
Fictional Universe Quotes

There are 234 quotes

"The most interesting theory I've seen states that Dragon Age actually takes place on the moon of Presrop."
"Because since we know they are here now, it’s time to take a deep dive into what this means for the current arc and the future of Elbaf."
"No sacrifice should be too great in service to the Imperium and the Emperor of mankind."
"I went from the bottom to finding happiness."
"One of the best fruits in the game... but how does it fare in the One Piece universe?"
"The warhammer universe is an incredibly dark and disturbing place... full of unimaginable horrors..."
"The force is simple. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, it binds the Galaxy together."
"Hanzo Asashi, Scorpion, in what is looking like the Netherrealm becoming Scorpion."
"This Skeksis is wearing glasses, meaning in this universe, optometrists exist."
"It's the end of the republic and the beginning of the Galactic Empire."
"Who's really in charge when I pray to the star-filled sky at night? That leads us to this week's big question: who is the more powerful force in the universe, the Watchers or the Celestials?"
"He is not the Obito that Minato knew... He is one from another time and space, one that no longer exists."
"That my friends is the ruinous pantheon completed."
"Every time Oda introduces a new race, it just builds that world-building aspect."
"We make the finest weapons and armor in the world, and our Warriors are the bravest and toughest in Tamriel."
"Lando made a terrific investment by snatching up the Kessel spice mines."
"The kingdom of wakanda is made up of several different tribes who each oversee an aspect of life."
"It'll actually be like a very impactful thing. World of Warcraft has always struggled with peace between the Alliance and the Horde."
"Wanda Maximoff has grown into possibly the most powerful being in the universe."
"No matter who is carrying the shield now, Sam Wilson is coming into his own as the new Captain America."
"Moon Knight would be an excellent addition to the Avengers roster."
"How could the god of thunder not eventually be returning to the Avengers team?"
"The Huts are moving out to hit Umbara, and there's not a lot I'm gonna be able to do about this."
"The cosmology of the Marvel universe keeps expanding."
"The heart of the universe made Thanos so strong that he engulfed the whole universe until there was nothing left but himself."
"Without hyperbole, if Resaca is not stopped, mankind's extinction is imminent."
"Dragons were supreme overlords over all of Brascia."
"Frieza is charge of the Galactic Trade Organization, which conquers planets and then auctions them off at high prices."
"When Secret Wars does happen... Doom can step in to create a patchwork Universe called battle world."
"This is now the world that the DC Universe is going to have to fit in this is the world that they just set up and I think it's a very good world."
"The spice melange is the gasoline of the universe. Without it, all commerce throughout the known inhabited galaxies would cease."
"In this Jake alternate universe, Hook's crew really only dwindled down because Peter really cracked down on crime."
"The power of creating new IP, especially for games, is that you actually get to build a whole fictional universe."
"The MCU events were happening what were the X-Men doing? What were mutants up to the entire time?"
"What started as a simple haunted house story is now ballooned into a fictional universe involving haunted dolls and demon nuns."
"The world that tamed the Phoenix, that bested the Mad Titan, that altered the mighty Galactus' very nature. This is the ultimate contest."
"Trayzen is the self-described archivist of the Solemnist Galleries."
"He's a rather complicated individual and stands apart from most of 40k's characters."
"The 616 MCU universe contain the most evil version of Wanda Maximoff."
"Evil Morty's plan is to destroy that curve, kill all the Ricks and Mortys in the Citadel, and escape to a new reality."
"Most villains in Warhammer are bald, and I believe that the entirety of the Warhammer 40,000 universe could have been prevented if they had just gotten themselves some god damn keeps."
"The Fallout universe is a world of plasma weapons, laser rifles, and nuclear-powered everything."
"Big Mom is here to teach us that this universe is vast and deep."
"Last time we left Cora she had just reunited with Rava and become the first avatar of like a new avatar cycle."
"They did a masterful job in avatar of like building."
"All pieces of the world fit together to create one intricately connected fictional universe."
"It's about believing that Master Chief is still out there alive somewhere at the edge of the galaxy."
"The tva is formidable... it's like the infinity stones are nothing but paperweights to them."
"Loki's reaction to the sheer insignificance of the infinity stones was fantastic."
"Massive ramifications into the future of the MCU."
"What if Quicksilver from WandaVision was a variant? Would that mean that the TVA was involved in the events of WandaVision?"
