
Historical Fashion Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Corsets kept everything under control and meant self-reserve."
"To the modern educated mind, what we see when we see a tiny waist is someone who has pulled a corset so impossibly tightly that they must not be able to breathe, they must not be able to eat, they must be on the verge of fainting."
"However, for these stays, judging them by how well they fulfilled the specific purpose of historybounding stays, I think they deserve a 5/5 stars."
"Before there were bras, there were specially designed sport corsets."
"If there's one thing to take away from this whole experiment, it is that learning about historical dress and thinking about how to bring elements of historical dress into the modern dress is really to go back to the original imagery."
"The Queen's Gambit spans the 1950s and 60s and not only charts the chronological evolution of style but also the nuances of fashionable dress across different cities."
"The late 17th early 18th century is such an epic time period for fashion but it is so under loved and underrepresented."
"The rationale dress society protests against the introduction of any fashion in dress that either deforms the figure" - advocating for healthier, more practical attire.
"It's a very 13th-century look, so that's it, my French look."
"Miss Piggy still looks nice, like she spent some money on some nicer clothes in the 1830s."
"Never or always is not really a good way to approach historical fashion."
"Men should wear clothing that was more appropriate to the mood of the era and, thus, had a more sober formal appearance."
"I used to be one of those people that said that historical men's wear is boring, that men's suits never change. Tell that to historical men's wear."
"It could be worse. We could be back in the day having to wear all those elaborate corsets and things."
"Some eras are so perfect for a beginning costumer that they scream 'make me' every time you look at them."
"Before 1900 performers would popularly dress"
"Like we're talking like 1516 all the way up to like the 1800s, they would wear these, these pubic hair wigs."
"Archaeologists found the skeleton of a man from 500 years ago still wearing his unusual thigh-high leather boots."
"Boardwalk Empire shows fantastic clothes, suits, colors, and patterns."
"Both of these officers appear to be female and are wearing these really cool tricorn hats with their long hair incorporated into them."
"I hope this video will be helpful to those of you wanting to make your own robe a la francaise or sac or stack backgown."
"Fashion-wise in the 15th century, the head was where a lot of sartorial experimentation went on."
"I spin yarn, I make stuff from yarn, and today I'm beginning a history bounding cape adventure."
"The roof Vikings all had beards and they bleached their beards to a yellow or red color."
"We're taking fancy dress designs that have been published in fashion plates and catalogs over the years."
"The text is useful, it tells us that the Rus were wearing massive pants in the 10th century."
"The bodice provided support and was kind of the predecessor of what we think of today as stays and corsets."
"For the most part, I liked the historical silhouettes paired with modern fabrics and fantastical flourishes."
"This concept is inspired by Homespun fantasy core aesthetic and the dramatic silhouettes of the 1890s."
"I had a great time drinking champagne and spending the night with other people who are passionate about 18th century fashion costumes."
"This is 19th century fashion in detail from the V&A; these line drawings of the garments are quite accurate as far as I can tell."
"I used a pattern, specifically the one on page 94 of Norah Waugh's 'Corsets and Crinolines'."
"The shaping of the pieces in the half depth material does offer some support and creates the conical silhouette the 18th century is famous for."
"Washington wore his hair powdered."
"I think the various trims and textures give this a medieval or historical feel while having that mid-century silhouette which is more commonly seen in cottage core."
"Noblemen are wearing them all the time; it's the garment of the 14th century."
"Victorian refers to the fashion and culture of England in the 1830s to 1890s."
"Just a really cool historic uniform that really came well together and to this day looks amazing."
"She dedicated over 150 hours creating a historic Princess Serenity gown."
"Welcome back, my name is Cait and I've been studying historical fashion with a heavy concentration of the 18th century for about 13 years now."
"If you can't cover turn of the century undergarments in lace, is there really any point?"
"Whitby jet was made very famous by Queen Victoria who very famously wore jet jewellery as part of her mourning dress."
"I love the historical details that went into the dress. Not only was it pretty, it was a whole shebang to get it on the doll."
"Finally, after all of the only have a complete Century under clothing kit like can you believe it? It's taken so long."
"Soutache is one of the least expensive ways to trim a historical garment."
"It's finally time to move on to the dress for this 18th-century project."
"Thank you so much for following along on this 18th century project."
"I did my best to match up the pieces so that the flowers would be in the same spot as the original museum gown."
"I just think this is so clever of the 18th century so that you could actually wash the dress."
"An 18th century gown won't have the right shape without these."
"Hennins were the most popular headpieces throughout the 1400s and came in a variety of styles."
"The dress I'm making is called the Burgundian gown, a large outer gown of fine wool or silk and lined entirely in expensive furs."