arrogant, you're always open to learn, to listening, and not shutting people down."
"I'd rather work with people who are willing to learn and are positive, it might not be that great at coding, than to work with someone who's super good at coding but is arrogant and doesn't take any advice from anybody."
"I'm gonna be very attentive and ask a lot of questions."
"It's the attitude towards learning how you train your mind that I will learn every day, every week, every month, every year a new skill."
"I'm not a know-it-all, definitely not. I will take any advice I can and I will soak up every piece of advice that I come across."
"I like to learn from [negative and positive comments]."