
Cinematic Comparison Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"The set pieces in this game make movie Spider-Man look like a massive [__]."
"The last time I felt this sense of joy and community in a film was the climax of Endgame."
"It's like we got two extra movies for the finale."
"The way that this fight unfolds is like a kung fu movie or like a John Wick sequence."
"It's such a love letter to every it's it's The Breakfast Club meets like falling into a videogame I it's it's it's a movie that triumphs despite everything being against it"
"The results are so spectacular as giant flashes of light zing by the camera it's very much like a scene from star wars."
"This movement is almost more filmic than a film itself in its musical vividness."
"This is epic, this is like the Avengers in war movie."
"This is one of the most exciting parts of the game, especially the protagonist freaking gets shot. Oh, is this boring? This is awesome. Cinema peaked there."
"I think what happened here is Indian Cinema just leaped over American Cinema."
"The 90s gave us more memorable movies overall than the 2000s."
"The early 90s might be better than the 80s because you still had some of that gung-ho over-the-top action spectacle."
"The ending of the season is very dark and almost like The Empire Strikes Back."
"Blade Runner 1 wins the fucking Blade Runner crown by keeping the story simple and focusing their effort on set design."
"He's looking like Mel Gibson in The Patriot, he's just everywhere."
"That's the story, all the legalisms aside, it is a story as simple and clear and dark and sinister as the story told by Francis Ford Coppola and Mario Puzo 50 years ago in their Oscar-winning screenplay The Godfather." - Lawrence O'Donnell
"Better Call Saul, Euphoria, Ozark, Severance, Squid Game, and Succession are like eight hour movies that are on par with what the best movies are."
"It was like boogie nights meets days of thunder. Like it was just like it should be a movie. Like it was just absolutely brilliant."
"If someone says Birdman, someone says Inception... it needs a Planet of the Apes kind of reimagining."
"Watching Rogue One is watching Star Wars in its greatest form at its fullest potential."
"This movie sits right up there with The Empire Strikes Back as cinema."
"This movie has more spirits, soul, and heart in its opening than most of the Marvel movies have been able to achieve in the entire runtime since endgame."
"The battle on Shang-Chi's mythical island in between the spaces was far more dire and inspired than what we saw in the movie."
"This thing reminded me of something right out of a Jurassic World movie."
"It felt like a mix of John Wick and True Lies."
"Look, Daredevil is literally the peak of what the MCU is capable of. Not only is this show so good in its writing, but it's like going from eating McDonald's all your life to then you get invited to a five-star restaurant."
"We're living in an astonishing time. It seems like we're living in a really bad film."
"It's impressive or at least, you know, hearing about this, it's real-life action movie [ __ ] going down."
"This seems like something straight out of a movie, dog."
"I think some people just caught it because they just hopped out the van. It was like a movie."
"We're at this point in science where it's like the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey."
"It was like something out of a horror movie."
"Almost every major issue I have with the living daylights is rectified here."
"That's what makes the films work. Ragnarok, what we see with Black Panther, going back to 2008 Iron Man, nothing from Iron Man feels similar to what you see now."
"Would that be better? Set the god of death... They made a pact. You could set this Russell Crowe narration over shots from the first third of Noah, and I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference."
"They generate more feelings and emotions than any movie ever has."
"I think it's really only appropriate that we're here in Los Angeles, Hollywood, because not even Hollywood can script the hostility between both of these fighters."
"First reactions have been very positive, terrific, someone even said something along the lines of this is the best DC movie since The Dark Knight."
"I thought that looked like it was from a Spider-Man movie. That looked incredible!"
"He's going to be the new dad, his new Tony Stark maybe."
"Shang-Chi and Raya both have evil darkness that was stopped by a flying dragon in water."
"This is the Empire Strikes Back of the Marvel Universe."
"It's like a movie, isn't it? He only had three races to go."
"I've heard the Legion's planning to unleash their best man again. Just turn this into the end of a Quentin Tarantino movie."
"This is like straight out of almost like a sci-fi movie."
"It's Mission Impossible right down to it. In fact, I think it's a better Mission Impossible than any of the Mission Impossible movies that we've had."
"He's the number one action director in Hong Kong; he's like the Steven Spielberg of action."
"It has the same scope of epic magnum opus that like Lawrence of Arabia."
"It is impossible to escape the hypnotic effect of this light diffuser that has often been compared to a cinema screen."
"Denzel Washington's life is a Denzel Washington movie."
"That's when this place is in its prime, it's like watching a movie but it's real."
"Life is like a movie, that's amazing."
"The tour de force that is Birdman is a totally different film than Boyhood."
"This is fantastic to watch this game. It is more excitement than any motion picture. This is really great."
"It's like a Braveheart for superheroes."