
Educational Motivation Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"You could be in school right now and you could fly on a starship one day."
"If even that sense of wonder and possibility can be imbued into students or others out there, that sense of wonder will drive them to help answer the question that we're trying to answer here today."
"You want to learn a language and succeed, right?"
"You gotta keep learning... it has to start somewhere."
"Everybody in this room has the intellectual apparatus to pass 3.091. The only people who fail 3.091 are people who choose to fail 3.091."
"We are either going to learn how to use fusion 360 or we are going to die trying. No more giving up."
"This is polemic order from top tech boy comm and we are going to learn fusion 360 or we are going to die trying. Paul McWhorter, top tech boy comm. I will talk to you guys later."
"We need to use space to inspire new STEM students."
"If you can manage to turn that spark on, if you can appetize someone for the love of history..."
"That's the great thing about places like this. They always inspire you to learn."
"I think they're going to spark so much curiosity and encourage people to seek the information that they need to feel empowered."
"English fluency brings you freedom and the opportunity to communicate with anyone, anytime, and never have to take another boring English course again."
"Without a doubt was one of the series that got me into reading and writing from a young age."
"Students respond to being asked to become the best they can be."
"After watching this video, taking the course on uncertainty will be even more interesting for you."
"I truly believe that you're gonna do better on a class that you enjoy."
"I love sharing what I know with people that want to learn it."
"I love seeing things like this that give people a reason to take an interest in history."
"Books were no longer a chore but an opportunity."
"It's not compassionate to put people into situations where they disproportionately fail."
"You have been ripped off intellectually... it's not that hard and it will change your life forever."
"If you graduate curious, then you spend the rest of your life learning."
"You're one of the only students that really cares and wants to do well."
"I love math because it's challenging, it challenges my brain, it makes you think, it makes you a better problem solver in life."
"What drew me to teaching English is the fact that it helps people connect to the entire world."
"Remember why you went into teaching: to build relationships with kids."
"There's never been a greater time like this in human history. I'm just sharing with you knowledge that is brought to me because I want to help as many human beings as possible free their dome."
"I want to get people excited about nature again, excited about space, excited about the future."
"Knowledge is fun, gives you a lot more of those 'Oh' moments."
"Eventually you will improve and you can come back and read Animal Farm."
"For those of you that think that you'll never be able to learn Arabic... I want to convince you otherwise."
"Everybody could do it, nobody's dumb if I could do it."
"You just have to be interested in what you're learning."
"Be a lifelong learner because the world in front of us is nothing like the world that's behind us."
"That's worth educating and we always like to put a positive spin you know with hope and how the future does look positive and bright all those things so yeah with that being said let's go."
"If you have the will and the time, you can learn anything on your own."
"Your desire to learn is the only expectation we have from you."
"I never thought I would be going back to school knowledge is power and brushes are powerful."
"Studying and getting better grades is really only the beginning of Study Quests. What we really want is for everyone to rediscover their love for learning."
"At any age you should be a lifelong learner."
"If you are ready to get an A+ in A&P, please keep on watching."
"Master the sixth grade, you can definitely do it and get an A because it is important."
"Teaching requires only the obvious: motivation, common-sense, experience, a few good books on technique, and above all, knowledge of the material being taught."
"Learning is momentum, and it's kind of like riding a bike. As soon as you have no more momentum, you are falling down."
"You can learn math. You can be very successful in math."
"My eighth-grade math teacher, Mr. Stockland, he told me I should have higher expectations... and he was right."
"There's not only hope, but you can actually do very, very good in mathematics."
"You're the reason I'm at university, the reason I'm happily living my life."
"What we're trying to do in this particular course is to motivate why particular concepts would have been invented if they had not already have been invented previously."
"It's inspiring, that's the idea, to inspire greatness academically speaking."