
Fire Safety Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"Fire extinguisher: How to use. Put out safety pin, draw out the hose so ease the level. Simple enough."
"Carrying multiple sources of combustion is a good idea."
"I think one of the most striking things is that nothing has ever caught on fire, and if it does, it never spreads."
"Using salt water is a stroke of genius... a building of this size has hundreds of sprinklers."
"At this point we have no wooden parts of the base so we're not susceptible to Flame raiding."
"Putting out a grease fire... cover the flames with a metal lid or sheet tray."
"They're still sometimes used in certain situations like in buildings instead of a sprinkler system."
"Listen, once you've lit something on fire and the fire department comes, I don't think there's going back."
"You don’t need me to tell you how devastating a fire can be."
"A fire starter, there are no campfires allowed where we're camping tonight."
"Fire incidents are around 11 times lower for Tesla vehicles than the average vehicle in the US."
"If you have silver stored in your house and your whole house burns down did you lose your silver no the silver did not burn."
"Clean out your dryer lint traps every single time you use your dryer."
"I left this candle on all night, that's not safe you're not supposed to do [__] like that."
"No steel structure in history has ever collapsed due to a fire."
"Once you have a flashover, you produce heat, toxic gases, and you burn up all the oxygen in the cabin, and it becomes non-survivable."
"The most optimal way to deal with combustion is to dispel it."
"House fires are something that particularly scares me. It's just something that, like, every time I think about it... I'm very paranoid about things burning down."
"We were literally seconds away from death because what kills you in a fire isn't the fire itself is the smoke."
"It offers exceptional thermal properties but also helps with sound insulation and fire protection."
"There is a fire burning, and she trying to talk to people about preventing fires like we don't want to listen to you talk about fire prevention when there's a fire happening in your house."
"Expandable graphite is useful for a lot of things making graphite foil and graphene and it does maybe have a place in outdoor fire resistant products just not for indoor use where there are better options."
"Alright, so half of the room is on fire but because we removed that wall section it will not actually heat up above the outside temperatures so at least there's that."
"I want to check your fire extinguisher, make sure it's secured and it's fully charged."
"It's not every fire you have to go and play with."
"There mustn't be another fire; laws would insist on flat fronts, no overhangs, more brick."
"The reason why the evacuation in Manchester wasn't achieved in 90 seconds is because the conditions in a real fire evacuation are completely different from certification conditions."
"Remember kids, fire is a dangerous tool, and should never be left unattended."
"Fire doesn't discriminate, so whether you're 18 or whether you're 50, yeah the fire's not gonna go I'm not going to burn so hot I'm not going to be so intensive because you're a bit older."
"It's happened at least three to four times. We are talking big fires with a lot of smoke in a very dense neighborhood, not a little Grill."
"If I am in an area with a burn ban, a propane fire pit is... It's a must."
"My job is to stop fire deaths. When somebody dies, I failed."
"It's a pretty practical solution. When it comes time to put your fire out and go to bed, you just turn it off."
"They saw these rooms especially second and third floor only being engulfed By Flames within seconds... styrofoams used for walls and exteriors and styrofoam is one of the worst things when it comes to fire."
"Fire, of course, is one of our number one threats to this building... what we need is a mist system right across the whole of the buildings because that's the key to stopping fire spreading."
"That's why I want to get the mist system in now so if you start doing the building works you've got the fire suppressed."
"My first line of defense is not to call the fire department if I have a fire in my kitchen, it's to manage it."
"'Only you can prevent fire crotch.' - Smokey Bear"
"Some places don't let you have a fire unless you've got a fire pit."
"Having a professional that can build woodwork or do metal work is very important for the firehouse."
"55% of people knew to stop, drop, and roll when on fire. Smother the flames immediately."
"1% knew to use baking soda to put out fire. It releases carbon dioxide when heated which can smother the fire."
"Dispose of your garbage properly, not in the fire pit."
"If I can cook it and I'm a terrible chef, you can cook it too. Just don't let your house on fire."
"Triple-packed fire is your fire triply protected."
"One thing you want to keep in mind when you start a fire, move all the leaves out of the area for the most part."
"The first step during a fire is to rescue the patient."
"Our fire plan is to be self-sufficient."
"I'm not wrong, you can stop a forest fire."
"Fire doors are not ordinary doors. They're engineered fire safety devices. Their correct installation and maintenance is vital in preventing fire and smoke from spreading, saving property, protecting lives."
"Remember, fire doors are designed to save lives and property. They're a vital part of a building's passive fire protection system."