"With the Emperor at last defeated forever, Revan found peace and became one with the force."
"The Watchmen are being folded into the DC Universe."
"This universe should be gone, someone is keeping it alive."
"In a world filled with fear, where many people are looking for an escape from an absolutely terrible existence, so Slaanesh can be a super nice diversion from it all."
"The steady eradication of Voldemort's lingering influence undoubtedly proved pivotal in restoring a sense of security and progress within the Wizarding World."
"Every single breathing style was similarly powerful... all breathing techniques are equally as powerful as each other."
"The beat of the bass of the song Emperor Palpatine coming to you live from the Death Star."
"Spice, in the world of Dune, it is the most valuable resource in the universe."
"The divine powers of Exandria are one set of powers that inform the world... Evontra'vir was meant to be an example of a great power within Exandria."
"Remember in the future when Dinah was talking about the Mark of Four?"
"Jolt is by far the most interesting yet simultaneously most forgettable character in the entire beyverse."
"This is just, like, a regular old comic book universe where in this one Batman and Commissioner Gordon are dead, and it's up to this ragtag team to move on, and mourn Bruce Wayne, and solve some of his unsolved crimes, and clean up the city."
"He who remains observed the timeline from The Citadel at the end of time which granted him the ability to know everything that will happen."
"Nuffle is the mightiest chaos God, nothing can stand in his way, and the only thing he wants is football."
"It's just a nice little dig and it means that like we're gonna explore more of this character and how they used to know each other. I just love that, I love that there was just more history between these two."
"Brazil is the world that the Evil Genius from Time Bandits would make if he gained all control."
"Universes and realities are similar concepts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Maybe you think she has an important part to play and an important place to be in the Bleach Universe."
"This movie feels like an ultimate tour of the underwater SpongeBob universe."
"Around this time, the elders of the universe, namely the collector... come into existence."
"It's the Saiyan invasion on both ends of the universe."
"Kekkei genkai, arguably one of the most interesting aspects of Naruto as a whole."
"Harley as a character has her own world to exist in so it felt appropriate to me."
"The Galactopedia is an information vehicle that helps deepen the universe."
"The only thing more powerful in the world of 40K than faith is cash."
"The Raven Guard are the sneaky sneakertons of the Horus Heresy genre."
"For every pirates than the Big Mom Pirates, however, you do have, once again, the Chess Peacekeepers that are a huge army that have their own individual ranks."
"Share this with your friends if they can use it."
"Rocket Raccoon, fan favorite, a big part of the story."
"Everything that went wrong in 40k is Erebus' fault, there is no one else to blame, it's just Erebus all the way down."
"For a creator of the universe, the odd Resurrection is Child's Play."
"Sharima has the best characters and the best storyline in all of Runeterra."
"Due to the Epic explosion by the Ultimate Weapon during the war, a parallel universe was created."
"A black hole near Earth gives birth to the legendary Pokemon known as The Crossing."
"The news of the conquest of the lunar blade reverberated throughout the lunar faction, sending shock waves that reached even the distant Southern continent."
"We've established the New Republic, knocked out powers, taken Mandalore."
"I believe we're going to see something happen in this universe of Greg and teranova that will be Universe shattering."
"There is no greater symbol of Imperial Authority and Military might than the adeptus astartes, known to much of the Imperium as the Space Marines or simply the angels of death."
"The Space Marines act as sword and shield both, they strike from the Heavens to shatter."
"Space Marines exemplify the strength of the Imperial faith and the fury of the god emperor made manifest."
"Major harm coming to the Jedi Order, Jedi betraying the order, and most importantly, the disappearance of the Sith."
"Zonama Sakat: a sentient force-wielding planet."
"A design of the Thunder Hawk is the most technologically sophisticated among any of the Imperial forces."
"This explains why Vision has some of Wanda's memories."
"The universe Booker managed to create worked itself around the futures of his life."
"It's all part of the story of what Boba's doing with Tatooine."
"How did you? Turns out my New Mexico bar card doesn't have an expiration date."
"Without forward progression, a fictional verse just ceases to feel like it's a living thing."
"The deployment of any piece of hardware within the Imperium sporting a twin gatling mega bolter embiggens the heart of many."
"Where Red Skull would go after Nat's sacrifice and the Soul Stone was removed from Vormir."
