
Age Perspective Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"It's not how old you are, it's how old your ideas are."
"They know some of them are now old enough to be like, 'That's Auntie Mara.'"
"You were always old but everyone was once young and goofy."
"Words can hurt and at the end of the day I am only 19."
"Think about being 40 years old and owing 30 thousand dollars."
"Old people on Netflix... within the first five minutes I was like literally gagging."
"I cry for the fifteen-year-old boy I was more than I celebrate the 55-year-old man."
"It takes you now basically until maybe your early to mid-30s to kind of start to feel financially secure."
"Sometimes people who are older, you know this, they tend to become more cynical, stuck in their ways. Not me. When it comes to science fiction films, I've been a Sci-Fi lover and a reader going back many many many years."
"At the end of the day, the closer you get to 30, the more you and all of us realize we didn't know in our 20s. Keep your head down and focus on your purpose."
"When you have that sense of purpose, possibility, no matter what your age, I'm 46, but I still feel like the freaking sky is the limit."
"The 30s is significantly better than the 20s."
"Teenagers: essentially hormonal monsters. And I can use that joke because of my advanced age."
"It bothers me as an older person is the sad reality that this young man was not given a chance to apologize."
"Look at this thing, it's from 1959. I was nine years old."
"I'm excited for the plan. I'm still a young man, I'm not as young as many of you, I'm only 33."
"I'm really not worried about Social Security. I'm 40 years old. When I get to 62 or 65 and Social Security, I fully expect that Social Security will be there."
"Thank God I wouldn't go back to my 20s for all the money in the world."
"It'd be funny if they remade the whole movie again with the same cast, now like 20 years older."
"Yo, Cordae, I really like the flip you did of Cole's 1985. I thought especially for someone in your age and I hope that doesn't sound weird, like, you sound very wise, you know what I'm saying?"
"I think a lot of older people forget what it's like to be your age, like, yeah, I remember when I was like young and I was saying Jay-Z and [ __ ] old enemies like he can't [ __ ] with Rakim."
"40s are cool. It's a cool age. So it's when stuff starts not... You'll get your world figured out."
"I don't want to settle for something I'm selfish now I've got a lot of years behind me I don't have a lot of years in front of me and I want to make the most of them."
"It's a gauge of how old you are, you know, when a car that was modern when you were a kid suddenly becomes a modern classic."
"He's not in his ego, he's probably talked to somebody that is in your age range."
"If I could go back 10 years ago... 20 year old Natalie could have totally benefited from this."
"50 is my magic number. Anything after 50 is gravy. I always tell people it's only sad when young people die."
"I was 14 when I first arrived so I understand how hard it was being so young."
"I'm at a stage in my life, you know I'm 72 years old, and the most important thing I could do is pass along whatever I have that's of value."
"You could be doing something at 40 and still have that same nasty attitude at the age of 70."
"Old is a mentality. You can be 72 and a youthful person that brings energy, light, and warmth to everybody's day."
"People who are 40 wish they were 30, people who are 60 wish they were 40, and people who are 90 wish they were 60."
"At 78 Max Oliver is an old salt, but to his crewmate on this lobster boat, Max is but a child."
"In ten years I'll be 29 so I guess like depending on the route I take..."
"I wish I had had that mindset more in my 20s."
"Enjoy your life, age is just a number." - "Enjoy your life, age is just a number."
"Don't stay angry and frustrated for you know you don't want to be my age it's still mad and frustrated everybody."
"I had to start figuring out how to master my grind today because the Daymond John at 48 years old is not the grind that the Daymond John at 28 years old had."
"Age truly is nothing but a number, and the young people are our future."
"Here I am, 56 years old driving the same streets that I walked."
"Thirty is not old. You have plenty of time to change the trajectory of your life."
"Once you've been a little longer, 50 is actually quite amusing."
"How could a person know everything at 18 and nothing at 22?"
"Can a five-year-old be saved? A 65-year-old Harvard professor cannot be saved apart from the power of God."
"Didn't you get to a certain age and you thought, 'I can't get better at things anymore'? I promise you, if you are moving in ways that feel like self-love and also in ways that are not injuring you, you are improving."
"I would argue that this moralization of political opinion... if you're over 40 years old, you do realize that there are nice left-wing people and nice right-wing people."
"'I decided I could at least try to find someone else to spend the rest of my life with. I mean I'm only 46.' 'I'll be 40 in January,' Cal said. 'Plenty of time,' Wyatt said."
"Just think, 61 again, a whole life to live ahead of me."
"Age truly is just a number, and we have to stop putting so much pressure on ourselves."
"How many people get to start their life over again when they're 70?"
"Life goes so quickly, and you know, I just can't believe I'm nearly 29. But you know, age is just a number, life is pretty good, I cannot complain at all."
"Think clearly whether you are 14 and 9 years old or whether you are 65 and use that to your advantage."
"Age is not a disadvantage to me, age is a number."
"I think women are in their prime when they're in their 30s and even 40s."
"35 is a good age to be in general, you still have over half of your life ahead of you."
"The best New Year of my life has been in my 30s."