
Economic Effects Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Even usually stable companies like Microsoft or Apple suffered the same fate."
"A crisis of confidence: reputations fade, productive citizens leave, and businesses steer clear."
"Inflation helps people who owe money because if the value of the money falls so does the cost of repaying it."
"If the world becomes more insular, it could drive up inflation and lower disposable income."
"A shortage of car parts is leaving many American drivers in a limbo."
"It's crazy how one incident like that can decimate an industry."
"Loneliness affects income and health, reflecting deficiencies in relationship skills."
"Unlimited illegal immigration suppresses wages of Hispanic and African-American citizens."
"Sanctions have undoubtedly resulted in economic hardship leading to increased prices, limited access to essential goods, and disruptions in Supply chains creating significant challenges for the affected populations."
"Something as seemingly insignificant as a stuck ship can have immediate and lasting disastrous effects on global production."
"With inflation, your time is being stripped away."
"Remember, that's what a tariff does. It's not punishing foreign companies nearly as much as punishing American consumers."
"A weak dollar means imports become more expensive."
"Largely due to economic sanctions, they just cannot continue to Circle the Drain."
"The longer that our economies go at a low vaccination rate, the longer they're gonna stay shut down."
"The more educated workplace naturally counters some of the negative effects of globalization."
"When you over stimulate an economy with excessive money printing, you're gonna produce inflation."
"The CCP zero covet policy could have a more significant impact on the global economy than the Russia-Ukraine war."
"AI is just eviscerating not only the economic landscape but aspects of our legal rights and remedies."
"The incentives for new money creation go from production to the Cantillon effect."
"When you have higher interest rates spending starts to cool down."
"All Americans are hurt by uncontrolled illegal migration; it strains public resources and drives down jobs and wages."
"It's going to have a major impact on our hobby and/or small businesses."
"You haven't seen a damn thing yet, wait till you see what the easing and financial conditions have done."
"Sanctions have been put into place...and this has spelled some pretty bad news for the Russian economy."
"The interconnectedness of our globalized world today means that conflicts in far-flung regions can have far-reaching consequences affecting economies and humanitarian concerns worldwide."
"When you inflate the amount of dollars out there, what that does is it devalues your currency."
"If AMD is able to shake up the GPU price-to-performance equation, that will have flow-on effects for the rest of the market."
"Inflation does wonders for you part of that."
"When deflation happens... it can start a domino effect of collapse."
"There's comfort in uniting and it's funny how everybody gets impacted so immediately too, even though you might be able to get money out your ATM, there might still be something at the grocery store. People's investments tank, like I saw."
"Inflation destroys the value of your dollars. It's actually a tax on savings."
"Raising interest rates hurts debtors, benefits creditors."
"The ridicule that is coming out of Saudi Arabia is a direct intangible result in the price of oil and gas."
"When you give money directly to people, it gets spent usually right."
"After the most recent remake of King’s horror story, real-life clowns have had a hard time paying rent."
"You're gonna see the effect of what an economy does to people when there's not enough supply and the cost of living is astronomical."
"One of the effects is that people, especially Americans, will start to get more comfortable with a coin that is a little bit more powerful versus the dollar."
"Rapidly advancing technology is massively deflationary."
"Russia invades Ukraine, oil prices surged above $100 per barrel."
"On the way up, the stock market may not impact a lot of you, but on the way down, it affects everyone."
"Intervening on poverty has positive psychological effects. What I haven't told you yet is that it also has positive economic effects."
"...climate change is deflationary because one it increases say lack of water, desertification increases food prices and two also increases energy prices."
"Epidemics cause substantial panic and have substantial social and economic impacts."
"The Committee expects the effects on inflation of higher commodity prices to be transitory."
"Whenever currencies appreciate, imports are going to be cheaper and exports for foreign consumers are going to be more expensive."
"We've created blues, jazz, and every time we share our music, we lose a lot of generation of wealth."
"Not everybody, but you are correct that what's happened is that there are secondary effects that happen over time, and then tertiary effects. And reality changes."
"I've got multiple businesses... it just affected everything."