
Client Interaction Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Consider your client interface and how their interactions impact your app's structure."
"Developers need to recognize how client interactions impact the development process."
"I can make much more money helping people at scale then sitting individually with my customers showing them how to do it."
"I spend 30 minutes shooting, 10 minutes picking images, and 10 minutes submitting them for retouching. That's it."
"Clients see the photos on the big screen: they're more impressed and motivated to participate."
"Client says thank you very much, how do I pay the balance, and they leave."
"A clinical assessment is what takes place during the initial meeting with the client."
"I'm delighted you love this room, let's go and look at the next one."
"We try to walk you through the entire legal process while also answering your insightful questions along the way."
"Nobody wants you on their face. It's weird, you're a stranger. Don't be in people's faces - it's awkward and uncomfortable for me as well."
"Welcome back to Good Times Realty. I hear you've had some good times."
"It's very important for me as a tattooer that I impart some sense of knowledge to the client."
"We're in a situation where a lot of our work is custom, our solutions are custom, a client comes to us, we assess what they need, you know we play the doctor, we prescribe, and we share a proposal." - Greg Hickman
"Take the time to make the assessment a major part of what you do with a client."
"A lot of what I do in the first meeting is I spend a very long time in the diagnostic phase."
"It's very important to be perceived as being helpful; you might say, 'Congratulations, Mr. Client, I'm thrilled for you. I am honored that I was able to play some small part in you getting that grant.'"
"Anybody that gives them a budget without wanting a conversation is giving them a bogus bid."
"Brace yourself. You're getting an easy spot tattooed, shut the (beeping tone) up and let me do what I do."
"Best way to start making something look cohesive: asking for imagery from clients."
"How nice is it though to just be able to ring up your retailer and give them a list of farms that are ready to spray?"
"You have a mustache and a bit of a sideburn problem. Would you like to treat that today?"
"Agile is helpful in terms of handling large amounts of interactions between client and project team."
"My goal during these is to ask questions that will help me gather all of the necessary information for creating a personalized project proposal."
"Ask the client about the client's favorite memories of the client's child."
"It's time to present to the client and this can be broken down into two parts."
"There’s something about the nature of the exchange between the client and the astrologer that draws something else out."
"You can't teach them how to pay attention to the client but how to not pay attention to themselves."
"The presentation of your design ideas and your Concepts to your client is arguably the most important stage of all."
"Get on the phone. Have a five minute conversation you'll get way more information and you're going to build a stronger relationship with your client."
"It's super important no matter where you're at in the process of the inspection when the client shows up you stop whatever you're doing and you go and greet your client."
"I advise you guys to do this with your clients this way they check everything before they pay you so this way they don't hit you up later on like hey this is that this happened or this is that you know I'm saying."
"Drop the PC, drop being perfect, and when you have a chance to interact with one of your clients, pause for five seconds, sit down, get to know them, understand the why, because chances are you're going to relate heavily with them."
"Makes it a lot easier to interact with the client as well if you're under time pressure."
"I always ask my clients, 'Okay so, you know what you want me to do, do you want me to like throw my back into this and design something that I see as a vision or do you just want me to stick to what you asked me to do and Avera Blee?' They say, 'Honey, throw your back into it.'"
"I always give myself two hours just in case because sometimes I have those talkative clients that just takes forever."
"Imagine you're interviewing a key client expert in getting some really intriguing figures. You need to instantly do some mini analysis in your head and incorporate that into the best next question without any delay."
"Every single client interaction is a rep of an exercise that is going to make you a stronger and more valuable trainer."
"It's important to hang in there and ask clients questions that involve that level of hope and that level of change."
"I need to finish that and then my other project is I'm zooming with a client on Saturday."
"So you are in contact with the person they are showing interest in your portfolio. Now what?"
"Your liability goes down 75% when the client is with you."
"The first thing your client wants to know what's the answer."
"Creating content that is actually helpful, that gets your future clients to actually go through your website, interact with your work, and you help them out."
"There's no faster way to build a relationship with a prospective client than meeting them face to face."
"Your number one role is to implement. You are working with the client directly."
"It's important that you have easy ways to interact with your clients and to collect payment because payments are what keeps the business blood flowing."
"Every time I sit with a client, that discussion always generally begins with what the asset structure looks like."
"The client code is sort of reserved for any element on the website that you interact with."
"Always make sure to ask your clients as soon as they walk in, 'What are you planning on doing today? What did you want to do today? What type of design?'"
"For functional consulting, it's very focused on gathering business requirements from the client."
"Stop spending your time teaming up, go high level, and start talking to [your clients]."
"I'm going through that phase guys where now I'm getting calls, now I'm getting emails, and pretty soon I'm going to have bookings."
"To build trust and to get them comfortable, it takes a lot, so there's a lot of laughing involved."
"I'm looking for a job where I'm facing clients, where I don't have to code for eight hours every day, where I talk with people."
"We used to go to client offices or homes, fix the computers there, and get paid a lot of money for that."