
Browsing Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"For situations where you truly need to browse anonymously, you should resort to using Tor."
"Silo your browsing experience with profiles in Safari, separating work and personal data seamlessly."
"Ad block is a necessary good for the general internet, especially when you're browsing any random website or dealing with shady advertisements."
"Safari prevents trackers from following you across websites."
"Tab for a cause is a free browser extension that earns money for charity every time you open a new tab."
"You get paid to browse the internet, sounds great."
"Give me a few minutes and have fun looking around, there's lots of new stuff in the store."
"When feral sheep numbers spike, the critters can counteract a lot of the work they've done by browsing young trees right down to the dirt."
"...I do prefer to have the address bar on the bottom of the screen..."
"...definitely wanted to let you know that this um 90 HZ scrolling is actually really good for browsing through different applications..."
"Arc is beautiful, like hands down this is probably the most beautiful browsing experience that I've ever experienced."
"It could really revolutionize the browsing experience."
"Are you someone who's just browsing the web or someone who's heavily invested into Apple's ecosystem?"
"It blocks ads on all of your favorite websites and streaming services."
"This thing could run a much more capable browser than any other cell phone at the time."
"Nothing was priced particularly high so it was really fun to look around."
"If you're looking for inspiration, there are always lots of websites you can go to browse and find such things."
"Close all browser tabs with one touch, and retrieve recently closed tabs easily."
"Total Refresh gives you a single button to refresh all of your open tabs."
"It protects your privacy, your internet service provider can see all those naughty websites you visit, but when you're behind a VPN they don't have a clue."
"Reddit is supposed to be a fun place to scroll looking for memes, funny videos, or interesting things you've never seen before."
"We're online looking at all these cars."
"I'm currently sat here on Pinterest."
"So when it comes to actual productivity in your browser, it's more about those little interactions."
"Opera one also comes with a new modular design, which allows me to customize all the bells and whistles to make my browsing experience truly feel like my experience."
"Private browsers often have functionality that will help detect any kind of phishing attempts on your personal information, be it login credentials or credit card information."
"10 minutes is not a lot of time when you have to scroll through a website and everything."
"Welcome to zed a browser extension that lets you read articles behind paywalls. Okay my browser already has something lets me do that it's called incognito mode oh [ __ ]."
"When you're searching for flights always do it in an incognito window."
"Square X gives you the ability to browse the internet fearlessly by providing you a completely secured, unrestricted, completely anonymous and sandbox browsing experience."
"Mostly just window shopping in these shops."
"I'm wearing a little bit more browsing."
"It was the type of place you could browse for hours and you were guaranteed to come away with at least one incredible find."
"Hope you've enjoyed looking through Auto Trader with me."
"Okay guys I was able to return everything from ever cromi it wasn't too late I was scared of that but we got everything returned now we're just browsing a little bit."
"Browse the internet without borders or restrictions."
"I've been browsing, surfing, logging onto the World Wide Web."
"the gx profiles let you create a custom browser suited perfectly for any activity online"
"Most of these animals, you know, certainly, the eland, they're browsers, so you find them in areas where they browse, and browsers are bushes or trees or shrubs."
"Let me open this up in the big browser, so that's my localhost 3000."
"People love to come in here and just spend hours looking around."
"Change Firefox settings to optimize your browsing experience."
"Just looking just browsing I know it just pisses me off."
"...that's why I use Incognito to protect my personal data."
"The internet explorer starter kit includes everything you need to connect to the internet and start browsing the world wide web in a matter of minutes."
"Six out of 10 guests go straight to the photos when they click on a listing."
"Which kind of lets you by default a lot of web browsers, like for example Chrome, have this notion of like there's session that you have, where you have all your cookies and they are kind of all shared from the different websites in the sense of."
"I just like the free you page oh yeah I don't I'm not a Searcher I don't search I wonder what's on your the search."
"Browsing to a website essentially involves two phases: first using DNS to resolve a domain name into an IP address, and second, sending an HTTP request to that IP address."
"Use Safari hotkeys like Command + L to select the address bar and Command + T to open a new tab."
"I just so happened to be browsing on boohoo the other day I personally have not purchased anything from boohoo in like a year and I was like let me go on boohoo and see what they got over there"
"Nothing was just coming to you, you weren't just gonna scroll and some algorithm was gonna push something to you because it thinks you might click on it or you're gonna like it."
