
Disdain Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"I'm already super duper rich and I don't need your [expletive] money."
"There are certain people that I actually find disgusting and detest."
"We're YouTube's and we have billions of dollars and we don't give a flying [ __ ] about you."
"Stop celebrating celebrities, they f***ing suck."
"We can all agree on one thing. F*ck that clown!"
"There's nothing that a communist likes less than hearing the truth spoken freely."
"G4 F O, not surprising because everybody that works there seems to be an absolute [__] idiot."
"He's not dead yet, but after he is, I'll dance on his grave."
"Toenails are gross, I don't care what they say."
"Ever since I got money I just started hating broke ass like I'm allergic to him like if you're not getting no money you might as well jump off a clip."
"I just hate cowards. I do hate bullies, and I hate [ __ ] cowards."
"Running away from them is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen."
"In a sea of negativity on social media, I've already told you what I think of it all. I hope they burn to the ground."
"That's the earth I like both and we're back, fuck that shit."
"It's a corporate mind-numbingly stupid thing that they should drop immediately."
"I just hate weaklings that think they are strong."
"Killing such a pathetic and cowardly man is no fun at all."
"Lucy expresses her disdain for the surface world, saying 'I hate it up here.'"
"I just don't admire actors, lying rappers, I got to be averse to them like Bible chapters."
"Goodness is deemed perfect only when fortified by the virtue of disdain."
"I wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire."
"Look at here, Buddha. These people and their cars and their exhaust and everybody got AIDS and [__]."
"They're literally, oh God, it's so gross. Oh, it's disgusting. It's disgusting. I hate both parties involved so much."
"Both of these self-indulgent, talentless pricks will want to go 20 or 25 minutes doing all the stupid shit they do that nobody cares about."
"You low down and dirty, you low down and dirty."
"Releasing a system for the sake of people while treating them with distain, it's not going to work out."
"Such a low life wouldn't even take two strokes."
"One omnibus piece of shit... GPOS case. Yeah."
"I hate people like you who laugh at people's dreams."
"I used to [ __ ] him up I can't stand Knuckles"
"Oh Michael Reagan, he's so pathetic."
"Wow, if you didn’t already hate these spacesuit wearing world nobles, then surely you do now."
"Do you have any idea how pathetic you are?" Gwen's tone was coldly amused.
"You know I don't want Ford Brown yay like that stupid asshole."
"Chen looks contemptuously at this bunch of idiots."
"He hates the very notion of poverty."
"The soul stealer continued to sneer at the boy."
"Satan, serial killers, people who eat burgers with a fork and knife."
"'What's this?' Lucian's voice rose over the others. 'What are you doing here, half-breed?'"
"I too hate that foolish mortal construct known as time."
"This vile, grotesque individual, the self-styled TNT Champion Christian Cage."
"These people, man, they are disgusting. Disgusting death before dishonor."
"The revolution has no need for geniuses."
"I don't like looking at stats because they pull them, that's why nerds, and you know it."
"If he was dying of starvation, I wouldn't defecate in his mouth."
"Casual amateurism becomes near derided."
"I hate people who throw trash out the window."
"It was literally like 'cooo, coooo' like it was bad, you're an idiot."
"He's such a piece of [ __ ], it's about time, get him."
"Most of them are complete scum of the earth."
"I don't give a [__] about him. Yeah, he can definitely eat a dick."
"We don't like how cocky these scammers are. It really is annoying."
"The confederates have ignominiously skedaddled like the thieves and scoundrels they are."
"I hate that. Bees are [ __ ] losers."
"The princess must be presented to the dosh khaleen," Viserys sneered. "And there is to be some mummer's show of a prophecy for the whelp in her belly. You told me. What is that to me?"
"Why didn't you give me none of that nasty little hoochie wo you usually throw at me like I'd waste my energy spread in my legs for that Tootsie old dick."
"It's disgusting. It's despicable."
"Does it have another meaning? Ah yes, douchebag Hayward!"
"Looks like the half breed is finally dead. Good riddance."
"Now you are going to see the true battle of an angel versus garbage."
