
IRS Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Filing electronically with direct deposit is the quickest way to get refunds."
"If he didn't donate the money, I do hope the IRS audits them."
"Tax filing should be as easy as looking at the info the IRS already has."
"Bitcoin will be okay in the United States because it already has been deemed as property by the IRS."
"That's part of why we did need to boost funding for the IRS."
"Don't mess around with your taxes. The IRS is absolutely hip to crypto, and you better be hip to doing your taxes and telling them that you have it."
"Directly spending, what do you mean by that? Let's just go to 87,000 IRS agents."
"The IRS doesn't play, and ICE, oh [__] yeah."
"Under the proposal, the IRS would begin sending $250 per month per child to millions of families as early as in July."
"Some extra money for your troubles: The IRS just announced that they're going to start paying five percent in guaranteed interest to individuals with delayed tax returns beginning in July."
"The IRS just released a couple of days ago that money is now going to be going out."
"The IRS specifically targeting the opposition."
"You could raise $1 trillion in revenue with a 1.7x investment in IRS tax enforcement."
"IRS bonds have been used to discharge federal income tax penalties and interest."
"If the IRS wants money from you, trust me, they're not going to call you."
"IRS does not care about ownership. They care about use."
"The IRS won't call you. They never call you. They do postal things."
"40% rule: If you can pay the IRS, you should at least pay yourself 40%."
"If you owe the IRS money, nothing is safe. They can literally raid your 401k and any other account you have."
"I told the IRS that I am non-taxable."
"IRS criminal investigation special agents are the best in the world at following the money."
"Getting your EIN number is free and easy. All you need to do is go to the IRS website, make sure you're eligible, do a quick application, and then submit it."
"...you can be seen as a real estate professional in the eyes of the IRS and take real estate rental property losses against your active income."
"So if you owe the IRS back tax and you think there is no way, no way you're ever going to repay that, then an offering compromise is definitely something that you should look at."
"They will put your case on hold, it's called currently not collectible. In that scenario, they will drop all levies, they will drop all garnishment, they will not try to collect the tax from you, and they will basically close your collection case."
"So if that's you today, if you owe the IRS back tax, you do have options. My recommendation is do something."
"I remember when the envelope came in the mail. Like official IRS. And I opened that [ __ ] up bro and my whole body just went gold."
"Especially American Express Amex is the biggest dancers besides the IRS they are wild they don't care."
"Nothing is going to happen probably if you if they do get a notice from the IRS that the IRS intends to garnish or take undo offset of their social security let us know because we can contact the IRS and we have paralegals that will prepare the help prepare the way paperwork."
"Can AI run the IRS better? Almost certainly."
"A 33,000 distribution is not really a significant amount of money, proving that the IRS will go after anyone, and audits don't just happen to rich people."
"...all these people that are teaching you don't pay the IRS, don't claim your money because IRS is going to take your money, bro, those people will never, never get here."
"all the bombings shared a common target: the Internal Revenue Service"
"Good news, we found a recovery rebate credit worth four hundred dollars."
"Everybody has to interact with the IRS, an agency really should have a customer-focused prerogative that puts American people first."
"...the focus that I have and we have at the IRS is how do we do this in the best interest of taxpayers."
"The IRS is creating a new payment plan with monthly stimulus checks."
"There's never a free lunch with the IRS."
"The IRS may not tax unsold staked cryptocurrency."
"The IRS is now at its lowest level of funding since 2008."
"The most accurate withholdings come from using the online estimator at irs.gov/w4app."
"The bill will rev up the IRS's capability to go after the rich tax cheaters."
"Pension money is income, it is taxed as income in the eyes of the IRS."
"It's always recommended to utilize this IRS data retrieval tool."
"There is absolutely no place for political bias at the IRS."
"We have to protect this investment and ensure that we continue funding the IRS."
"If a taxpayer receives the 1095-A and they have Advanced Credit amounts and they don't do the 8962, you're very likely going to get an IRS tax notice."
"The IRS's mission is to provide America's taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and enforce the law with integrity and fairness to all."
"If you want a faster and easier way to fill out the FAFSA, you can link to the IRS using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool."
"An EIN stands for Employer Identification Number."
"While a lot of things with taxes are really complicated, I think the IRS actually did a pretty good job laying this out in plain English."
"Everyone should know that the IRS will not call demanding money from you."
"Filing income taxes. The IRS has all this info already."
"The IRS lets you reduce your gross income by the larger of a standard deduction or itemized deductions."
"You literally can go to irs.gov and apply for an EIN online."