
Dramatic Change Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"But what we haven’t lost is the fear—and the freedom—in the human capacity for dramatic change."
"Life inside the quarantine zones had changed dramatically—strict laws were enforced, such as not disturbing the order and not entering or leaving the quarantine zones without permission."
"But all the fun and games came to a great end when the Hun showed up in 450 A.D."
"Something big is going to happen... a fall that would appear as if all hope was lost and at the very last second, Glory shows up, God intervenes and it all changes."
"It will completely upend our entire world as we know it."
"I feel like everything went zero to a hundred, going out with a bang."
"This is how liberty dies to thunderous applause, people are cheering for the system burning."
"The pace and the scale of the dramatic changes China has experienced over the past three decades are nothing short of astounding."
"2023 will be one of the pivotal years... one of the most dramatic periods of our lifetimes."
"To defeat someone with such a powerful iron fist over an entire society, there must be something catastrophic that results in their downfall."
"When there's a Biblical intervention, it's going to be biblical."
"It's gonna be rather drastic... and I feel like it's gonna be rather emotional and intense."
"The new God of War is a massive departure from the series' roots in every conceivable way."
"The war drums beating, it will look like hell on wheels."
"Denji's life in the beginning of part one of Chainsaw Man kind of does like a zero to 100 really quickly because of Makima and she gives him so many of these things that he was Desiring so many of the things he never had growing up."
"Eventually, when everyone pulls the curtain, people will realize."
"There's panic in DC, the entire house is coming down."
"Russell Manny's getting postponed, fresh everything, trash the entire show, everything that he's seen was a dream was a fantasy, hit the reset button."
"Worlds lived, worlds died. Nothing will ever be the same."
"The main cast went from being the most wanted people in Seattle to all of them literally running it."
"The ending itself... blows open the whole Show's world into an exciting New Direction."
"What's going on inside the Fed right now is absolutely biblical."
"I have had an epiphany, I know that sounds dramatic, but I really do believe that I've had an epiphany."
"It's nuts, the guy went from you know very overweight and out of shape to yoked out of his goddamn mind."
"The worst character assassination of all was that of Daenerys Targaryen."
"Stunning reversal. The next time you will lose the game this turn instead of draw seven cards, and your life total becomes one."
"It was really game over it was the very last very brutal moment of a Dying Empire."
"It is not light that you need but fire, thunder, and storm."
"Especially more and more as we get to the end of the show, she's breaking bad."
"The end of the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, was incredibly dramatic."
"Everything is going to explode onto everyone."
"For a patient this young and athletic to go from healthy to near respiratory failure in 24 hours was unheard of."
"Somewhere along the way they decided that Dany was going to lose it and burn King's Landing."
"No, I will make the ultimate sacrifice here. I will become the villain, I will become all this. I will take away my freedom, I will be the devil of all earth."
"There's an awakening coming where it's going to be like a 1,000-foot tidal wave sweep across the Earth."
"There is coming in a day not too much in the distant future when a superman is going to rise."
"They're gonna be gone out of your life you're never gonna see them again and it's gonna be a huge dramatic turnaround"
"If you're young and you're listening to this show, maybe for the first 10 years of your life, be a drug addict who steals from your family. And then just stop and go, 'Okay, I'm done with that.'"
"Honestly, we had some dramatic and successful makeovers."
"One of cinema's and perhaps real life's most dramatic transformations."
"I started this morning at five o'clock in the morning I had thirty million dollars how much money the a Benaglio zero dollars"
"Madge's home is not only starting to look dramatically different, she's got a brilliant cash for clutter total."
"We are living in the most dramatic, prophetic times. Witnessing the greatest falling away from God in history."
"I want it to be like season two but complete change of tone where everyone's like murdering each other. It's like a survival, it's like battle royale."
"The big play, the huge play to get your Egypt back."
"We're going to see the great exposure, the great removal, the great fall, the great overturning, and the greatest wealth transfer."
"The singing stopped abruptly and after a pause of 30 seconds, a single male voice began a monotone prayer. If the singing was eerie, the prayer was worse."
"Welcome to a new era akin to the drama and power of Tudor England."
"2017 ended with more drama than it did in the beginning."
"Within minutes Hugo and Sebastian had gone from looking incredibly guilty to completely innocent."
"He looks different... like a Sith. Holy crap, this guy looks... like evil."
"Everything that we understand about life is absolutely under direct attack."
"How you gonna risk it all and do it 180? How you gonna catch the Hail Mary?"
"Wow, how the tables have turned, my... my... my, how the tables are."
"A tiny Magikarp can explode into a 235 kilogram Gyarados."
"We're not just gonna knock that house of cards over, we're gonna burn it to the ground."
"You've already crossed that bridge, we know that, and you've crossed it with dynamite attached to it."
"Wow, that was a dramatic reversal in fortune."
"Eclipses are seen as some of the most dramatic solar events of the year, often uprooting us and usually pushing us to grow through the challenges."
"Babylon is fallen, the New World Order is getting its TKO, the Kingdom Order is going to take it out."
"Lords of Shadow is a hard reboot for the series in every single way possible."
"The battle against money versus the state has been lost by the state. They have lost. They are dead. The only thing left now is to bury them. They're The Walking Dead."
"If Congress is hindered in its ability to employ agencies to fill in the details of its broad mandates, life in the United States could change dramatically."
"It's going to be biblical because the whole thing flips in an instant."
"Would you not be shocked by that? Would you not be surprised? Would you not think that, like, 'Holy crap, what a twist!'"
"Triple H needs to take out Vince the way Joaquin Phoenix took out the emperor and Gladiator smother his old ass with a pillow."
"Lewis quit? No, but there was an implosion that happened."
"This is opening the gates of hell upon video games as we know it."
"Electricity shock awe Sudden Change unexpected events Rebellion Freedom invention."
"He'd gone from being one of the richest men in Russia and wielding immense political power to being exiled, embarrassed, and as one source put it, a broken man."
"Prepare yourselves but get ready for the exposure everything that you thought you knew is getting ready to be flipped upside down."
"I have decided to not stay with the freaking 49ers, oh my god, I left, bro, oh my god, I left the freaking team, holy crap."
"The tower is a nice way of saying that whatever this shift is, it's going to really shake your world."
"We want to cut the entire house in half... all of it."
"In this version of events, Tony Stark dies of the Extremis virus...okay, all right, that is extremel."
"The universe is going to bring a big change here's the tower, my god. All right, so there is going to be movement on this situation."
"His character His Image and his behavior did a complete 180 from his humble days as a cat in a Minecraft house."
"Losing their entire franchise in the middle of the night."
"When this thing goes, it's going to be biblical."
"That dramatic improvement, order of magnitude improvement, convinced everybody else in the plant that this is something we want to deal with, this is something we want to do."
"It's been one of the craziest downfalls of any all-NBA player's career that we've seen in a very long time."
"This is your destiny if there was something that was broken up or something that was very explosive."
"Even half of what it can do, difference in sound quality is extremely dramatic."
"She was born in a floor of a barn and she died on the 56th floor of a skyscraper; she was an astronaut."
"You can see the changes brought by reducing these varnishes from the cleaning I've done already are very dramatic."
"The Death of the Justice League has kicked off as of issue 75."
"The Sun slipped below the horizon, and night came down like a falling curtain."
"I wanted to do something dramatic, I wanted to do something powerful, I wanted to somehow regain control of my life."
"Very dramatic before and after, so let's dive in."
"It changed my life forever. No, I mean, yeah, I'm being dramatic, but I'm not actually being dramatic."