
Quirkiness Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"I kind of like it, it's a bit weird but I kind of like it."
"It's about leaning into the quirk, leaning into the oddity."
"Just out here wasting flavor, okay it's a requirement not only that I need you to grab the bottom of the bag and then drink it to be certified."
"Things can be old and dumb but still cherished in a weird way."
"And that easily deserves the title of number one quirk of the year."
"She kind of understands that I'm just a little bit crazy."
"That's like the perfect amount of stupid, I'm here for it."
"Some say he keeps a photo of his wallet in his wallet."
"My dog has Asperger's, now he's randomly obsessed with chasing his own tail."
"I love having a linguistic quirk such as symmetry or repeated consonant sounds."
"I got to tell you, I was into some weird stuff as a kid."
"Last time it was the living room, this time it's pyromania."
"Fred Figglehorn is a socially awkward and emotionally underdeveloped teenager plagued with a high-pitched voice who has an obsession with his classmate Judy."
"Oh, I love these little roadside attractions; they are just so much fun and so bizarre."
"If you're weird, chances are we already like you."
"It's just a little bit wacky and that's why I love it."
"He was clinging to Jake asking for a ham."
"I was even hugging my pillow the other day, which I don't even like."
"I'm always compelled to push that needle to positive and uplifting quirky for sure."
"His laugh, I didn't mind. That was just a dumb quirky thing."
"I think the nicest modern quirk in a garage were Shell stations in 2007 when you could buy the little Ferraris."
"I think they're great value and they're quite quirky too."
"She doesn't have bad aspects, she's like a totally wholesome, I mean she's a little dorky but yeah."
"It's about them trying to save the day and have and it goes kind of like in this quirky realm."
"Scotland, a real place? The national animal is a unicorn!"
"Someone's unfolding into themselves, honoring themselves, and being their quirky selves."
"Everybody does weird things probably to some extent that are unconventional when they're alone."
"Why am I holding the spoon like this? Doesn't matter."
"I think it's a wonderful place, it's quirky and silly and a little bit weird, and I just love it."
"If you put your popsicles in the freezer, you're weird."
"Having my potato with me helps me feel independent in my own chiping potatoey kind of way. Pleasy squeezy pugy pleasy."
"Stay warm out there, and as always, stay creepy."
"Guacamole's extra, you role-playing weirdos."
"I like weird stuff. I mean look at the car next to you. I mean, who wants that?"
"The ingenious inventor of Pringles, Frederick Bauer, died at 89 years old. As per his wishes, his ashes were buried in an original flavor Pringles can."
"A bath full of carrots? I don't know why. I don't know the advantage. It's like she doesn't care at all."
"Kate Winslet keeps her Oscar in the bathroom so a guest can hold it and make acceptance speeches in the mirror."
"why do i also put my hair back with a makeup brush but you know that's what makes me rare."
"They just completely go for it with the quirkiness of Fallout."
"I could watch Ezra Miller's quirkiness for a long time."
"If there's fast food around, I'm shotgunning a beer in the Oval Office. If there's fast food around, I'm shotgunning a beer. I'm drinking out of Abraham Lincoln's pipe. Are you doing like match? You know I'm doing a whole lot of weird shit."
"Brac was a prime example of this quirky and creative nature that was so prevalent in the early days of Cartoon Network."
"I'm a cake cutter. It's so weird."
"Make it weird, just keep getting weird with it."
"Flip. His past may be murky. His tooth may be jerky. But I think he's just quirky. Flip." - Lucy
"I thought it was quirky and interesting and memorable."
"I'm definitely corny like popcorn."
"I like a beep. As long as it's a good beep."
"I mean, one of the main pictures on the front of the website was a bunch of kids in bowling shirts, carrying medieval weapons-- Like, that was our thing!"
"You just get like a little glimpse sometimes from the side that they are just that little bit unusual, and I love it."
"It was just my warped weird sense of humor that sometimes would get the better of me."
"Hit a like button for Dwight's obsession with Never Letting batteries corrode inside of things."
"I mean thumb and first finger and then it rests on my middle. Okay, you hold yourself too. Sure, weird."
"It looks like a decoy where there should have been another half of the body, but I think he's still kind of fun."
"The psychopaths that put toilet roll on the holder the wrong way... It's just weird."
"Every time I lock my front door, I squawk like a parrot."
"What's the dorkiest thing about you? I mean, we talked about this before, she makes, like, sound effects."
"That's what the mustache is for, it keeps giving back, it's gross dude."
"They love that about you it's a weird Quirk for them."
"It's like kooky but it's not playing it like that overtly funny, it's just like it is."
"People might love them, the more they stink, the more they love them."
"You know how I do, I gotta bring my action figures with me on every single event that I go to and every single activity that I do."
