
Lifelong Dream Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"This is a lifelong dream that I've worked hard to get to."
"It's a very special day when you get to drive a car you've wanted to drive for 30 years."
"Thirty years of my life I wanted to go to space."
"It means everything, man. This is what I've been dreaming about since I was six years old. If it wasn't for my dad, I wouldn't be here."
"That's what I always wanted. It's my dream come true."
"Living the dream, I was actually doing exactly what I always dreamed of doing for my whole life."
"This has been my dream my whole life to be in the mountains in Switzerland at Christmas time."
"This has always been a dream of mine ever since I've been a young flight geek."
"I've played drums since I was two, so when I joined the band, I've known I want to play drums my whole life."
"Something I've wanted to do since I was 16 years old."
"I have been waiting for this my whole entire life."
"I've been waiting to do this my whole life."
"To win one of these championships is something I've been dreaming of ever since I was a young child."
"I've been dreaming of this day forever."
"Mom has always wanted to meet her American pen friend."
"To come here to the world championship is one of my dreams; it has been ever since I was a kid."
"I've looked for a shop like this for years; I've wanted to have a shop like this for my entire life."
"This is what you dream about all your life as a poker player."
"This is literally something that I've wanted just forever, all my life."
"I've always wanted a puppy, like my whole life basically."
"It's been a lifelong dream for a log house, and here it is; it's a dream."
"Fantastic, his dream from a young man was to come here and be a champion."
"It's the kind of adventure that I've dreamed of my whole life."
"I was an astronaut; it's something I wanted to do my entire life."
"Since I could walk, since I could breathe, I've always been obsessed with everything aviation and space related."
"I want to be a marine biologist since I was five."
"I am so excited because I have been wanting to go to Africa for forever."
"This is what I've wanted my entire life."
"Helen is over the moon, the moment you dream of your entire life."
"I've waited for this opportunity all of my life."
"I wanted to be a comic since I was 10 years old."
"This is the type of friendship I've dreamed about my whole life."
"I've had this dream my whole life to be a pilot."
"I am extremely proud about what I have accomplished with them, this was for me a lifelong dream to be able to do it."
"This is really a dream of mine, I have been dreaming to become a professional in sports, all my life."
"I've been wanting to do this all my life."
"I just wanted her to enjoy a trip she's been talking about for almost two decades."
"That's what I've been dreaming of for 40 years."
"I have had a dream ever since I was a little girl to have a wraparound porch on my forever home."
"That is the fish I been dreaming about my entire life."
"I've dreamed my whole life that I wanted to live on a farm like have my own farm and one day it's going to be possible."
"I'm gonna live in this for the rest of my life. Who am I even kidding? I'm gonna be a mermaid princess for the rest of my life."
"I've wanted this since I was 10, and I worked for it."
"Honestly, I look forward to going here all my life."
"I've been wanting to go to Fashion Week since I was like a kid."
"I have literally waited my whole life to go to Universal Orlando Resort and Walt Disney World."
"This is my first puppy ever and something that I truly have been waiting for in my entire life."
"For most players, setting an NBA record is a childhood dream; it's supposed to be an accomplishment that turns into a memory that lasts a lifetime."