"You can have your [ __ ] Lambos and [ __ ]. Take those piece of [ __ ] out of here. I can [ __ ] buy [ __ ] 10 of my dream cars for what you pay for a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] McLaren. Keep it. I don't want it."
"I don't [ __ ] with you. I don't even, I don't [ __ ] with you at all no more. I don't know nothing about you. You and you, you do not exist to me."
"He recognized the unpleasant sneer, the hideous comb-over, the silly little toothbrush mustache."
"I have no respect for people like that. None at all. None. Not zero. No respect."
"'Jerry Jarrett, describe the hog pin match.' Huh, [__] him."
"I would rather receive a [ __ ] from a woman with syphilis than have you as my kicker."
"Wow, you thought that was a better hand than mine? What an asshole."
"There's this isolation and disdain that the new upper class holds for ordinary Americans."
"The new upper class holds ordinary Americans in contempt, disdain."
"Trash fight, trash fighters, trash division, trash card."
"I just want y'all to know that this is all so stupid, and I hate that it's become a thing."
"You're a dirty, disgusting sewer rat."
"I mean, even if I was dead, I'd be like, 'Guy, get the chair out of here. You're white-trashin' up my whole situation!'"
"I'd rather clean my [__] ears with a butter knife before I finish this [__] right now, bro. I'd rather give myself a root canal with a drill, with a power tool, while watching this [__] straight at Home Depot."
"He was beating his ass while talking about how pitiful earthlings are."
"What did you think of the match? There was no match played here this afternoon. What you saw out there was the scum of world football."
"He said this place can go straight to hell."
"You're nothing, dude. Are you [ __ ] kidding me right now?"
"It's a pity. I like you better when you don't talk."
"I hate these filthy neutrals. With enemies, you know where they stand, but with neutrals, who knows? It sickens me."
"I genuinely never wanted to hear from her ever again."
"It's hard to describe W.E. to people who don't know him. He's like he's... He's obnoxious, repulsive, and what other word would you say? Despicable."
"He's a piece of [ __ ], he is a piece of [ __ ]."
"I ain't gonna go back and forth it's gonna be really my last time really talking about this fat fraudulent ass."
"Deep level of distaste bordering on obsessive hatred of the status quo and the way things are and the way people are has always been at the core of my DNA."
"I simply raised one side of my upper lip until it shaped itself into a tiny curl of contempt."
"Rat! There is nothing Ratigan hates more than being called a rat."
"I hate seeing people in shops being sold stuff they can ill afford on crap."
"They are pathetic. When I tell you pathetic, it's disgusting."
"Indeed, why would I give a damn about a puny insignificant human like yourself?"
"...these two I feel like will go down in history as just a couple of the most pathetic individuals..."
"So whatever looks like an obstacle, just look at it with disdain."
"The wisdom of the scholars will come odious and those who fear God will be despised."
"She looks at them like you guys are trash."
"His people couldn't wait to be rid of him, but even more impatient were the worms."
"It's just so much attitude, just so, like, just it was just like with this clearly just had so much disdain for everyone and everything and just couldn't care less."
"I shed no tears for your dishonor, Lesket. Oh, burn."
"Last time I saw your face, I literally threw up."
"I don't think that we could have liked Ramsay any less than we do at the moment to be honest."
"He's just like to me he's literal like literal trash literal trash."
"Scummiest man I've ever seen in my life."
"I want none of Sir Gregor's followers," he declared, as he was cutting up a pair as withered as he was.
"Can't believe I have a platinum plaque, well go fuck yourself RiceGum."
"It's not like that, you goddamn pervert!"
"...poor Johnny, the Duchess said mockingly."
"I really hate thieves. They're the scum of the earth."
"Rita Skeeter, you [ __ ] creeper."
"A lot of times disdain will come from jealousy, and jealousy often comes from lovers."
"I can't stand rich people. I can't stand them."
"Mindless and hideous lump of Flesh."
"I hate a coward-ass [ __ ], bro. I hate a coward."
"Brat! I have had enough [__] today. I have better things to do than fight a weakling like you," he scowled at Kabuto.
"Just think it's pathetic. It's a pathetic man who thought it was better than everybody else."
