
Personal Adaptation Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Hopeful that Colin Dudley was getting comfortable with her pregnancy."
"There is a million ways to work...you got to try out and see what works well for you."
"How can I overdo what I'm currently doing... the world is changing at such a lightning speed."
"You try to adjust how you show love so that you're doing the thing the other person feels the most loved by."
"We adapt when we want the world to get better for us and we want to feel better."
"Just because I'm not used to it doesn't mean that's necessarily a bad thing."
"If you guys want me to do a summer one definitely let me know I can do it seasonally because I just feel like I'm constantly changing the way I edit my pictures."
"It's not failure, it's not giving up, it just means that you found that actually there's an easier way or a different approach that suits you best."
"When I first was injured and people talked about oh there's just New Normal don't worry don't get to a new normal it's been five years out and there is no new normal because Normal keeps changing."
"Overwhelmingly people wanted this evolution and even though I was leaning in the opposite direction at first you've convinced me, let's evolve."
"I think at the end of the day it's you know you're a team it's teamwork it's about you know supporting each other it's about compromise and whatever works for like your situation."
"When Sarah has the filter turned off, it's a scary world, but she adapts to it."
"Stress reduction can really have a different meaning for your season of life."
"Change is unavoidable, there is no going back."
"I tried so hard to find the form that best suited you."
"I moved my farm over but I kept the same design."
"Do what you can, find what works for you, and don't let the ideal dictate your approach."
"Find the nourishment that speaks to the way that your brain works."
"Rubber duck debugging works better with a teddy but it does work."
"It challenges them, it causes their lives to completely change."
"Short people like me on a slope like this, I had to stand on my toes. But normally I don't have to."
"It's the most foolproof way. I mean, I'm neurodivergent, so maybe it's the most foolproof for me because I'd never be able to feel it in the air or whatever neurotypical people do."
"Studying is all about figuring out what works for you and for the class."
"The best way for you to learn is to take the players... what works for you."
"I could get used to this whole living and normal life stuff."
"She could try to adjust, could let her life fade into a gray routine of diner breakfasts and drinks at the one bar in town and endless cups of coffee, or she could find a way to lean into the inherent strangeness of being back home."
"If you are going to be a great investor, you have to fit the style to who you are."
"Don't be a fanboy. Copying Sebum's routine blindly will only destroy your gains."
"Take it with a grain of salt, figure out what works for you and what doesn't work for you."
"You don't need to slavishly copy everything that I'm showing you, I'm just helping you understand the overall effect and how to build it up."
"Change is always uncomfortable, but hopefully we've got a smooth and easier time ahead of us."
"We're all sitting at home in quarantine as you can see I set up my home office I got our microphone here."
"I've never had to make a video like this before so this is a bit new to me. I'm gonna try and talk about this in a conversational and, you know, just general manner."
"I think every individual has to find the dietary transition that's gonna be doable for them in the long term and be gonna maximize their long-term health."
"I'm adjusting slowly but surely. I am adjusting."
"Everything that you take from this video, I want you to take on board, really understand, know how the custom tactic system works, and tweak things to your own game style."
"My hands are my eyes, so my hands really are how I see the world as a blind person."
"There's a certain sense of relief that they feel... that means that they can work with it, adjust to it, integrate it into their whole lifetime, their personality."
"It was sensational, how he read people and adjusted his motivational tactics."
"Victor felt lucky that he didn't miss his homeland more than he did."
"But it can also mean adjust your crown the crown is to know so adjust your knowingness know that you will be successful know that you are going to be at the top of your game and achieve your goals."
"Once you get the hang of it, it's something that will just become second nature."
"He quickly figured out to really make it he'd have to use his unorthodox makeup to find his place in the league."
"Success leaves clues man. Find someone who's got what you want, study what they do every aspect of it, and then add yourself to it."
"I'm about what works for you in your context in your situation in your life."
"There are two ways to be happy: change the situation or change your mindset to it."
"It's with anyone with ADHD, it's a dream come true, basically. You keep that. Yeah, you just keep switching to different people."
"Never would I have imagined being practicing during a pandemic but here we are."
"I just don't know if I would ever function at a normal job."
"Do what works for you. I walk in my fasting window."
"You're not going to stay the same for 50 years, your needs, your wants, your desires, and what's available is going to change."
"That's why I don't really let fame or having to be in a spotlight make me feel a certain way because I'm used to having bread."
"I may just move my laptop here for when I'm not welding. This is... hey, that's a good idea, dude."
"You're definitely going to have to kind of pay attention to things that you probably didn't have to pay attention to before."
"I've had to buy some new jeans, some bigger jeans during quarantine, that was rough."
"Find inspiration from style icons, integrating elements into your own unique look."
"It's trial and error, figure out what works for you."
"I just don’t have the speed to process everything deeply."
"The best diet is the one you can stick to for yourself."
"There's not really a strict right or wrong way of doing any of this stuff, it's what feels comfortable, what works for you."
"Make it work for you, do whatever you have to do."
"Modify exercises to your level, adjust reps, or add weight for progression."
"Make the tool fit you, don't force yourself to fit the tool."
"Every body is so different and can be so extremely different, so you need to make it work for your body."
"Trust your intuition. Whatever this is, you will take to it like a duck to water."
"I used to take notes purely on paper but I then got an iPad Pro and have never looked back since."
"We're learning how to trust ourselves even more as we see these World changes unfold."
"But I've definitely gotten used to having more time away from work."
"2020: a shift in thinking and approach towards life."
"Only make changes if they work for you and make gradual incremental changes if you do need to make changes."
"I'm the same person, but I have to think of myself as a different person when I get on this camera."
"Always adjust these recipes to whatever fits your needs, that's what it's all about."
"A reflection on how difficult it's been for him to integrate into the Chelsea lineup."
"Find one that works best for you or just change your lifestyle."
"Honestly the lockdown hasn't been bad because I work from home anyways and by work from home is just I build stuff and read books and just hang out and eat food so nothing's really changed in my life at all."
"I'm just rolling with the punches and I'm just like totally living in this awesome 2022 Thomas world."
"Find what works for you and stick with it. And then if things don't work for you anymore, guess what? Shift, and then stick with that."
"Do not be afraid to modify your approach and modify the habit so that it is something that is more enjoyable to you."
"This is a simple basic recipe but feel free to get creative with it."
"Change can be quick, and it can also be sometimes slow."
"It's all about balance and finding what works for you."
"There is no perfect answer, you know. You will have your own learning style."
"...take what I say and adapt it for yourself so that you can have your own plant philosophy that is inspired by possibly me and others and hopefully some like you know science journaling type of resources as well."
"This is wild. So I had to change my diet recently for health reasons."
"You have to have something that works for you, that you can adapt for your lifestyle."
"Life is always going to be contradicting... it's just about what works for you at the moment."
"Take what works, modify it for your life, and find something that's going to be realistic and something that's going to make you excited."
"I think you really got to take the principles of a system and really make them work for you."
"I've really learned to enjoy the weather in California a lot more after I lived on the East Coast for the last couple of years."
"Settle into acceptance; some things change, some things don't."
"Adapt but do not adjust yourself to the music, adjust the music to you."
"Once I figured out how to wear them, it was just game changing for me."