
Near-miss Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"He was due to travel on flight MH17 which was shot down over Ukraine but decided to swap flights at the last minute."
"Oh my god, that was so close, Foxy almost got in!"
"Justin to Garrett! Garrett looks for it, as close as you can get without scoring."
"Had that huge boulder been just a foot or two over, things could have been so much worse."
"That was like split second from disaster, oh man he literally got K.O'd."
"Had that wheel been eight inches left or right, you know, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now."
"It may have been one of the greatest moments in the history of Monday Nitro... and yet it almost didn't happen."
"This near miss might have been a hashtag #HondaBump."
"What is especially tragic about this accident is how close it came to not happening."
"Wow dude, I almost just died right there because some chick almost took me out at 80 miles per hour."
"It really was a miracle that the Titanic and the New York did not hit each other."
"A very scary close call happened when a woman was saved by a light post from a car that lost control heading towards her luckily no one suffered any injuries."
"How close this nation came to a completely different ending."
"Many of us have had their rational fear of falling into a drainage, but for this incredibly lucky man that fear almost became a reality."
"It's devastating that we couldn't quite get over the line after being so close so many times."
"I almost circumcised myself on that by accident."
"I actually felt very close to catching that common."
"Wow, I nearly ended up in the ditch."
"He nearly potted the one ball in the side."
"Sometimes I miss it by that much."
"We were so close to that Fiesta, weren't we?"
"Jeopardy contestant Reed Rogers narrowly missed the mark by just one letter."
"Bro, that was close to being a proper tragedy."
"The day you shall always remember, the day that you almost."
"Get legs. It's right in the middle. Oh. Come on, Rick. Ah, three more rolls and that was in. Damn."
"It was so close to being out of here, I could taste it."
"Oh, almost went up right there at 17."
"I started crying, not realizing at the time what had really just almost occurred."
"Thank God I kept my phone and keys in my pocket or this situation could have been a hundred times worse."
"Wow, nearly hit the initial tree, barely misses it, and almost gets a hole in one."
"Started my week with a 600 plus pound rack of AV Equipment falling off the wall onto me. Luckily, I was able to catch it. Holy hell, damn!"
"I had my flat out there too, he almost caught that."
"It was nearly there, it was literally just height or something."
"Tottenham almost scored there in the first minute."
"I genuinely believed too that if I had walked just a little bit further ahead or if my partner had taken just maybe even a minute longer, I wouldn't be typing this."
"What a close call for Joey Logano at 22, he was all the way down into the grass and dodged it."
"I don't know what this is but that was a little too close for comfort literally just back there."
"...terrifying...I nearly hit a sheep."
"Messi's free kick off the bar, so close!"
"Hopkins looking to answer a bank from the corner almost good."
"Honestly, how many times? He was so close to scoring, it was incredible."
"Neary hits a screamer, oh so close to glory David Neary, but the whistle has gone. Scotland are out of the World Cup."
"If the girl had not appeared in my rearview mirror, this guy would have crashed into me, and I would have been killed as well."
"Remember that one time in Hawaii where we almost got robbed?"
"Just to be one away from the title."
"That was the closest I've ever felt to winning the lottery."
"You came this close to saving the world."
"She reflects on how close they came as she walks away; it was only because she left that she didn't die."
"I almost caught one yesterday, I chased him but he fled."
"Ray and Batista, well they were so damn close to victory, they were only like three seconds away."
"Guido had played the lottery and missed a hundred thousand dollars by one number."
"I almost just got my finger up and just then. Glad I didn't."
"Sergio Perez nearly sent Max for stappen into another realm."
"I almost made that, how far to roll, I literally almost went in the hole."
"I'd never had something like that happen to me before so it's strange for me to think that if I'd arrived only a few minutes earlier I would have been caught in a trap and had a gun to my head."
"I was tasked with a Tomahawk mission to try and kill bin Laden. And it was after the bombings in East Africa, and we then cited him in Afghanistan. So I launched a bag of Tomahawks. We just missed killing him by inches."
"Every single number was within one number, ouchy wow wow."
"Congratulations or condolences, whatever the case may be for you, that the bus-sized asteroid missed hitting Earth today. You may carry on."
"Woody and Buzz were this close to not having a friend in Jessie."
"Oh, what a strike and it's off the post!"
"The sports car missed his toe by an inch."
"This will always be the night TJ almost got $10,000."
"Oh, how close was that to epicness?"
"The Patriots became the best team that couldn't win a Super Bowl."
"That flying knee, man, that would have been a finisher, that was so close."
"Lovely feet from him, gets the shot in, hits the bar, and another chance to take the lead gone. Unlucky though."
"They were the length of a stud away from going to the Champions League final."
"You came so close to something so much better."
"The Apollo moon landing was one small step that almost ended in tragedy."