
Microservices Quotes

There are 228 quotes

"Microservices are an extreme reaction to the experience with monolithic applications."
"Microservices allow you to easily scale up and down your number of apps."
"Make microservice-based architectures more accessible with Dapr's building blocks."
"Microservices enable loose coupling, allowing for easier and quicker changes without breaking other components."
"Microservices are autonomous. The teams that look after these microservices can make progress alone."
"Microservices is as much about a team organizational attitude as it is about a technological attitude."
"How independent microservices communicate with each other? They use REST APIs."
"Facebook's ordered queuing service: decoupling and scaling microservices."
"In the world of spring boot microservices, how you structure your application can have a huge impact on its maintainability and clarity."
"Domain-driven design aligns with the microservice philosophy of having modular, independent components."
"Node.js is very popular for building APIs, microservices, as well as full-stack applications."
"Breaking down a monolithic application into smaller services is key to transitioning to a serverless architecture."
"Microservices can scale individually based on load, optimizing resource usage and improving performance."
"Microservices are not tied to any specific technology or programming language; you can use anything you want."
"Microservices allow services to evolve independently without affecting other services, as long as they adhere to the agreed-upon API contract."
"Microservices are more fine-grained than SOA services, each responsible for a specific domain or functionality."
"Microservices allow you to scale your development efforts and improve productivity."
"Using Node.js and the Molecular framework, you can create microservices and leverage built-in features like load balancing and service discovery."
"You can use whatever technology you want to build an application using microservices architecture."
"A well-designed microservice is only responsible for one thing and as a result, they're a lot easier to maintain."
"Don't do microservices unless you have a really good reason to do it because monoliths can be good too especially if they're a good fit for your project."
"In a micro-services architecture, you still have the one user interface that the user interacts with, but these actually trigger independent micro-services which could have a shared database or maybe they each have their own database."
"SQS is great for reliable one-to-one asynchronous communication between microservices."
"This is super helpful to kind of understand what we need for our configuration to be what we want our micro services to be in terms of configuration."
"Parallel deployment is one of the very great features which micro services brought."
"Microservice architecture is the best."
"So both the build stage and the push stage, both of them are successful. Perfect! So we are done with one microservice. Now similarly, we will have to create for the other microservices, right?"
"If microservices are adapted for low latency, they can be a very good pattern for low latency systems."
"Spinnaker consists of a lot of microservices, it's a microservices-based architecture."
"Circuit breaker. So raise your hand if you've heard of circuit breaking. Yeah. So this is a very common sort of best practice for microservices and for distributed systems. Istio did not invent this."
"Microservices are secured using JWT for authentication and authorization, ensuring data integrity and access control."
"Azure Functions is a perfect tool for building microservices."
"For each of these different paths, you want it to go to different microservices. If you just use separate load balancer services for each of these microservices, you cannot achieve this easily."
"It's a framework built to build highly scalable event-driven and streaming microservices."
"Put everyone together on the same team; if you're doing microservices right, they're on the same product team."
"Ultimately, you know, call microservice C in the tightest security, tightest secure way possible."
"So let's go ahead and understand how to implement monitoring in our microservice project."
"One of the glaring challenges of deploying microservices to Kubernetes is figuring out network communication from the outside world into your clusters."
"GRPC is something that's going to be very fundamental, very important for all the microservices and blockchains like the bigger blockchain products that we'll do in the future."
"Redis also has the ability for pub subs, allowing different microservices to publish messages to Redis."
"So now that we've gone ahead and set up our billing microservice, let's go ahead and actually use it inside of our orders application so we can communicate with that service."
"Now that we've created our base monorepo, it's very easy to add additional microservices and common libraries to our app."
"Microservices enable agility, flexibility, and easier maintenance of application in Cloud environments."
"Every sufficiently complex and large deployment of microservices contains an ad hoc informally specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of transactions."
"That's what drives a lot of microservice architectures."
"Let's break a piece off and make it a microservice that we can be more flexible."
"Unlike monolithic apps one major benefit of micro services is that your whole application can somewhat be up and running even if one of those services goes down."
"Microservices are highly scalable because they are small and often stateless."
"Microservices can make the creation of larger applications a bit simpler."
"Not only do you need to understand where one microservice ends and another one begins, you also need to understand what the technologies and the ways of doing that communication are."
"If you see someone doing microservices with the same database, they're not doing it right."
"Direct to microservice communication is what is being used here."
"You're always going to end up with um... information about how the responses of the different microservices need to be combined."
"We're looking for a... form of less tight coupling or loose coupling."
