
Apostle Paul Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Paul violently opposed the church, he tried to destroy it."
"Paul persecuted the Christians because there was an expectation of what a Jewish Messiah would be."
"If there's anyone in history who understood the reality of what it's like to be persecuted, it was the Apostle Paul."
"Paul is the single most influential writer of all time."
"Paul didn't write a gospel, he wrote letters."
"Paul believed that Jesus had commanded him personally to spread his message of redemption."
"Once you've tasted of him, you can testify to the words of Paul the Apostle who said that he counted all things as rubbish in comparison to knowing him."
"Everything the Apostle Paul wrote is scripture."
"Paul never forgot what happened to him on the Damascus road."
"Paul received it from the earliest Christians."
"There is a real presence of Christ in me and that when Paul says I've been crucified with Christ and it's no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me."
"When we place Christ at the center... we can say with the Apostle Paul, 'I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.'"
"Speaking the truth in love, as Paul says to the Ephesians."
"We need to start talking about this because that's what Saint Paul and the early Christians did."
"It's a Journey started with Paul's material in the New Testament."
"The apostle Paul used what was legally available to him to fight back and he also still preached the gospel even when he wasn't supposed to."
"The difference between the apostle Paul and the Pharisees: number one, the Pharisees had heard the teachings of Jesus."
"God's going to give the Apostle Paul a capability to have millions if not billions of simultaneous private one-on-one conversations."
"What an honor to be called a friend of Paul the Apostle."
"The Apostle Paul's presentation emphasizes the total depravity of man, his sinfulness, and hence his need of a perfect savior."
"If you ask me today what is the most powerful thing that the Apostle Paul ever wrote... 'I have a thorn'... Do you know what it means for Paul to say he has a thorn?"
"It shows to me - I marvel at Paul the Apostle, a well-rounded man suited not just for Jerusalem, not just for Galatia, not just for Rome, but also for Athens, the cultural epicenter of the world."
"When you think about the Apostle Paul becoming a Christian... the fact that he could have this experience with the resurrected Christ is profound."
"God wrought miracles through the Apostle Paul."
"When it comes to the Apostle Saul or Paul, God was teaching him from day one to be acquainted with his voice."
"Apostle Paul says, 'Alexander the copper Smith did me much evil.'"
"The Epistle of Paul to the Romans is Paul's magnum opus it is his major work of exposition of his gospel."
"What sustained the Apostle Paul throughout his life was his complete confidence in the loyal love of Christ."
"The book of Romans is powerful. It's written by the apostle Paul, the artist formerly known as Saul."
"The same energy you gave to the world you want to give to the kingdom. That's what Paul did."
"Um, particularly the more mystical Paul, um, the Paul that says I no longer live but Christ lives within me."
"Paul is a very, very complex character."
"The Apostle Paul taught us in every way that Christ is preached."
"Paul once Saul of Tarsus is a gospel man. It'd be impossible to meet him without being made aware of the fact that he was truly amazed by God's grace in his life."
"Paul's gospel is the message of salvation for today."
"We must look not only at what the Apostle Paul said but what he did in relation to female leaders and interpret his words accordingly."
"Christ dealt with the Apostle Paul."
"As far back as the Apostle Paul, it is a christological doctrine, the doctrine of justification is."
"Paul went to the Godless heart of the Eastern Roman Empire City of Ephesus."
"What an amazing life the Apostle Paul had."
"Paul, a Jewish man, is choosing to write about this Jewish Messiah, he uses a Greek transliteration or a Greek rendering."
"This is what Paul writes to the church at Ephesus; this is what they would have understood; this is what the words mean; this is what the grammar says."
"For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified."
"Let us not forget the words of the Apostle Paul who in his letter to the Philippians exhorts us to focus on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy."
"It's no longer I that live, but Christ lives in me."
"The Apostle Paul says that Christ entered into that tent."
"Like the Apostle Paul, I'm learning to count everything as a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."
"We struggle to listen to the Apostle Paul... but he is calling us to humble ourselves at the foot of the cross where the lamb is."
"Whatever you imagine, it's far greater, because Paul said it's never entered even the mind of any man or woman the glory that God has prepared."
"I'm going for that prize, and the crown, I want it," Paul the Apostle said.
"Knowing Paul as we do, we know the emphasis of his ministry was the grace of God."
"If we can resist making assumptions and pick up Paul's letters with fresh eyes, we will capture an amazing moment in time."
"The theology ends up being exactly the way Paul taught in the New Testament."
"By far 2nd Corinthians is the most personal letter that Paul wrote."
"I am not insane, most excellent Festus," Paul replied. "What I am saying is true and reasonable."
"The gospel is clearly spelled out for us in the letters of the Apostle Paul."
"I pray like the Apostle Paul we may have the courage to follow the spirit more than our fears of man."