
Renewable Resources Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Solar power’s future is as bright as the sun that fuels it."
"We're transitioning our electricity systems to renewable."
"Political will is itself a renewable resource."
"We can be the largest exporter of energy, the renewable energy superpower."
"We have the sunniest, windiest country on earth with what should be the cheapest price of power anywhere on the planet."
"There are many reasons to pursue sustainable energy."
"Our best bet by far is to invest in renewable resources which is solar and wind."
"Water is a renewable resource. As long as you manage the area, water will flow in perpetuity." - Nelson Switzer
"The fifth permaculture principle: 'use and value renewable resources and services.'"
"Fusion energy: the promise of producing no waste, no carbon dioxide, no methane, and no dangerous radioactive material."
"Solar today is already the cheapest form of energy generation on planet Earth today. Not tomorrow, not in 10 years. Today."
"Just one gram of helion's fusion-fueled deuterium contains enough energy to power a home for an entire year."
"Perovskite solar cells really do look like they offer the prize of an ultra adaptable, ultra thin, flexible, cheap, high-performance solar cell."
"Electricity, as I am experiencing firsthand, all the lights that are running this, the computer that's recording this, everything is running off the batteries in my garage."
"OTEC is one of the very few renewable energy sources that run 24 hours a day."
"The cheapest energy sources today are carbon-free: wind and solar."
"Currently in the UK the cheapest way of generating electricity is land-based wind."
"It's clean energy, it's almost like wind power. No, it's very clean energy."
"Every hour the earth is hit with more energy from the sun than the entire world consumes in a year."
"Solar power and wind power, they're intermittent... We need firm power, power that you can turn on whenever you need it."
"This makes it also a renewable as before there was only a limited number of those in the world."
"If there a way to harvest the rage of both communities into some kind of energy source we could power the entire world with renewable energy."
"There's a huge gap between what you can get from fossil energy versus renewable energy."
"Mining encourages the growth and development of renewable energy."
"It's just so sensible to invest in low-cost renewable electricity."
"Japan has a strong demand for solar and grid storage."
"Wind power is a renewable energy source. Wind will always be around."
"We may solve ocean’s plastic pollution by tapping into an ocean renewable source."
"Renewable resources can be replenished by natural processes."
"The great thing about bamboo is that it's a grass and just like a lawn it can be cut and regenerated without harming the plant or soil so they're able to harvest the same plant over and over instead of cutting down trees."
"It's very convenient and renewable as well."
"...every non-renewable resource must be used at or below the rate at which a renewable substitute can be developed."
"Any renewable resource you can bring to bear will provide you a currency."
"Renewable energy should provide 65 percent of total power consumption by 2030."
"We're really harvesters of solar energy."
"Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy draws power from an essentially infinite source: the Sun."
"Jackery has brand new 200 watt solar panels."
"It really shows the potential and the opportunity for capturing any amount of solar, any amount of sun that's really here."
"Wind offers enormous potential, especially when deployed offshore, which is where a lot of the focus is at the moment."
"Indeed, as tragic as our environmental situation is, there is still this free lunch, and of course, it's sunlight, it's sunlight and grass and animals in the healthy food chain."
"Capacity factor is the actual energy you get from your wind turbine system divided by the maximum you could get if the wind blew strongly all the time."
"Trees are a renewable resource; managing a forest is like managing a farm."
"Polylactic acid... it's something that you have in the human body and it's also a molecule that's considered a biopolymer that you can get from bacteria on a renewable basis."
"Let's start with some very great optimism: if you read the latest numbers on wave and tidal energy, people are claiming that this is going to be one of the main resources in the world."
"Renewable means the rate of production is greater than the rates of consumption."
"Renewable energy is continuing to fall dramatically in price; solar, wind, and battery energy storage are not just possible or practical."
"Renewable... is given to resources that reformed at a rate that is sustainable."
"More than double federal spending on energy efficiency and renewable energy."