"He was obsessed with salamanders, and we saw him at a school fate carrying around a little bag full of coppers."
"...it's so unique so quirky everyone that looks at it seems to love it makes people smile and it makes me smile as well."
"Titles can be short and simple, like The Shining, or they can be long and quirky, as with The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society."
"It's quirky, and fun, and you're like a protagonist in a movie chugging caffeine to get through their work in a glamorous, appealing, fun way."
"What other book would you read in which every sentence was numbered? Well, it’s crazy isn't it?"
"I'm thirsty and I never get water."
"...it's very quirky it's very fun it has so much personality and I think anyone who you go and pick up in this car is gonna have a smile on their face."
"I like Bolin. He's a silly, goofy boy, and I love that."
"A group of goldfish is apparently called a troubling, which is great."
"Do you have anything misdorkable?"
"that was a victory and victories call for mustard parties that sounds absolutely vile and I love mustard"
"Sometimes those quirky things are just... they're quirky and they sell really well."
"The reason I got it was just 'cause I thought it'd be funny and it is, I was right."
"Quirk is just another name for like superpowers."
"yeah he's perfect he's so weird but I love it it's like so good but just so oh my goodness"
"Are you a sock shoe sock shoe person? Personally, I'm a sock Shoe Shop soft shoe people think I'm a psychopath that is psychopath Behavior."
"There is something deeply wrong with all of you, I love it."
"It's kind of a weirdo again, but I just love it."
"We bring out a weird side to each other which makes for one of the best friendships I've ever had."
"Do you guys ever brush your teeth in the shower?"
"...just quite a quirky but charming little book to enjoy."
"Those conversations and the weirdness that happens in between, it's delightful. It makes me happy."
"I just like opening them once in a while 'cause I'm a dork at heart."
"I'll see you next time, my dear. Take care. Lots of love and toodle pip, toodle pip, my dear."
"He's fun and he's funny and he's all kooky and stuff."
"Millennial kids were weird... we put PVA glue on our fingers and peeled it off. We were hardcore."
"He's very calm, funny, and quirky."
"I just love the way grease coats my hair and locks in the moisture."
"He's really weird and confident, yet I love him."
"I think it is very charming, and I really do enjoy its oddness."
"What a fun garden, definitely quirky or should I say beautifully eccentric."
"I am basically just your average weirdo, okay? I'm not a professional at anything."
"I love the whispering; it's so funny."
"I poop faster with a sense of danger."
"Am I the only weirdo that just loves the smell of all kinds of office supplies and art supplies?"
"I love the quirky aspects of them, I love the fun atmospheres that they bring, and I love the celebratory nature of the band as well."
"Every song is fantastic, it's a very quirky kind of weird, but it's super melodic."
"I love this wonderfully quirky picture... it's capturing aspects of nature with such beauty but also with such reality."
"The cube is a pretty quirky but also fun little device."
"She's got this real quirky nerdy behavior but it's all wrapped up in these badass combat skills."
"I kind of like it, you know? It's kind of fun, it's kind of crazy, you know? It's kind of a little bit quirky."
"I do love my quirky bags; it's like my favorite thing."
"She's hilarious, she's really cute, she's like super snickety and plucky and outgoing and a little kooky."
"Well, boy, I've developed a strange addiction; I can't stop collecting spoons."
"The score in Grand Budapest Hotel is so fun and bouncy, full of interesting quirky weird melodies."
"He's so spoiled that he only drinks out of water bottles."
"Does anybody else talk to plants? Sometimes I feel like I'm crazy."
"I never think about my tongue; that's why I love you."
"Life is wonderful, just that's the quirkiness of using those stickers and stamps."
"I literally love eating hot sauce for breakfast."
"I'm a weirdo, so I'd like things to be just a little turn to the left."
"You can add a tree to just about anything, and I think the quirkier the better."
"I'm a little nut who loves berries and cream."
"It's really quirky but actually what makes it is the bar staff there."
"That's okay, we like being weird, don't we?"
"Goats are weird, yeah they are, I like them, yeah they're weird."
"It is a little family, it's a little unhinged at times, but we're all still anyway."
"I'm weird, I like the smell of old books, I think it's amazing."
"My wife and her flying saucers; my husband and his indestructible head."
"She's funny, she's quirky, she's so sweet and cute."
"We're all a little crazy in our own ways."
"Definitely one of the quirkiest, most interesting places you could possibly rent."
"That's when you truly bond with your significant other, when you enjoy each other's weirdness."
"We love you, we love carrots, and we love stripes."
"It is a little frog sponge holder."
"The world is weird, and I love it."
"Could it be that I'm lucky to have found someone who is just as crazy as me?"
"This is such a weird little table, but I love it."
