
Religious Enthusiasm Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"It's drawing people to Christ, it's drawing people to want to read their Bible."
"What a great way to end... super excited about what God is doing in and through your ministry and your testimony."
"God is dispatching from this broadcast a generation of SEAL Team six Christians."
"The Holy Ghost is Earth Wind and Fire, and he wants to give you a new song to sing."
"Let's really shake it up let's really help some folks let's do something radical for the Lord Let's do let's do a grand gesture let's do a great and so that was really attractive."
"Love the fire of the Holy Spirit in you. Thank you for all you do."
"Be excited about the Lord coming and don't let anybody take that from you."
"We are so excited about all that God is doing."
"Help us all to be set on fire for you and to be more bold to be unashamed as we go out there and proclaim the truth of your word and the saving gospel."
"The Chinese underground church is excited about the story of Rabbi Kaduri."
"Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history, which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful no-nonsense presentation of the gospel."
"Praise Jesus for what He's doing through you. Thank you so much for all you're doing. Revival for me, baby!"
"Priests could really get that zeal of, we're here to really be the first ones to deliver the message of Christ."
"Welcome everybody, praise God! Things are happening so quickly now, it's hard to keep up with the prophecies unfolding before our eyes."
"It's an amazing time to be alive, it's an amazing thing to be a Catholic."
"Tonight, let's have a revival right where we are, we need some foot-stomping and clapping, tambourines rocking and everybody's shouting."
"You've got to be lit up with the knowledge of God."
"I'm a Jesus freak, I'm a Jesus freak, 8 days a week."
"Acts of the Apostles communicates vividly the thrill they felt in the presence of the risen Christ."
"The first thing they want to start doing is singing about Jesus."
"Our God is winning! Our God is winning! Glory be to God! Glory be to God!"
"Come on, let's give it up for Jesus Christ right now! Come on, give it up for the King of the world!"
"Anything for Christ's, enthusiastically, yes, amen."
"Let's lift up a praise like amazed people. How do amazed people praise God? Glory to God. Absolutely amazing."
"Transform your life, not for a day, but, hallelujah, forever."
"Every time someone comes into new life, we are going to cheer as loud as possible. We're throwing a party tonight with heaven."
"This is what we're doing God has been showing up she's been showing off there's been signs wonders."
"Have it be a vibrant on-fire church that loves this, willing to witness that is unafraid."
"We're going to see a revival like we haven't seen before."
"Seeing how real science confirms the Bible is exciting."
"The word of God is exciting if your kids see you excited about this they'll be excited about this."
"Praise the Lord! Don't get me started, y'all. I'll start preaching up in here."
"Yes, I am a Jesus Freak. Yes, I am a little bit crazy but I'm with Jesus and I'm not afraid."
"And it's just oh it is a good time to be a part of this work yeah what's going on amen."
"We want this to get to more theaters we want to keep putting out movies I'm just excited to play a small part in what God is doing with this and if we could promote this and get behind this let's do it let's do it we want to see God move."
"It's a glorious time to be alive in God's last generation of this earth age."
"God is going to raise up the greatest Saints that we've ever seen."
"I want great love stories. I want fanatics for God because fanaticism is love. Everything else is strictly a surrogate."
"I get to trust him like I'm excited, I'm fired up, I'm fired up, I'm for real fired. No Cap as they say."
"Church should never be boring, it's about advancing God's kingdom into every jurisdiction."
"Every time that you start hearing that a group of young people have been received the Holy Spirit, you better get your shouting shoes on."
"He went wild over this good news of Jesus Christ. Everything became about Jesus Christ as he feared the Lord."
"Let's go give it up for Jesus, huh?"
"I love when people are excited about Jesus."
"If God is in our midst, there's something to shout about!"
"Don't you love the Bible? Absolutely awesome. It's just incredible, I just love it."
"Are you excited to be in the house of the Lord one more time?"
"This is the best time in my recollection for sharing the gospel I've ever seen."