
National Mood Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"These are dark days, dark times for our nation."
"I think it's a sad place we're in. The whole country is disappointed in our leadership from the top to the bottom."
"This is what Britain needed today, this is what we've been needing."
"I think his principal achievement, in a sense, was to change the mood of the country."
"A shattered nation longs to care about stupid stuff again."
"Such an impeachment will produce the device of this and bitterness in our politics for years to come."
"We're actually at an amazing moment in American history."
"America needed change...they wanted to be excited about something."
"No one's happy, the U.S. is in very dire straits."
"It truly is a spiritual revival in this country."
"Serbia's vibes right now is incredible, it's immaculate."
"I think there's a tremendous feeling of optimism in this country."
"Americans overall dissatisfaction with the state of the country is on a downward trend. Joe Biden's presidency is a disaster."
"Some people are very scared; this is putting a chill in the hearts of Canadians. They don't want to be treated like terrorists."
"But I just don't see a country where the people are just seething and unhappy when I'm out. And that has to count for something."
"But for all that, it was a beautiful day, and the subject of this country's mental processes got a moment of blessed, beautiful relief from a ceremony that, as tough as COVID is on this country, was beautiful from start to finish."
"Americans have lost their confidence in President Biden and their optimism for the country."
"The collective mood of the country is better over the last month, I think, I agree."
"I think we're in that kind of place right now in our country. Things just look terrible. They just look really bleak."
"It really does feel as though there is a dark spell over this country."
"The mood of the country lifted as the vaccination program progressed."
"The mood across Ukraine is one of despair. People are afraid, people are angry."
"Americans are becoming increasingly frustrated."
"Donald Trump is causing this immense darkness, this curtain to come over our country. It is mobilizing the worse angels of our nation."
"The Queen's funeral and her more extended obsequious did create... a close to universal national mood."
"England has been happy this week."
"Princess Diana's death described this morning as the litmus test of the nation's mood, and they were right."
"The mood of the nation is buoyed by the sight of the young Queen."
"It is difficult to escape a very somber national mood."
"A happy France is a scary prospect because an unhappy France got quite far, but they never quite get over the line."
"The American people are really ready for us to start getting along again."
"The mood of the nation just after the Olympics is probably the best it's been for a long time."
"What our country needs right now is a lot of laughs."
"You cannot deny there's a certain feel-good factor creeping into the national consciousness."
"The Vibes in America are trash because we collectively have a limiting belief about this country."
"If you can articulate what millions of Americans are feeling, then that's really important."
"After the Cuban Missile Crisis was solved, America was now looking to turn the page."
"Everyone in this country has a smile on their face."
"I think all of America needs a happy ending right now."
"There is a very strong desire in this country for change."