"Living amongst the gum trees in the southwest of Australia, the threat of fire is always on the back of our minds during the long hot summer months."
"Water is effective in extinguishing a tire fire as it cools down the burning tire and reduces its temperature thus helping to suppress the fire."
"If fire is a new tool to you or you have some anxiety about using fire, you attend a high-quality class."
"I hope you learn more about fire and even more importantly, I hope you take the time to enjoy creation."
"Okay, we waited until the fire had died down a little before we left."
"That smoke Rises, right? Yes, and so you always want to stay low in a fire."
"A fire in the 17th-century oven like the one seen here could easily spread."
"How can cutting fire stations, cutting fire engines, cutting firefighters' posts not be a reduction in fact? Because we're improving fire cover."
"What's cool about it is it's a fire resistant up to 2000 degrees."
"We must remember there are three different sources to fire: heat, fuel, and oxygen. And ideally what we want to do is starve the fire, cool it, and smother it."
"The reality is fire is by far the greatest but least recognized safety threat to the population of the United States."
"Putting a log on fire isn't easy, but it's easy to light a match. Use the match to light kindling, the kindling to light a twig, and a twig to light the log."
"So, be extra careful with fire, because just one match or little piece of smoldering coal can lead to a huge disaster."
"It's important to never leave a fire unattended."
"...one of the reasons why I love wool is having it next to a fire synthetics next to a fire never want to wear."
"It's always fascinating to see these old buildings and I hate to even prophesize, but fire is always a threat."
"I don't know why they was acting like that though that being going on because my my last show I know the homie that's a rapper he tried to get in they didn't they wouldn't let him in like past capacity yeah yeah fire Marshall's gonna come."
"My advice for the fire extinguisher is if there's ever a fire in here, everybody run past that, get out, and call the insurance company."
"Most fires do occur between midnight and 8:00 a.m. when most people are asleep."
"Installing and maintaining smoke and carbon monoxide alarms will reduce your chances of dying in a fire by 50%."
"70% of fire deaths occur in homes with a non functioning smoke alarm or no smoke alarm present at all."
"Remember PASS: Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep."
"Fire, when camping, there's nothing better than a fire roasting marshmallows to perfection while sharing stories. However, be careful not to touch or play with fires because they are extremely hot and can burn you."
"Dear Ralph here's a handy hint when you put the cat out always use a high-quality fire extinguisher."
"Hilti is the number one firestop provider worldwide."
"We offer firestop training to a lot of our contractors, to the specification or the design community."
"Anytime you're going to play with fire, you have to be cautious."
"The more fire hacks you know the better off you're going to be."
"Be careful with your fire, stay safe and practice these hacks at home."
"This could save your house from a house fire."
"The principal duty of a fire warden is to ensure that people get out safely in the event of a fire."
"Ultimate responsibility for fire safety duties lies with the responsible person, but they can be passed on to competent persons that have received enough training."
"The only extinguisher that can be used on cooking oils and fats is the wet chemical extinguisher."
"Fire trucks are totally unique machines."
"Fire is a tool, don't be afraid of it."
"It's controlling the fire. So I even talked to my kids especially, and my wife, about if there's ever a fire, like shut the door."
"Is water a good way to put out fires? Well, it all depends on the fire."
"Which extinguishing agent is most effective on a mattress fire? Water."
"We've started the Emerald Fire Safety Fund to help people that have been affected by fire and to promote fire prevention."
"We'll be coming into our Bushfire season soon."
"How safe from fires is your workplace or your home? What about if it catches fire, do you think you've got the correct practices in place?"
"Fight or flight is simply this: In the event that we find ourselves in a situation where there is a fire, you can either choose to use the extinguisher or you can choose to get out."
"By the end of the course, these staff members should be able to identify phases of fire development, identify various types of fire extinguishers, and identify the correct way to use a fire extinguisher."
"Fire extinguisher operations: we follow the acronym of PASS - Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep."
"Fire is useful but it can be very dangerous, so we must always be careful."
"Remember when there's a fire, you should never hide."
"We are learning fire safety from a super awesome teacher."
"Stop, drop, and roll. You know what to do if your clothes catch on fire, right?"
"It only takes five minutes for a fire to spread to dangerous levels, so always remember your evacuation plan."
"Make sure you have a smoke alarm fitted and remember to test it regularly."
"You've got to stop, drop, cover, and roll if your clothes catch fire."
"Always get a grown-up to light candles for you and never play with matches."
"Smoke is fuel, don't ever forget that."