"In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, there is only war."
"Stars red with blood, the blood angels' homeworld was saved, but the cost had been terrible."
"Heroes and villains are equally matched because of the Guild of Calamitous Intent."
"To end Arasaka's influence in Night City, a covert mission was planned."
"The balance of power in the DC Universe is about to shift."
"Even in his Advanced age GARP has to be one of the strongest characters alive in the story right now."
"What is the Astronomican? The eternal sailor's North Star."
"The Astronomican was offline for over 30 days, and many in the Imperium thought the Emperor was dead."
"I made the necro sword, you better ask about me on these star clusters."
"Now we know that this is Entity 303's portal and now we know that this one right here is Herobrine's portal."
"But here's the kicker. I bet if he tried hard enough, Neo would be able to do so so much more in the real world with his powers."
"We barely know anything about his past aside from like dictator and ruling with his father and you know how we destroy planet Vegeta."
"It felt like it belonged to the Marvel Universe but also its own setting."
"The Space Wolves hold a very special place in my heart."
"For the blood God! Skulls for the skull Throne!"
"As five now have been, well Vulcan judge the salamanders sufficiently tempered to have passed the ultimate contest, then so the legend states shall return to lead the salamanders in the final war against the enemies of humanity."
"Enter the epic world of tellurium where Dark Elves meet the sacred order and the better Lords aren't an endless war with the undead hordes."
"The Emperor is my Savior, order is the path, the Emperor is the Imperium sword, and the reason why this galaxy was forged in the first place."
"There are so many things out there that are way beyond the power of Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet."
"Blast is faster than flashy flash, stronger than blackluster, and completely resistant to radiation."
"The Evil ruler of the galaxy knows the job ahead is no easy feat; they have three powerful Saiyans to face."
"It wasn't only your comrades. I've suffered thousands of fingers from fellow subjects of Ymir. I've created countless titans for men, women, and children. All the while telling myself it was for Eldia."
"The reality is that superheroes as they existed in the boys universe were created by flawed American and compound V."
"Edward Newgate was the most powerful human in the one piece world, PERIOD."
"Stella's homeworld of Solaria has three suns."
"The people of her homeworld Zenith are known for their talent of multitasking."
"A changing of the guard, forever altering the ninja universe."
"The concept of the warp is not just a stagnant realm of infinite energy in every direction and has distinct areas to it."
"In the grim darkness of the Warhammer 40k universe, there is nothing more powerful."
"By the time it happens, it'll be too late for everyone fighting to preserve their universe."
"The balance of the seventh universe is changing soon. The strongest fighter of the universe will be born."
"Apparently there is pornography in the Star Wars universe, those huts are some real horn dogs."
"The Forsaken are working out just who the hell they are in a post-Sylvanas world."
"Gary's ascension complete, a shockwave erupted throughout the galaxy."
"The surface world will come for Wakanda and they have nowhere to turn but us."
"We've traveled to a galaxy far far away to a planet with a ring made of Dead Space whale bones and there's like night sisters here and [ __ ] Ezra Bridger is here like oh my God."
"Kingdom Hearts is the heart of all worlds... It gives light to the world, binding it together in peace, harmony, and all that other good stuff."
"I feel like the big crossover is gonna be like all the factions from the ground to the celestial like everyone like joining together and be like, 'Look we all hate each other but like we gotta sort this out.'"
"Halo's universe is teaming with a diverse array of species... omnipotent Gods... and then on the other hand you have the 5ft tall fart breathing Crustaceans."
"The precursors... created Mega structures... and of course the Halos..."
"My judgment is absolute. All mortals in your universe, nay, in all universes shall be purged under my Project Zero."
"Doctor Who exists canonically inside the Marvel Comics multiverse."
"This universe and these characters were not built to survive outside of Hannah Baker."
"Despite the fact that Endeavor as a person has many flaws, his quirk is without a doubt one of the strongest in My Hero Academia."
"Lady Death is one of the most powerful entities in the entire universe."
"Once you mess something up in the timeline there's always something that will be willing to punch back."
"Kurama's chakra still very much exists on Earth."
"Stardust offers Galactus the energies of the last of their people."
"Mew is native to planet Earth and quite possibly other planets across the Universe."
"Bionicle truly blurred the lines... between science and magic, organism and machine."
