
General Appeal Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"I think a lot of people are going to really like it."
"This is a must-see movie that is loved by pretty much everyone who's seen it."
"It's kind of in the middle spot where it's kind of great but doesn't get really the amazing score, but overall it's still very enjoyable."
"There's really no other way to describe it, it's just fun from beginning to end."
"But my goodness, a lot of people seem to have gotten into that."
"Sci-fi, humanity's out in the stars, cool already, I love that, I'm a big sucker for sci-fi even like the most general concepts."
"I think you'll still really like it even if you're not a hardcore fan."
"There is a reason why so many people absolutely love this."
"If it's made for everyone, is it really made for anyone?"
"I really do feel like there's a little something for everyone."
"Overall, it could be a breath of fresh air for a lot of the audience."
"Every human being can at least somehow relate."
"You have the idea of trying to get peace is something everybody supports."
"For whatever reason, it just worked on all those other people."
"Everybody's going to find it really really cool to at least try."
"I hope we're appealing really to anybody. I'm not speaking just to Catholics, not even just the Christians, but I think to any spiritual seeker."
"Rest assured, there's something here for everyone."
"But a good movie is a good movie, and this is a fantastic movie."
"I definitely recommend this for a lot of people."
"I mean come on it's The Vibes right it gives you the Vibes"
"Even if you aren't necessarily interested in sports or football, it's still something that has a bit of value there for you."
"The whole world loves a [ __ ] transformation."
"No matter what it is, face it, they're irresistible."
"This is the quintessential, this band is good, it's popular because they're great."
"If you're looking for overall a good balance, I think that's exactly what we get in the Escape."
"Endless options out there and I think that's what makes this all fun at the end of the day."
"I don't care if you're a professional or homeowner, I think there is something in here for everybody."
"Is this the easiest entry point for general audiences to kind of understand what the universe is or what's the appeal? I think it's the most narrative."
"This is one of the films that all audiences can enjoy."
"An affordable solution for most people out there."
"This is an affordable option for most people out there."
"Volkswagen has just like totally killed it with this car... it is the perfect car for almost anyone."
"It's the idea of sort of a bunch of underdogs is fairly relatable."
"And let me remind you, this is great for kids too."
"I think the cool thing is anytime you can do something production-wise that people who have no interest in production still think it's cool."
"It's something that is very attractive to people as an idea."
"This video can be pretty much anything and it'll be good."
"There is something in there to suit everybody."
"One of those four people is just gonna genuinely like it."
"This is just a good solid movie that is sure to please a pretty broad audience."
"This still represents one of the best blends of all those traits."
"Peppa loves fairy stories, everyone loves fairy stories."
"This is a game that I could actually recommend to quite a lot of people."
"There's something for everyone in this wave."
"Is it for everybody? No. But I think it's for a lot of people."
"It's entertainment that's great for the whole family."
"It essentially gives you all the things that you want..."
"Listen, if you like everything, then you'll like this because it is included in everything."
"I think most people generally really love this."
"I would recommend this movie to anybody out there."
"It's probably the right bike for 80 or 90 percent of people, and they don't necessarily realize that."
"It's got a bit of everything, hasn't it?"
"It's extremely popular for very good reason."
"It's so great for so many reasons."
"I thought this was a really well-crafted and well-made movie, not even just a Star Trek movie but a movie in general."
"These are like the best of the best that most people love."
"You don't have to be a sci-fi fan to like Battlestar Galactica."
"Everybody likes that one, that's a really good one."
"For 99% of people, guys, honestly, this is going to be perfect."
"It has that sporty appealing look that really would appeal to most groups, in my opinion."
"It ticks all the boxes for a lot of people."
"I think people would generally love it."
"Everything's cute when it's a baby."
"There's just a little bit of something for everybody."