"The disaster led to a smoking ban at all football grounds where the old wooden stand still existed and it also led to many of the older style wooden benches being replaced over the next few years and an overall improvement in fire safety at sports venues across the UK."
"The hazard is something that might have the potential to cause a fire, and the risk is the chance of harm occurring as a result of that hazardous situation."
"If we can identify a particular hazard and therefore remove part of the triangle, we have reduced the chance of the fire, reduce the risk."
"Having a fire in the kitchen was still a fairly substantial problem and risk."
"There has been approximately one Tesla vehicle fire for every 205 million miles traveled."
"The fire resistance is typically displayed in hours, and that refers to the length of time that the building or building component can withstand fire before becoming ignited."
"Everyone breathes a sigh of relief when a fire in a high-rise is finally contained."
"A competent risk assessor should understand the assessment, the risk from fire clearly."
"The behavior of people in fire situations, means of escape, fire protection, fire prevention, and management of fire safety."
"All practical effects using fire have been shut down across all parks."
"Fire is useful but can be very dangerous, so we must always be careful."
"The most effective hydrant for fighting fires is determined by painting the hydrants according to their capacity, making them easily visible day or night."
"Guys, we have a problem. Lots of Broomstowners haven't been taught fire safety."
"It is very important to be properly educated in both fire safety and fire prevention."
"You cannot have draft go through for fire potentials; you don't want to feed a fire."
"One chair is equivalent to five gallons of gasoline."
"Wow, so much work goes into building a fire truck."
"Be sensible around fire; don't put highly flammable materials to it, don't throw your mates into it, generally don't be stupid. Fire burns, fire bad."
"Every member of staff should be aware of what to do in the event of a fire."
"Your success will depend on how well you understand fire behavior in the wildland urban interface."
"This is the greatest loss of life at any fire I have ever known."
"You're responsible for every fire you start; you're responsible for making sure that you put it out."
"We go out Farm to farm all over the United States and we teach Farmers on fire safety."
"Fire triangle of fire: oxygen, heat, fuel. Any of them three things are missing, fire's dead."
"The ESFR is designed to put so much water on a fire that it suppresses it."
"Fire detection and fire suppression... this is a fairly big chapter in the CDP."
"The residential fire sprinklers are a life-safety sprinkler system designed to prevent a room from flashing over."
"It's specifically designed to deliver water up into the hot upper gas layer and prevent the room from flashing over."
"We understand exactly why and how the collapse happened. It is not just the airplane impact; it is the fire attacking and diminishing the residual remaining strength in those towers."
"The three parts of a fire are three triangles: heat, fuel, oxygen. If you lose any one, the fire goes out."
"Only you can prevent forest fires, so be careful with that birthday cake."
"Fires should not be on fire, be careful when you're lighting fire in wilderness to prevent wildfires."
"The whole goal is to get all the water coming out of that sprinkler down on the floor."
"Everybody knows about the fire triangle, the fire tetrahedron: we need fuel, we need oxidizing agent, we need heat."
"I'm with the Port Angeles Fire Department and today we get to learn about fire trucks."
"Always make sure to put out your fire completely; it would still be your responsibility if you accidentally caused a wildfire because you did not put your fire out completely."
"A backdraft is if you open the door, a lot of oxygen will fly into the room, igniting a fire."
"For a fire to start, three key elements are needed: firstly, a source of ignition or heat; secondly, a source of fuel; and thirdly, a supply of oxygen."
"Having working smoke detectors reduces the risk of dying in a fire by half."
"Having an evacuation plan is a good way to keep everyone safe in case of a fire."
"We've learned so much from this incident, and I hope sharing what happened just brings more awareness to fire safety."
"Education for the citizens, for the city, teaching people about fire safety."
"The tragedy of Grenfell served as a shocking reminder of the lethal threat fire poses."
"In case of fire, do not use the elevator."
"All states and local jurisdictions should adopt model building and fire codes that specifically address high fuel load commercial spaces."
"I survived a house fire by going out a window. Please, everyone, don't do what she's doing."
"Now that we know the importance of fire safety, let's go into hygiene."
"Fire is not a toy. Play with it, you'll get burned, even killed, or kill someone else."
"The fire triangle says there are three elements that need to be present for a fire to be able to burn: oxygen, heat, and fuel."
"The fire tetrahedron is exactly the same thing with one additional component added to it, and that's the chemical chain reaction."
"Turn off all gas inside your home to prevent fires, as fires are the most common hazard after an earthquake."