
Space Creation Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Pushing the wave is also really good because it helps create space."
"What if all of the bullshit and busy work was stripped out, and you just created spaces worth exploring?"
"Creating space is one of the most productive things we can do in order to welcome in positive action, positive connection, and new ideas and new creative inspiration."
"That pick was all about space, Charlie. You hit it right on the head. When there's guys on the field, he creates space."
"Marcial creates space for Rashford, and Rashford creates space for Marcial. It's a team game."
"Deservey is probably closer to someone like Antonio Conte and that he likes to have his team do really deep build up and bait oppositions in to generate space right ahead of them."
"Rising requires space... Think about like a loaf of bread that you've got in a pan. In order for that loaf of bread to rise, there has to be space for it to go to another level, to puff up."
"Create space not only within the body but also within your mind and within your heart."
"The Shimizu Mega City pyramid will help to alleviate that feeling by creating more space."
"This is really a way to create space for your highs."
"It feels so good being in a space that you build yourself, it feels really accomplished and rewarding."
"Decluttering is about making space for what matters."
"Building this space for conversations to flow."
"We're creating our own space... we've got our own space here and it's developing and it's growing."
"Durant could space the floor for his teammates."
"Now you're some hot, like you remove the swords and now create a bigger space for yourself."
"If you release it, you'll be making space for new things in your life."
"As you have been systematically letting go, weeding and pruning, it's making space for the new to come in. It's time to breathe in again beautiful souls."
"Every project I tackle is about creating a space where my clients will feel happy."
"I would say instead of trying to prevent them to do that to build space for that to happen."
"Every time we breathe, we create space."
"You want to design the space for them, the right space."
"It's important in a cottage garden to create garden rooms or enclosures."
"He promises in his apology that he wants to create a safer space for those around him."
"That's what this offense looks for, space. Create space, they're not about blowing you off the line of scrimmage, they're about creating space by traps and spreading you out."
"Creating space, there's no pumping, they're not folding into each other, it's absolutely beautiful."
"It's haunting because of his like Velazquez to create through space and light and shadow to create his extraordinary atmospheres."
"It does create a space for young people to explore."
"Steve Nash and his off-ball movement, his shooting, his spacing is going to create more space."
"Fill in the gaps, fill in the spaces that we have made available by releasing that which does not serve us."
"Make space, then firm abdominal muscles gently twisting, revolving in your range of motion."
"We need to engage in sort of cultural regeneration and social transformation that makes a space for that recollection."
"I'm not just taking the ends off; I'm looking at the inside and seeing what I can take from the inside to create the space between branches and layers."
"This space that I'm creating is for the black woman, it's for the well-being of black women."
"The first thing he was always looking for was, did he create enough space off the catch to just rise up, elevate over his defender, and knock it down."
"We're trying to create a space where the human being can thrive."
"He's so quick and creates such space."
"Creating space, we're going to be creating asteroids, we're going to have laser blasts, exhaust out the back of a spaceship, explosions, and some dynamic stuff."
"Getting rid of that creates more clarity and again it makes more space for music and things like that coming from your game noise."
"The best way to create space is often to come out of it slightly, back off the end range of your own motion and your own musculature so you can find a little bit more wiggle room, and then reset and then go down into it."
"I've created so much space in here, I'm so happy."
"Create length through your spine."
"Let's grow, you know, when we run out of space, let's make some more space."
"Sometimes things need to fall away, fall apart, move on in order to create the space that you need to thrive."
"You're expanding, not really making sacrifices, you're creating space."
"Jude Bellingham's running off the ball to create space is off the charts good."
"Make space and room for more that is in alignment with what you want now."
"By drawing the team out, it creates space further back."