"Everybody have a good day, have a good night, don't know why I'm saluting, but just a salute."
"Everyone does their own weird things sometimes."
"We've really enjoyed the town of Stanley, it's such an awesome little quirky town."
"No matter how proper or polished you think a person is, they're always a little bit weird."
"Everyone seems to have their own quirky thing going on."
"I love how kind of fun and odd this is."
"I really want a Figment stuffed animal. I don't know if I should though. He just reminds me so much of me; he's so weird."
"People are wonderfully bizarre, aren't they?"
"We're just like best friends, and we're weirders, so we're so weird around each other already."
"Popcorn is always there, so I think it just envelops a sense of safety, happiness... it's a food, it's so weird."
"She's a little kooky, but that's where I get my pizzazz from."
"I thought it was very charming, charming and quirky."
"The pink socks stay on while cuddling."
"Seeing that there was another user with his quirk, that was pretty interesting."
"Magic is the most accurate name for your son's quirk."
"Don't worry, I always keep an extra one under my hat in case of an emergency."
"I just found out my girlfriend sleep talks... she sat up last night, sat up in the bed, just said 'blueberries,' stared, yep, and then went right back to sleep."
"It's quirky, and I like quirky things."
"I love it, I'm almost not quite awkward, almost."
"Rosco Elias has this quirky sound to it; it's actually a Norse originated name meaning deer forest."
"It's absolutely without a doubt extremely quirky."
"The $2 bill is kind of quirky, so what's interesting is that the biggest political rivalry in American history was between Hamilton and Jefferson."
"Who really has a unicycle these days? He's different, he's not like other guys, he's quirky."
"That's just Gus, guys, yeah, he's a little weird but he doesn't really do much."
"Everyone just loves little weirdos."
"It's naturally different. Catalina, it's quirky, and I love it."
"I like voices for some reason, I don't know why, sometimes people's voices make me want to cuddle them."
"Who else would think it not the least odd to make their judges wear little mops on their heads?"
"He painted his walls the color of her eyes. That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard but also somehow the loveliest."
"I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts."
"She does love a little bit of swarm."
"She's a book-loving librarian who makes cute toe movements while reading."
"I love it when you talk nerd to me."
"I'm going to my secret stash, it's where I keep my spruce mustache."
"I always find jewelry with bugs a little bit creepy, but rather fun and whimsical as well."
"It's weird, it's excessive, and it's flawed, but it's undeniably fun."
"Find yourself someone that loves you like this guy loves this mailbox."
"Here comes a guy who'd put a ruler under his pillow to measure how long he slept."
"She's the weirdest little cat. Like, a lot of times she doesn't want to be petted at all; sometimes she wants you to drop everything and pet her for 10 minutes straight."
"I think when someone's geeky about something, that's kind of cute."
"Humans are weird little dudes, but I appreciate them."
"You're not afraid to be quirky, you're not afraid to be yourself."
"The things in life that make me laugh the most are people with non-sexual fetishes trying to work them into situations."
"Trees are weird, totally. I appreciate the weirdness."
"Celestia often seemed the more poised of the two, but once you got to know her, she had a somewhat silly and studious side."
"It's so cute, it's a little old French lady who has a whole bunch of dinosaurs."
"I think it's a curio, it's interesting, it's quirky."
"It's so quirky, like it's totally enlightened."
"Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?"
"You're deliciously weird sometimes."
"I enjoy weird, which is why I'm with you."
"I love you despite all of that, you're weird."
"I know Ace watches television standing up, which I find hilarious."
"I like the little quirkiness to his storytelling."
"Ducks go in cups, you know that. Everyone knows that."
"Does anyone else dance to their appliance sounds in the kitchen, or is that just me?"
"I love little collectible things like that; they're just quirky and different."
"It's charming, a little bit quirky, it's definitely got a melancholy in its soul in there somewhere, but it's fun, it's vibrant."
"Everybody needs a mini bottle of Tabasco sauce in their fanny pack."
"We're a couple of kooky, crazy kids in love that are cooking crazy about Ruby."
"Oopsie, my old friend Goldilocks used to say 'oopsie' all the time too."
"I'm loving how everything looks like, it's really fun and quirky."
"The animatronics get a little quirky at night."
"I love that you're accepting; you're a complete dork, but I love you."
"I don't eat bananas fully. I eat the inside of the banana. I just chew them up and spit them out."
"She's entertaining to watch because she's just a quirky girl."
"It's weird, it's strange, it's sometimes a little goofy, but it's overflowing with potential."
"It's a unique quirk because he's essentially got a sentient buddy."
"People who don't cut their bread are very weird and you can't trust them."
"It's unique in so many different ways, like a weird crazy mutant, isn't it?"