
Culinary Philosophy Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Let the burger shine, let the pizza shine on its own, and then use those toppings to just amplify it and make it a little bit more interesting than it would be without them."
"The simplest ingredients can make the nicest meals."
"Lead with heart and the hand will follow. Everything we create is moved from this simple philosophy. No ego, no pomp, just the pure palpable pleasure of food."
"It's not a dick measuring contest, it's your dinner."
"Cooking is supposed to serve you, you're not supposed to serve it."
"I'm philosophically opposed to cooking as a competition."
"Personally, I like food that makes me think."
"Nothing should be sour, no. Nothing should be bitter."
"The key thing isn't what's in the dish, but it's how intentional the chef has been in the kitchen."
"We want to express not just the season, it's spring, but this is specifically today."
"Beautiful food on the plate is not the point of what we do; it's the result of what we do."
"Love is the secret ingredient in food that we taste, feel, and are not aware of."
"Underpinning the Cretan approach to food is an insistence on absolute freshness and simplicity."
"You're not just cooking for a quick lunch, you're cooking a real meal. This is about seeing long-term."
"This is a fantastic example of letting the ingredients speak for themselves."
"Food is capable of teaching us about ourselves and our world."
"Food by seasons, so everything has a time in life."
"I like simple food, I like live fire cooking, I like just making the best product that we can possibly make, and we try to improve every day to do that, to make something better than it was yesterday."
"Life is already complicated, food ain't got to be, okay?"
"Sometimes, in fact the majority of the time, the best food is just the most simple food, just done well."
"Cooking is essentially the outsourcing of digestion."
"There's no point in cooking unless you get the maximum amount of flavor."
"Eating true flavor is the essence of Foshan's diet."
"Cantonese people strive for the original flavor of ingredients; they look for food in the countryside and drink in the open."
"Any great cuisine grew up around the idea of using what's local."
"The magic of food in Southeast Asia is that everything has a purpose."
"Life and cooking are the same; you've got to feel it, you've got to be present."
"Food is to be consumed, you know. It's something that you eat. I try to put more into the essential elements for that process. That's what cooking is all about, I think."
"Nothing is more important than showcasing the natural flavors of a food's region."
"It's about the philosophy, it's about the approach of making that 17-course menu a different experience."
"Isn't that what food is meant to be? Delicious. We're meant to enjoy our food."
"Time is the sixth component of ramen; it's just as essential as any other ingredient to make truly great ramen."
"Keep it simple, keep it delicious."
"It is time that we connect differently with food and that we're able to pour love into the foods that we're making."
"Refusing to make the same dish the same way twice, the philosophy of the master."
"The best dishes are always the simplest of dishes."
"It's where farm meets fork, and the community meets to share a common philosophy about food."
"Life without spice is not enough."
"There's no such thing as high-class food or low-class food; all there is to food is whether it tastes good or not."
"There's no point in eating food if you don't enjoy it."
"Do it however makes you happy, as long as you're happy, that's what food is about, it's to make you happy."
"My food philosophy is about buying the very best, treating it with great respect, having it as fresh as possible, and trying really hard to cook it as perfectly as possible every time."
"Simplicity is best; the less ingredients you can put in a dish, the better it is."
"I think great dishes don't always have to be new, but something we enjoyed as a kid can also be great."
"Food is supposed to be fun, tasteful, and flavorful, not boring and bland."