"What is often a better idea is... having a specific gateway for a specific frontend."
"CI/CD is so important when we start to adopt containers and these microservices architectures."
"Apollo Federation addresses these issues by allowing us to split a schema based on separation of concerns rather than by type."
"That's the point of micro service architecture, you want you have a really really contextual delimited micro service architecture."
"Spring Cloud Stream is itself boot-based, so it supplies auto-configuration support for the message brokers."
"The key point about building a microservice-based solution is that you are not building a single monolithic application to process data."
"You're going to build better [microservices or APIs] when you build them when you need them."
"Istio is an open-source service mesh that provides a unified platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices."
"Istio has become the de facto service mesh for modern microservices."
"This is the perfect example of where we should create some sort of helper for that process that can be reused between all of our microservices."
"In software architecture, a service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for facilitating service to service communication, usually among microservices."
"Microservices are smaller independent services that have their own database and they can communicate with each other using an event bus."
"It's a lot about autonomy... if you have a micro service, it means that you have one team dedicated for caring about that."
"Everybody does micro services which are per definition a distributed system, but nobody understands how to do that right."
"We're going to take you on a journey today from monoliths to microservices to event-driven microservices."
"We love micro frontend. It really goes with our full ownership approach."
"Microservices are independent modules that are very small and they're small enough to take a very single action."
"Microservices have autonomous scalability."
"Functions are triggered in a number of different ways. They can be triggered by an HTTP request, which is primarily what will show in microservices architecture in a bit."
"Implemented end-to-end CI/CD pipeline for an entire architecture microservice application."
"If you want to see how to take this and break it up into microservices using Kubernetes and Docker, then eShop on Containers is where you want to look."
"We need to be able to propagate the context between services."
"Dapr is a really lightweight runtime for building microservices."
"Dapr itself allows you to use things like service-to-service communication, state management, publish-subscribe functionalities."
"Dapr is also very extensible and pluggable."
"The circuit breaker is one of the most popular and more important policies that you can use to make your microservice or your service in general resilient."
"Microservices are an increasingly popular software architecture style that structures applications as a collection of highly maintainable, loosely coupled, and independent services."
"If you are wondering if you can use the .NET platform to build microservices, it is worth checking out the multiple existing and new features that .NET 5 offers today."
"Bridge to Kubernetes simplifies debugging our microservice applications."
"By splitting them up like this, it allows us to treat them separately and scale them independently."
"When we talk about Docker, we talk about things like immutable infrastructure or doing containerized architectures using microservices."
"So today I'm going to talk about securing your microservices architecture with JSON Web Tokens."
"And that is what JSON Web Tokens or Jots can help with."
"For performance optimization, do consider a microservices architecture sometimes known as vertical sharing."
"Containers are great for microservices-based architectures."
"When you deal with microservices, you already apply divide and conquer."
"Your microservices should be loosely coupled and they should have high cohesion."
"As you start to grow your infrastructure and have more and more microservices, you start to run into three main challenges."
"Microservices is where you divide your monolithic application into multiple small services."
"A microservices architecture is a type of application architecture where the application is developed as a collection of services."
"gRPC is designed for modern apps, particularly microservices."
"It's a really simple way to write fast and secure microservices using WebAssembly."
"Dapper can make microservice developments so much easier."
"Dapper is focused on making microservice and distributed app developers more productive."
"Microservices can help with resistance to system failures and system scalability."
"Each microservice will be responsible for its transaction anyway, but the question that comes is, if each microservice is managing its own transaction, how do we manage distributed transaction?"
"In choreography implementation, each microservice communicates with each other through events and does not need any centralized coordinator."
"When you're deploying microservices, the idea is microservices are small, single-task focused capabilities, and you build up an application using several microservices."
"Having a good microservice strategy will enable scalability, reliability, and good containerization."
"The main top-level features are routing, request aggregation, authentication, authorization, rate limiting, caching, and load balancing."
"If you're developing a large, complex application, you need to deliver it rapidly and reliably, then a microservice architecture is often a good choice."
"Microservices do one thing and do it well."
"Having worked with microservices for a long time, I don't think I've ever worked on a service that didn't implement retry policies in some capacity."
"You have to understand the different assets they have, how do these microservices talk to each other, how do they contribute to their core business or their core application."
"The key thing about building and writing micro-services in Go is it doesn't matter what system you're using."
"gRPC is a key building block in microservice architectures."
"Go kit should provide these best practices, idioms, examples, patterns for how you should do microservice services, how you should do circuit breaking, how you should do distributed systems programming."
