
Fictional Power Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"The fact that Galactus is afraid of what Franklin Richards is capable of says mountains about the kind of power Franklin Richards has."
"Make no mistake, no power or force in the world of attack on titan at the time of the rumbling could have ever stopped Aaron's founding titan form if he was fully committed to destroying the world."
"Radon's power as a demigod, calling down a rain of meteorites on his enemies."
"Together the six stones were placed into The Infinity Gauntlet granting him the power to do virtually anything he wanted."
"Arguably the greatest power Qui-Gon Jinn possessed was the ability to transcend the material plane as a Force spirit."
"He awakens with golden spiritual energy infused arms and blasts away beun, stopping the countdown."
"Godzilla's atomic breath is a radioactive mixture of explosive superheated death."
"Masenko from Gohan completely eradicates every cell of Buu."
"King Kong can generate electrical shocks, uses lightning, and can go toe-to-toe with Godzilla."
"It seems that Sam has become one of the most powerful men in Westeros."
"He would obliterate a small country and murder millions."
"Conqueror's haki is the power to overwhelm by force of will alone."
"Mr. Bean beats Superman and all of these other characters because I say he can."
"By the end of the story, Jin Wu acquires type one a causality."
"If they can kill someone imbued with the power of God himself..."
"This devil fruit is fast, it's very strong, and it can block any attack."
"Later enemies like Space Godzilla and Destroyer easily reached star levels of power."
"Alien X has infinite power so whatever this ends up being, Alien X is going to be at the top for sure."
"Saitama gets so absurdly overpowered he sneezes and accidentally almost blows up Jupiter."
"Saitama tanked a punch that could blow up an entire galaxy, yet he still took no damage or bleed at all."
"The high table is a group of Elites that essentially run John Wick's world."
"Congratulations, you found the secret monolith of ultimate nonspecific power!"
"Essence of the power of the devil fruit is actually in your blood."
"Sever yourself from the past... rule without armies... the power of the force... the ancient power that created the galaxy."
"Energy bending is the ability to bend life energy."
"He possessed multiple abilities that are very useful to Muzan, including her ability to control the infinity castle using the strings of her biwa."
"Tricks and creativity make a big difference."
"Tiki holds the most power because she could essentially create the world because she's the kwami of creation."
"Ichigo's brand new bankai is capable of killing the god of the universe in a single stroke. That's pretty impressive."
"Power stone makes you the most powerful being alive."
"Clyde was able to destroy multiple star systems and wipe out an entire galaxy clean."
"Saitama exceeded the speed of light and broke through time and space."
"Saitama's punch was so powerful that it creates this like universe-sized explosion."
"Every fusion character, even the Namekian fusions, is stronger than the two warriors that formed it."
"By the power of guilt, she's able to spawn a new weapon."
"The ruler of mordor's awesome might enduring spirit and Millennia of treachery proved him the superior dark lord."
"A sage mode that has existed for the entirety of Naruto's timeline."
"The phoenix force has always had the goal of burning away what doesn't work and also just loves merging with people."
"He is the most powerful Jedi we've ever witnessed."
"You'll be ruling over a dead king, a dead king Seven Kingdoms."
"There's not a being alive that could defeat her through conventional means."
"Gigantomax Caparaja has the potential power to level an entire mountain."
"He basically has the ability to control all of time and space."
"SpongeBob absorbed this entire ocean in a second resulting in many people speculating that the energy to sap up that much water that fast and make it disappear and condense would require as much energy as it would to detonate an entire planet."
"The Force as well gives the Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things."
"What's worse than a narcissistic annoying high school girl with absolutely no filter? How about one who unknowingly has the power to drastically alter reality and shape the universe with just a thought."
"Brenda might just be the most powerful being in horror."
"And just like Nail said, he has become the Super Saiyan."
"Okay just like this baby is probably the most powerful but the most dangerous being in all of reality and Marvel Comics right now."
