
Placement Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"Just go ahead and place it next to some kind of power source or connecting into your energy line."
"Leeds is up here, Reading is right down here."
"You have to have a system that encourages people to behave to the limit of their abilities and puts them in the right place."
"Where God plants you is the right place to be."
"You've been planted exactly where it is optimal for your soul growth."
"Thigh tattoos are the best place to start for your first big tattoo."
"Thigh tattoos age a lot slower than tattoos on other parts of the body."
"The rap sections were well placed because there was time to sink into the flow and add lyricism and depth."
"Everything looked like they were in the right place."
"The exorcism Bell goes there, right? So then I don't have one for there's four more items."
"That's the perfect place to put their clump foliage, see? It's as simple as that."
"When and where do we introduce people to the idea that they can get free shipping? Thinking through what the appropriate location, placement, and timing for some of these value propositions is critical to getting people to act on them."
"Nice guys don't finish last but they do finish second a lot."
"There is actually so much strategy when it comes to the placement and editing of each machine."
"I think that they could pick up enough wins to be that sixth place team."
"Just put all of your infantry units in the front and your range right behind them."
"You are planted where you are for a purpose."
"The design is very simple but it's the placement of these which is going to make the obelisk look good."
"Lewis Hamilton comes home in second position."
"I need to get this warrior over here because apparently there's an opening right here by Geneva."
"I'll tell you what, let's just put this guy in here for a bit there you go."
"Hammond's mines can be extremely impactful when used correctly, but activation timing and placement are key."
"In the 7th and 11th houses, Saturn does very well."
"I wasn't wrong but at the same time they were one game out of first place."
"Maybe there's a better spot for that, but for the time being, I like it."
"We're gonna put her right over here into this can."
"Remember, placement of the rule is very important as always, right?"
"Come on, the opening's right there, the area's even blocked out in white so you know exactly where it's meant to go."
"I just thought the placement of the music was a lot better in this one."
"God has not only planted you but he has placed you."
"So while we're up here we can go ahead and grab these profile covers and there's two of them and they go right here."
"The 23 year old finishes in third."
"This is definitely going next to the glitter ball."
"Every piece of content you add to your website should be thoughtfully placed."
"I got fourth place in my category and really happy for that."
"You've got to make sure that your supplies and returns are strategically placed away from each other."
"It's very important that when you place this cover."
"To come third after them, that is amazing."
"I put the IKEA mirror here, I know it's in front of the window but hey, this one don't give that much light anyway."
"I feel like this is so placement."
"This is fantastic placement, especially for Cancer."
"Let's hope it's in the background and not right next to the house."
"That looks so cute! Let's put it back in the office."
"We gotta find a place for this, it's right in the middle of the coffee table, right there."
"Now, please ignore that, that's a 1930s rocking chair that is not porch furniture, that's going to go somewhere else."
"So it's really more for a decorative look, something just to be placed on a shelf or a base of a tree that's kind of out of the way."
"The number of double entendres and metaphors are incredible and they're all expertly placed."
"Yeah, put it the other side of the electric gates."
"I'm going to put them right here, they're perfect."
"You know this actually belongs right here, right."
"I ain't going to lie, last time I worked out bro, I was in placement bro."
"Let me put that on the roof without a doubt."
"The biggest thing is where do I put salesperson."
"...you can put them anywhere you like in space."
"The brown butter chocolate chip cookies... they like drug dealers they put them right up by the register."
"That's where it's supposed to be."
"Once you upload your content, it's going to show up like this on the right-hand side."
"Room correction is not going to fix placement issues."
"It looks too busy, I think we should try it over here instead."
"That's where jackets go, that's where they belong."
"You want to look really about where the bird is going to fit on your painting."
"Most beginners place their design in the wrong part of the mug."
"They do a really good job of putting the baskets kind of like on the edge of the forest, very daylight-esque."
"A good execution, good placement, good timing, and it was well deserved."
"I just stuck two SSG stickers up, put one in the bathroom when you first come out of the terminal."
"That's just pure placement. Excellent shot."
"If you hit it in the middle of the green or to the right, it should kind of funnel over to the hole, but, uh, I think that this is a little easier flag placement than the one that's back right."