"Microservices architecture is used to loosely couple with the business logic and other services due to its isolations of nature."
"We will try to cover throughout this tutorial... how the microservices architecture communicate with each other."
"Clustering is a very easy way to get all the benefits of a microservices architecture."
"Tye aims to be a tool that simplifies Microservice development and deployment."
"Microservices means that in the backend, all these teams or small functionalities will be running on different applications."
"Modular monolith can offer what I think of as a Goldilocks solution because it combines the modularity of microservices but still gives you in-process capabilities and much fewer expenses when it comes to deploying and managing a bunch of services."
"It's a way to manage data consistency across microservices in distributed transaction scenarios."
"Being reprogrammable and smart... is just another term for thinking about microservices and being agile."
"Now the topic of this webinar is how Dapper helps implement microservices patterns."
"Microservices are an architectural style for structuring applications as a collection of independent and loosely coupled services."
"Microservices are supposed to encapsulate the data that they manage as well."
"Let's talk about the microservices concepts."
"All of a sudden, all those arrows go away, and we introduce this abstraction layer between our clients and our microservices."
"We're now entering the age of microservices and containers."
"There are a lot of microservices which are doing things underlying for you to get this robust system called Argo CD GitOps system."
"I believe Go is almost the perfect language for microservices."
"I'm really excited for us to kind of dive into the conversation and learn about how we could use Dapper and build microservices using .NET."
"Dapper really is a runtime for microservices."
"Majestic microservices combine the best of both worlds."
"Microservices solve problems of organization but they cause technical problems."
"Structuring different components of your applications as separate services provides you a microservice architecture."
"Microservices is all about pizza, just take that away, that's your takeaway."
"Think about microfrontend as splitting company into dedicated teams to achieve their mission without fighting with each other."
"Building microservices... poses a challenge because there are certain architectural patterns and design decisions you have to follow."
"High availability architectures, microservices using containers, that's something that we talk about a lot these days."
"MuleSoft supports many architecture style design patterns like microservices, domain-driven design, API-led connectivity architecture."
"We also created new microservices to handle the lifecycle of these tokens."
"Microservices have a well-defined API; they're reusable so you can take pieces and run them in different scenarios."
"Messaging is not a new idea but it happens to be a really great fit for what we're trying to do in the microservices world."
"Correlation IDs are super helpful in a big distributed system of microservices."
"The solution, of course, is to use the microservice architecture."
"Use microservices to accelerate development, use an event-driven architecture to maintain data consistency across your microservices, and use Docker to simplify not only the development of your applications but also the deployment."
"The beauty of microservices is that we can modify one service without affecting the whole of the solution."
"Having microservices has allowed us to really remove the dependencies between teams."
"As a definition of a microservice, you should think of single responsibility or SOLID, which is an acronym where S in SOLID stands for single responsibility."
"Microservices are becoming more popular and they've been made more possible by advances in technology."
"Microservices... each service is easy to maintain and test, is loosely coupled, and can be worked on and deployed independently."
"You can also isolate faults without them bringing down the entire application."
"It's interesting how the conversation has changed from 'What is a microservice?' to 'How do you build these things?'"
"Everyone's heard about microservices, right? It enables scalability, redundancy, and a faster development timeline."
"We add the sidecar in the same pod so that we can handle the connections to the event broker without the invoker having to deal with that level of logic."
"I try to refer to that system of systems term better than the term microservices because that seems to imply some focus on size of things which I really think people get too much carried away with."
"Just like Whips, in the last few years, organizations are increasingly adopting the microservices architecture for its obvious benefits."
"Microservices are those small units of work that together make up an entire application."
"Domain-driven design is very important to achieving the benefits of microservice architecture."
"Microservices for me made life a lot easier in that teams could move more independently from one another."
"The thing that we should be most interested in about microservices: the capabilities it gives us to fulfill the needs of our business."
"GitLab is awesome for being microservice friendly."
"We also deploy applications in the cloud, we build microservices and distributed applications."
"Microservices are nice and I fundamentally believe that that's like a good way to build systems and scale teams."
"We want to make sure that we can have each of our little microservices scale independently."
"Certificate-based security, I think this is an interesting option for microservices."
"One service doesn't need to know how another service functions internally."
"Adopting new technology within a single micro-service becomes much less risky."
"Microservices allow you to scale on a very granular level which saves on cost."
"I'm really excited about this series because we're going to dive into the topic of microservices architectures."
"The real core benefit of microservices is the independent deployability of each different piece of software."
"With micro front-ends, you need to apply domain-driven design to your application and your organization."