"Darth Vader gets the edge as a force wielder."
"I honestly don't want to be the guy to say this but God of Death Flash probably solos Dragon Ball super."
"Palpatine absorbed some of their life force - like a mummy back his flesh and walk again."
"The Gura Gura no Mi of the late Whitebeard, currently possessed by Blackbeard, is considered the strongest Paramecia type with the capacity to destroy the entire world."
"What if Zelda's immense show of unbridled power is the reason for Link's death or near death prior to his 100 years sleep?"
"Ganondorf isn't just tough, he's powerful enough to punch shockwaves, tear up an island, and block out the sky."
"By all standards of measurement here in the House of M universe, Wanda is god."
"She used the power of her jukujuku nomi to create a sinkhole in the ground."
"Percy's self-detonation causing the eruption of a volcano is around 24 megatons of TNT."
"I mean, honestly, even if we said that Saitama can destroy a 4D realm, I mean, Revival of Frieza Goku was already stronger than the Super Saiyan God Goku that fought Beerus."
"Hal Jordan condensed the power of his ring down to the atomic level and used it to speed up the clock."
"Tan Fang emanates a radiant Golden Aura as he unleashes the full might of the great handprint of light."
"Everything in the world exists for him to take." - Yuhobach
"In the clash of titans, Garo proves to be the only one capable of matching Saitama's power, showcasing the true extent of his abilities."
"Abalo is without a doubt one of the most powerful beings in the Star Wars Mythos."
"And between you and me, family, unlike the Mirabelle in the movie, this Mirabelle cookie actually has a power. It's called being delicious."
"Dr. Fate is stated to be one of the most powerful beings in the DCEU."
"Bloopzilla also, I'm pretty sure, has the stronger power."
"Gore's power comes from the necro sword, which I know you guys are gonna be like, 'But Chuck, a sword isn't that a weapon?' Yes and no."
"Mother, this doppelganger had given Ichigo power so that he could protect others..."
"He tells Peter that it'll allow him to use magic."
"Ultimately, the Global Defense Initiative succeeded in defeating the Brotherhood of Nod by killing its leader Kane, bringing an end to the First Tiberium War."
"Let's show them what kind of God killer Broly is."
"If Luffy awakens his devil fruit, he'll be able to transform his surroundings into rubber and improve its quality."
"Conqueror's bullet oh that would be cool that would be damn cool like you take like Roger takes a bullet and someone's like oh you're gonna shoot me pirate king I'm like yeah with a conqueror's hockey bullet basically means you're dead bye."
"Yuki's punch was so powerful that the airtight barrier in space-time fabric itself was torn open."
"Goku then decides to drink the Kool-Aid once again and Jiren's had enough of this, he decides to show his super ultra super duper power."
"Eleven created all of this, she created all of it and, well, I mean because of one, right? Because of one was able to influence her and build a relationship with her and like basically powerful create this bond."
"Mutants are by and large the most powerful group in Marvel."
"The powers of Bleach make the inexpressible expressible."
"Neo's new little force power is pretty impressive."
"I just cannot believe that he can summon the Nine-Tails, that is freaky."
"Ichibe's Bankai is one of the most incredible Bankai that we've ever seen."
"Darkseid became obsessed with finding its opposite force, the Anti-Life Equation."
"Quite simply, Kun could one-shot Maul on a whim."
"Conqueror's Haki is cool because the effect emanates past your body, past your fist."
"Conqueror's Haki is the disposition to stand above others."
"Anil really is showing off his power, the mantra, the fact that he can summon lightning pillars from the sky."
"The omni king Zeno's power seems unlimited, the angels attend him, the gods fear him."
"Does Vegeta possess the necessary power to finally put the clone Myrno down?"
"The powers you used came from the Morphin Grid."
"Barbie is canonically more powerful than God."
"The power of the Black Coffin was not something Oyang Shanching could control at the moment."
"So what if Deku was granted the power of the gods?"