"This is a new unit. I don't know why we didn't put it right here next to where we actually have a slab for it."
"You should put your tank in the room in which you spend most of your time."
"You literally could not have placed that five any better from where she was."
"That's all the farther you need to put it on."
"I purposely put them under there."
"We're going to put you right behind the ladies... no problem."
"Placement is the key to impact when it comes to imagery."
"Where is that gonna go in our house?"
"Remember your death meaning remember the pastness, remember you've already died and so live like that now."
"It needs to be placed in the public area of your class."
"It's all about putting your bait in the right place."
"...where do we use what is going to depend on how far away things are..."
"It's really important to put those at the right portion on their station."
"He signs his name at the very bottom of this ad, and it's placed in the papers."
"I think the type could have been placed a little bit differently or changed up a bit"
"These dolls are gonna get special placement."
"The torso murderer placed the parts in the foundations of the new Scotland Yard building for a deliberate purpose."
"This is a great place to try it on... and just double check that you like where that's placed."
"If I had placed it dead center, probably the fronts and the rears would probably be closer together."
"As a near field for your computer and of course, right beside your TV as a sound bar replacement, these are ideal."
"I'm just going to put that on the corner as an optional side."
"Don't be afraid to venture out when it comes to placement of your artwork."
"The actual range of most wireless access points will be advertised as about a hundred meters or 330 feet."
"The rule of wireless access points is to put them close and turn down the power."
"It might end up in the lounge room."
"I think it looks really good there in the window."
"It's still going to be ideal to sit under most TVs, on top of almost any media unit, or even wall mounted."
"I think if anything if I'm gonna put it anywhere in the bathroom I feel like right here would be where the day should go because like I said there's two of them so I have them right here and then one right there I think it'll look good."
"Paul Tracy in blue, Bruno Jean Cara in the white top dark pants, and the red and white of Michel Jourdain jr. who finishes in second place."
"There's purpose where you're planted."
"Remember, the funky one goes here."
"So I've been looking for somewhere to put my screen print transfers."
"Layouts usually refer to the specific placements of text, style icons, and images."
"So the part that I saw then and I absorbed afterward, it wasn't about a magic 20 times turnover of the powerheads on there. What you had done is actually place the powerheads where they needed to be."
"Good cricket good feeling and nice positioning."
"Everything has to grow in the right place in order for me to give you the best quality."
"The rule is it's gonna function the best if it's in the place where you look for it first."
"That's gonna be really pretty above the doorway or wherever you put it."
"Plants placed in a hanging situation are actually less likely to catch pests in the first place."
"It's kind of strategic to put these in there, just making sure there's no gaps in between."
"Man is a perfect idea in divine mind, and is always in his right place."
"I will actually put them somewhere where they're not visible 99% of the time."
"Place the light in an area where the sun would be coming from."
"God always puts me where I'm supposed to be."
"Your bottom hinge would be nine inches from the bottom of the door."
"Everything needs a place and put everything in its place."
"I just like placing things where they need to go."
"It's like you're providing a dramatic value to the business if you are put into the right place."
"God has strategically placed you there."
"Sometimes you just nail something, you know? You put it in the right spot, and it has to stay just like that."
"I promise you it's all about strategic placement."
"Art should never be censored. It's where you put it."
"I think it was definitely worth it because it looks great in this little spot here."
"You didn't make a mistake, God placed you in the right location."
"Proposed placement is the least restrictive way to ensure children's safety."
"What a middle ball from Andre, perfectly placed as Julian Arnold was coming in hot."
"I was placed in really good spots and had good people around me."
"I think I definitely built up quite a lot of great communication skills in the placement."
"If their Commander's happy and you're happy, that's where you should be."
"You are where you are because God put you there."
"Your purpose will flourish once you get in the right place."
"It's a nice low perennial so you're going to put this really at the front of your flower bed."
"Don't you think this paragraph would have been really important on page one, not buried on page 20?"
"Love where you are and let God put you there."
"She was deliberately placed for us to find."
"I think we should place the responsibility where it actually lies."
"This isn't officially licensed DoodleBob pencil. It's beautiful, and we will be finding a place for this guy."
"I am very excited to have it; it's going to look pretty good right here."
