
Astrological Event Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"New moons indicate a new chapter starting or a new beginning."
"Jupiter returns to the same place as it was when you were born, it is known as your Jupiter return."
"A lunar eclipse enlightens what the solar eclipse darkened."
"Friday is the best day of the week, in my opinion. It's one of the most powerful positive new moons I think we've had in forevers."
"But bigger than that, this is also the day of the great conjunction."
"Pluto retrograde is here for your greater healing."
"Hope is the word that I would say applies to the Gemini new moon."
"Mercury coining with Pluto on February 5th is the bellmark pitch pipe of this event."
"So much more peace and harmony and love, a powerful position on Venus between 17 November and 12th of December."
"Friday is sunny and certain, it's the new moon."
"This full moon in Capricorn is in your ninth house. There's going to be a sense of something coming to a completion, making room for something else to come through."
"An eclipse is a very powerful energy that sees you reassessing what you value in life."
"New moon in Capricorn... absolutely mind-blowing moment in time."
"Let's all hold a good thought that uh the eclipse is good to us in the week ahead."
"Think of this as the Moon's Last Stand, co-present with Pluto for the last time in 248 years."
"October 28th Eclipse may signify the end of the pandemic."
"THIS SOLAR ECLIPSE is a NORTH NODE eclipse, representing new beginnings."
"Embrace this energy, live it up, love it up, and happy Scorpio season, Libras."
"Saturn and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn is like a convergence of radical conformity and newfound freedom."
"That's a Saturn return for the ages. You just lose $152 billion."
"All good things at the end of this retrograde for Scorpio."
"Jupiter enters Pisces: love this for you because it is a fellow water sign."
"Mars Venus conjunction: a sizzling hot vibe."
"This particular Jupiter Uranus conjunction will be extra unique."
"Full moon in the 11th house: Closure and manifestation of dreams."
"Venus is reborn as the goddess of love just once every 19 months, so it's a rare, after-watch event."
"Last time all planets were moving direct, something new came."
"It's a really an incredible astrological time, you might just have the perfect space dream space series of events."
"We don't have a Venus retrograde every year; it's a rare opportunity for profound transformation."
"But we also have Uranus very closely aligned to it in Taurus so this is going to bring in a lot of surprises over the next few weeks."
"This Tower is coming out exactly around the time of the 20th of April, around the time that Jupiter will conjunct Uranus in the sky which will bring amplified random change into all of our lives."
"Pluto conjunct South node creates a powerful energy, challenging us to act."
"Saturn in Capricorn: it's time to get real, it's a reality check."
"Scorpio New Moon will assist us with our intuition, dreams, visions, and spiritual connections."
"The Venus retrograde journey is a rich, shamanic experience."
"To have these two planets get together and especially at this moment in history to me represents taking those very ideas and finding ways to make it real."
"Mars at the heart of the Sun, which is a once every two year thing; that’s like one day every two years, and it overlaps almost perfectly with the new Moon in Libra."
"I always imagine with South Node eclipses; that ring of fire, or the redness of the Moon creating a pretty little gateway, and things just disappear through that gateway, temporarily."
"On the 11th of July, when Mercury turns direct, it's a very good sign for everyone."
"This Aries solar eclipse is about getting over your fear of being misunderstood."
"This full moon in Scorpio does bridge us to what I'm calling the ultimate trap."
"Being in the midst of a Saturn-Pluto conjunction, things are going to change during this time over the course of the next year that will have long-term implications over the course of the next 30 and 40 years."
"Things become more clear for you with this Aries eclipse and it clarifies for you."
"Lunar eclipses tend to bring things right there's a full moon so uh fullness completion fruition drama elucidation things being Unearthed things being brought into the light things coming out of the darkness hidden things coming out."
"This full moon that we're under, this eclipse we're under, is very rare."
"This Eclipse, I want you to think of it as being cathartic, as a purging."
"We have a visionary, cosmically attuned Aquarius New Moon that potentially is going to bring us an inner reset."
"You're going to be celebrated and it looks like you're going to have some form of success around the time of this eclipse."
"The Sun-Jupiter conjunction that's happening on April 11th in the sign of Aries, followed by a solar eclipse at the anaretic 29th degree of Aries."
"This is the week of the new moon in Leo. Wow, this is gonna be interesting."
"Pluto is visiting Capricorn for the last time in about 250 years."
"This Sagittarius full moon is about sovereignty, it's about liberation, it's about taking ownership of your own path, of your own life, of your own destiny."
"Embrace that trust in that truth, you move forward in the full moon in Aries."