"That's how the bacta dies, with thunderous applause."
"The company is now whalen yutani rather than just weyland corp."
"There might be an entire like human resources department for heroes in the micro academia universe like there's a hotline that you call when a hero is acting inappropriately like a sexual harassment hotline."
"He who remains was holding off the natural chaos of a new Big Bang beginning for Everyone by shaping reality according to his own will."
"Timeline wise, this kind of takes place in like before and during the events of Rising Kingdom but sort of more of like a parallel universe."
"Now we're heading into the multiverse; it seems like we're gonna get even more Spider-Man and Spider-Women for that matter."
"One Piece is something that brings all of us together, that ties people like an invisible rope, uniting us as one despite our differences."
"Senjumaru's Bankai reverberates across the Realms."
"Fallout and Skyrim are in the same universe."
"Snyad is this incredible world-building project where you have imagined all these different species and ecosystems and this history of this imaginary world in startling detail."
"Little do they know, the Saiyans are about to arrive."
"The Inquisition is basically my path to hat take my you know my rightful spot right next to the Emperor yep and and and once I've gotten rid of you know every evil threat against I can take that spot awesome."
"The Black Panther is not a burden story must carry alone anymore her brother is gone but wakanda is forever now."
"The Richthofen at the end of that cutscene is part of the broken cycle universe."
"Apocrypha, Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion, resembles Lovecraft's universe."
"Kazui's Quincy potential could firmly position him as the most potent being in the Bleach Universe."
"NC's legends, know where you'll find most of them. The Graveyard. Matters not where you're from. Matters not where you start. What matters here is the walk. You walk in Night City, the city of dreams."
"Every realm feels like a real place with history."
"Yoda will again appear as a ghost as he acknowledges Rey's success and growth as a Jedi."
"Shigaraki may be an absolute monster in the My Hero Academia universe, but the Jujutsu Kaisen universe is equipped to deal with monsters."
"The seeds are being planted for a much bigger story, all leading to the epic and much acclaimed Earth War storyline."
"The beacon is lit again. It shines weakly, maybe only as bright as a Class 6 star, but at least the poor Lumas will survive now."
"She was shown a vision an emerald star known as Arcus."
"Star Wars is a really, really cool world... you have so many awesome designs."
"Every character we want to see is in the world Between Worlds."
"The black hood is actually a significant thing in the Archie Universe."
"The dragonball universe is nowadays full of deities from all sorts of places, realms and now universes."
"I love the Empire more than any other faction; I've always been an Empire fan."
"Whoever manages to possess it will become the supreme being of the marvel universe."
"There's really nothing in the entire marvel universe that even comes close to its power."
"It is arguable that these are the most broken sets of abilities in the entire universe."
"Eren has entered the Titan realm. Just seeing this I was really getting goosebumps all around. I couldn't be the only one getting chills."
"To stop this, Hayden advised the Slayer to travel through the Hell City of Nekravol."
"He asks them one simple question: Have they ever heard of Frieza?"
"When it comes to World building in a fictional Universe, the soundtrack can be so vital in establishing a transformative atmosphere."
"He's in the spider that bit himself Universe."
"For the gene Steeler Cults, they most certainly fall into the second category of this question. They exist only in the dark shadowy recesses of society."
"The Agents of the Inquisition and the Ordo hereticus exist and they will scour an entire city to excise the threat of one tainted corrupted individual."
"She can use her constant supply of ki to easily match the speed of a Super Saiyan."
"George Lucas may not have built the most in-depth or detailed fictional universe but he understood the real magic was getting the audience to care about his make-believe in the first place."
"Any video game that you're simulating, any TV show is a universe."
"If there's one devil fruit that is worthy of being a legendary weapon, it's Luffy's."
"Endeavor is a poster child or a poster symptom of the issues with the Superhuman society that exists within the My Hero Academia Universe."
"The deserts of Tatooine are lousy lightsaber burial grounds."
"It is the escapism. It is each depth. No other fictional universe I know of, not even that of the Star Wars saga, has such depth."
"In this world, Draken is a Superman-like god figure with Zordon and Rita as his parents and Kruger as his dog."
"Yo, there's no way if you want to live in My Hero's dude."
"Galacta Knight is the strongest warrior in the galaxy."
"We live in a world where Tony Stark is the cornerstone of the Marvel Cinematic Universe."