"We're gonna enjoy this one; we got a nice spot to put it in our facility right by the other ones."
"You should be rewarded. I just want you in the right spot, in the right job."
"We want to put stuff where it needs to go."
"We're able to place sounds around yourself or the listener, and the sounds will actually sound like and feel like they're coming from in front of you, behind you, to the left, to the right, even above you."
"Oh, that's a good spot, that's a good spot."
"When you put it in the wrong place it looks terrible. When you put it in the right place it looks fantastic."
"If you had a speaker that measured flat to say 30 hertz and you put it right against the wall, you would get a lot of bass boost."
"Ensuring that you have the right person at the right place at the right time is and always has been one of the key business goals for every organization."
"God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired."
"I've been put in a place where I can have the greatest impact."
"It's important as you're placing assets to think of the history of these things and how they might have come to rest in these specific locations."
"Put the right thing in the right place at the right time, that's wisdom."
"What I loved about Steven's design is he didn't put any really important elements on this design in critical areas."
"It's not that you have to get rid of all of your things, but things do have to have a place."
"I'm gonna leave the Buddha statue right there, I think it looks so good."
"Look how beautiful this is; we get to put all of the ones and twos around the perimeter of the grid."
"Perfectly rendered, perfectly lit, perfectly placed."
"The chair is sitting beautifully next to the other objects."
"The best place to be is where the Lord places you, even if it's difficult."
"It'll be really nice sitting on a shelf or a mantel or a table."
"Just putting it right where you need it to be."
"Everything just feels well placed; I think it's pretty badass."
"I think it's a good idea if it's strategically placed."
"With the right bed placement, you can also activate money."
"Perfectly placed too, that thing stuck up in the upper 90, hung there for a couple seconds, and then it dropped down to the back of the net, big time goal."
"Everything now is in the right place."
"In a nutshell, we have some sort of 3D model... and we want to place the dragon in the 3D world."
"The shopkeeper believes that moving the chocolate closer to the till will increase the proportion of customers buying the chocolate."
"You are in a race and pass the person in second place, what place are you in?"
"Think about where it's going to live and what message you're trying to convey."
"I'm going to choose to put my sun just between these sets of trees."
"I will give it to her because of the placement, I would say Ariana Grande has good tattoos."
"You have been placed there on purpose."
"West is a good placement, astute and intuitive."
"The word vinyasa translates in lots of different ways, but most commonly seen as a direct translation of the words to carefully place."
"It's nice to place the bed at the angle where you see it when you first walk in."
"It's not about someone putting things places where they fit; it's more about things adapting to the environment wherever they could reach."
"I've placed hundreds of songs in film and television."
"I think it's really cute in the corner."
"You want this pocket panel to be on the inside of your cardigan, not the outside."
"You may be placed anywhere in Canada, so go into it with an adventurous heart."
"Absolutely critical; it put the lanthanides in the right place."
"So that looks like a pretty good place to put it."
"You're going to place our flap at those two dots."
"It's nice to be able to do this because you could literally place the pins to a connector in multiple different locations in the context of your project."
"I've got a good sense of what pieces can go where and how."
"I love it, that's gonna go by the door."
"Your chances of being successful in placement increases."
"Finding something big in all of this led him to things that were carefully placed kind of in his path."
"It sits here, as if it was meant to."
"We're all strategically placed on this planet, so we're not here by mistake."
"I hope you found a nice place in your home to put it, and it's feeling all homely."
"God has strategically placed us in that location to be used for His glory."
"He believed that everyone in the army can find a place where a person will be most effective."
"You need to have a great team, you need to take care of them, and make sure you put those people in the right places."
"I like the thin rays on this Sun stencil, and I decided to position it in the corner."
"It's just well placed and well supported."
"It's the best position they could put it where everybody could see it."
"There is a predetermined location that you are supposed to stay, not just spiritually even physically."
"It's really just the elements floating and are put exactly where we want them to."
"Out of nowhere, King Boo comes up, possibly even taking second place."
"Nobody puts nine in the corner; you can put nine on the crown."
"Location, location, location: If an implant is placed in the right location, the likelihood of success is good, and the likelihood of complications is low."
"It's about finding the right piece for the right place."
"For practical reasons, the pole should be to the left of zero."