"This entire thing felt like it was some charity event run by the rich people from The Hunger Games. It was gross the entire way through."
"Good gracious, why would you hang that on a wall?"
"I'm glad he's dead, fifth placer, not even a bronze medal, wow."
"Like most rational humans, we consider pigeons vermin, flying bird shit dispensers."
"Don't nobody want your call center check."
"Who's laughing now? I get to wake up every single [ __ ] morning while these people are going to an 8 to 4 job, 9 to 5 job that they absolutely hate."
"You mean that really, I'm supposed to welcome him? Miserable sod."
"Money, clout, fame, mud, disease, a plague we all love to hate."
"I'm tired of people, their troubles, their petty little jealousies."
"I dislike stop recycling crime; I don't like people that recycle crime."
"I came to Mars to get away from you clean-minded people, but you're flocking in thicker every day like flies too awful."
"The best way to prep kale is to take it out of the package, wash it, and throw it right into the garbage."
"I might not like you much, but I despise him," she said, finally pushing me back with a mix of confusion and defiance.
"Contempt is the feeling that someone or something is beneath you."
"The three things I hate most in the world are arrogance, bullying, and betrayal."
"Jurors... hate liars. They hate them."
"Notoriety has become hateful to him."
"Thanks, I plan to make my ancestors proud, unlike these idiots."
"I don't like people who talk down on people... I hate that. That's disgusting."
"They are the worst, most insufferable, most revolting..."
"...if there's one thing that I truly hate it's guys that walk out on their kids or women..."
"For a highly exalted devotee, kaivalya, or merging into the existence of the Supreme, appears no better than hell."
"I never said I didn't despise you," Sharp said in mock seriousness. "But from the moment I saw you, I wanted to be with you."
"I loathed and hated Suburbia; this was like a Shangri-La, Arcadia, something completely away."
"The rich people in this play sometimes appear almost disgusted by the poor."
"I wouldn't [expletive] on John's face."
"Gods and dogs alike delight to piss on me."
"I hate the secrets, I hate the plots, I hate the intrigues. I want to go back to the stark, clean simplicity of the North."
"He was a pimple in the armpit of society."
"When truth is acknowledged universally, it is also universally disdained."
"I have no desire and I have no respect for people that their whole thing is to just attack other people doing this."
"If life could give me one blessing, it would be to take you off my hands."
"Despising pleasure is the greatest of pleasures."
"You bore me," he answered without looking back at him. "There is no challenge in fighting a rat who desperately wants power."
"Losers," she sneered, "but I suppose I have to rescue you. Come aboard."
"Oh, what a deal of scorn looks beautiful in the contempt and anger of his lip."
"You are not even worth the calories I burn talking to you."
"We detest the Rome of the patricians, and on her ruins, we'll build a new Rome of our own."
"Lu Bu watched how Zhao behaved and grew to hate the man he was, full of lust, greed, and anger, with no merciful or compassionate side to him."
"But now they mock at me, men younger than I, whose fathers I disdained to put with the dogs of my flock."
"I can't stand the fakeness. Just be upfront."
"One thing I cannot stand is a faker, a poser."
"I just hate when people think they're higher than other people when it comes to certain things."
"There's two things in this world I cannot stand... I can't stand liars, and I can't stand cowards."
"I'm really hoping that eventually just gets deleted off the face of the planet."
"A daughter of Aphrodite does not wish to be looked at," Zoe scoffed.
"Screw you, screw you, screw you, you're cool."
"I hate people who don't think for themselves."
"If you disappeared it would tickle me pink. Homework, oh homework, I hate you, you stink!"
"I treat people with respect who deserve respect, and you deserve none of it."
"Seeing that haughty look on Noble Consort Xian today, I felt so repulsed."
"Real honour is scarce, let me tell you something, I'm sick of cowardice, sick of those who don't stand by their comrades and their kin."
"All my life I have hated people who serve Qin in the morning, then Chu in the evening the most!"
"Yucky, disgusting hands. How do you like it, New York Rangers?"
"I hate people that don't know true strength."
"I love people clearing up litter on trails; I hate people that litter trails, it's bad scum."
"She despises all humans and adds that Sally is an exception as they are friends."