"Ensuring that you're anonymous while browsing and preventing data interception."
"I like going to the mall, but I don't like buying things."
"Browsing the internet has become such an integral part of modern life."
"Not only does Opera have a free VPN installed by default, but also has an ad block, which means they can help keep you safe and secure while also improving your speed."
"Why yes he looked for porn in a while no."
"Follow the link in the description and have a look around."
"You'll always get that little thing, I'm sure you've seen it on other Pages too that you visit frequently."
"...this is going to be a very privacy-focused browser and it's going to try to get you as Anonymous as possible when browsing the internet..."
"Let me jump out of this real quick. I'm going to bounce over to a website."
"There's one thing about me is that I love a browse and I love a flea market. I'm having so much fun."
"I came out empty-handed, believe it or not, and she bought something. It was fun. I love just looking around and browsing."
"There's something special about getting the print catalog in your hand and actually leafing through the pages."
"I mean, it's scary how well the algorithm knows you. You'll watch one video, and then it'll serve up thousands of others that are down a rabbit hole you didn't know you wanted to go down."
"Appointments are not necessary for browsing."
"Yes our browser is an incredible time-saving tool."
"Using an incognito window wipes that slate clean and it's as if you're going to Amazon for the first time and you will get a completely fresh group of results."
"A web application is essentially trying to emulate a mobile application or a piece of software by providing the user with a much more smooth uh browsing experience."
"I didn't realize how many girls I had read profiles through."
"All this and more on Incognito Mode, right?"
"I just love to be able to go and just browse and find some treasure."
"Even when you go, if you're not going to shop and buy a lot of stuff, you can still go and get inspired."
"...the first thing i do when i work with browsing all the time so the first thing i do when i wake up in the morning is basically i load my phone up and i have certain sites that i checked i check and i'll see whether there's any um any offers on or anything like that."
"It's always working for you in the background. It will pop up and remind you and be like, 'Hey, you were looking at this. Do you want me to save it for you?'"
"It's so hard cuz I like going into Barnes & Noble because they have like the table that's like Dum teen books. Yes, yes, I know."
"We were only looking" - Light-hearted dismissal adds a comedic touch to a situation.
"The cool thing is that both phones do feature that 19.5 by 9 aspect ratio which really makes them great for web browsing and going on social media."
"If you just click the middle mouse button, it will automatically open it in another tab."
"Ever catch yourself browsing Zillow at 3am? Same here, it's too easy."
"Browsing the web was also fantastic due to this just being a larger phone."
"Chrome extensions are a much more powerful way to affect the browsing experience as a whole."
"A bookmarklet is a really quick and easy way to add a button that triggers some code that changes your browsing experience."
"It allows you to browse the web safely."
"Now there's a new graphical browser called Mosaic."
"Take advantage of it, you can always go look, you don't have to buy anything, there's no pressure at all whatsoever."
"Safari is designed to prevent tracking and secure your information when you travel across the internet and jump from site to site."
"Overall, I do like Safari; it is the browser that works best for me on my Mac."
"You can use these tools to browse the collection."
"I'm kind of like that at Best Buy, I never end up buying anything, but I just like looking at the cool stuff."
"The benefits of a three to two aspect ratio means you'll see more on the display, you'll do less scrolling when it comes to web browsing."
"You can browse privately and other people who use this device won't see your activity."
"You can instead, on occasion, open up a special type of window, which most of today's browsers support that puts you into private mode or incognito mode."
"The black rhino, well, they are browsers exclusively, so they're looking for bushes."
"Every time I'm on the internet, I browse."
"That's how we use the history API to move backwards and forwards."
"Metamask is to turn our web browser into a blockchain browser."
"We needed a component at its core that could be used for browsing and reporting but also truly navigating."
"This is really useful because what we're going to do is use this as the basis to browse to each of these video pages."
"So a simple way to avoid this is to open up each link in a separate tab, keeping the main Wikipedia page open in its original tab."
"By 2020, more than 30% of all the web browsing sessions will be done without a screen."
"The z-fold 3 should feel smoother when scrolling through a website or something that you're looking at."
"Your phone is doing this when you're just browsing or messaging someone, it can switch to the lower voltage and save your battery."
"We can look at this without buying and that's totally cool."