
Spiritual Motivation Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Work diligently at whatever you do as though you were working for the Lord."
"This is no time to sleep, this is a time to be on fire, to be energized by the Holy Spirit!"
"Jesus was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy He knew would be His afterwards."
"Embrace this inner conviction, nurture the vision that God has placed in your heart; let it guide you, inspire you, and motivate you to press on."
"When Jesus is the underlying motivation for everything we do, our lives will overflow with joy and peace. His grace supplies us with the ability to fully enjoy this life as well as positively impact the lives of those around us."
"Spirit literally lit the fire under this person's ass and was like, 'Alright, okay, it's time for you to get your crap together.'"
"Goodness and kindness... is to speed up his coming... enough of us feel that way we make a difference today."
"They want to love the prophet. That love that is our means to Jenna, that love that's going to bring sha on the day of judgment."
"Let's really shake it up let's really help some folks let's do something radical for the Lord Let's do let's do a grand gesture let's do a great and so that was really attractive."
"You need to realize that God has a purpose for you, if not, you wouldn't be alive."
"Their love for paradise made them do the most amazing things."
"They loved each other to that extent because they loved paradise."
"You want to go to heaven? Well, if you don't get the book 'Heaven' by Randy Alcorn, you're going to want to go lickety-split."
"Help us all to be set on fire for you and to be more bold to be unashamed as we go out there and proclaim the truth of your word and the saving gospel."
"We're so excited that during this pandemic Jehovah has given us something to energize our ministry."
"The true measure of success is doing things for God's sake."
"Real satisfaction comes when you acknowledge you're doing it for your creator."
"The joy of the Lord is a believer's strength."
"I would say without prayer, it's like we're not breathing."
"Live as a testament to my love and power. You're going to see for yourself."
"Living for the benefit of others is more than just a slogan on a wall at this school; it is the actual pathway that leads to you and I being vessels in the hand of God to push back this power of hell that wants to swallow this generation."
"Commit to change. It's time for necessary and divinely inspired changes."
"Stop sleeping on yourself. Release your gift. God has given you something great."
"Choose life, choose Jesus... so that you and your nation may live."
"Until next time, keep standing on God's word, defending the faith, and proclaiming the gospel. We'll see you guys, God bless."
"Lord, raise up firebrands, put something in your heart so a flame is so bright no demon or devil in hell can touch it."
"God is looking at you right now and God is saying, 'What are you waiting for?'"
"God's going to use your success so that you motivate somebody else."
"The Holy Spirit makes you want to do what you don't want to do."
"Let's just do it 'cause it's right. Let's just do it 'cause He's worthy. Give Him praise and give Him thanks, wonderful Jesus!"
"I'mma keep speaking truth to power because I feel like that's what God has me here to do."
"There's a righteous frustration that God is bringing in you for situations and things in your life like, 'This ain't it, this can't be it.'"
"There will be a people who rise up, filled with the love of Christ."
"Grindstone Ministries: Being the hands and feet of Messiah in a broken world."
"Words of life are the reason we are gathered here."
"God does not reward position, he rewards contribution."
"The love of Christ controls us, compelling us to live for him."
"Don't throw away our confidence because he who called you can satisfy you he who called you is with you and he who called you cares about you."
"Make your light shine so that others will see the good that you do and will praise your father in heaven."
"It is time for us to wake up, wake up church, and recognize that we are not here to whine, we're here to win."
"Don't give up on the dream that God gave you."
"Whoever's feats were dusted in the way of Allah, those feet shall never touch the fire of hell." - Sheikh
"We are here to build the kingdom of heaven right here and right now."
"I came to set Georgia on fire. I came to do something for God that only He can do."
"Jesus did not die on the cross so you and I could live ordinary lives."
"What motivates so many to serve at Bethel? Love for Jehovah moves us to put kingdom interests ahead of self-interest."
"Dream Big Dreams, bold prayers." Psalm 27:13 and 14 says what would have happened to me had I not believed that I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living.
"Tomorrow is not promised, so I've got to do the work of the Lord."
"Be open, be hungry, and then look and go, if God can do it in him, God can do it in me."
"We should never forget what our motive should be: we are to love God, glorify God, then enjoy Him forever. Amen." - Ray Goldsboro
"God does not give void aspirations; he does not give void goals."
"His grace should be the reason we have boldness to proclaim the gospel to the world."
"This is the beginning of a new day that you have been given, so use this day for my glory."
"I will not waste my grace, the past is behind me, the cross is before me."
"You only have to please ultimately an audience of one, and his name is Almighty God."
"God's putting you in business, go sell the oil."
"Everything we have ever done has been done for the glory of God, and God made it happen."
"People are aching for something better, and let's show them the way of Christ."
"This is a wonderful day to live for the Lord. This is a wonderful day to trust in God."
"They did a number on us on all of us, so ain't nothing better but then to come together because the universe and god and goddesses don't ain't no respecter of persons, they only respect teamwork makes the dream work."
"From this moment on after this message, we want a heavenly reward."
"You're still breathing... you're still living because God's gonna use you... the devil cannot cancel what God has commanded."
"I will arise with your power no more backsliding by your grace Lord help me to arise."
"We will reach the promised land and we will die empty, doing everything that God's called us to do in Jesus' name."
"He came every week because God was telling him, I'll give you the strength to go back and make a difference one more week all I need you to do is have faith and believe that I will make a way somehow."
"You represent God's very best effort at winning your generation."
"Joy from the Lord is really the only thing that can keep you motivated."
"But I just really believe god in this we gotta do our part though we can't just pray and sit around we gotta pray and we gotta act we gotta move we gotta move and pray we gotta walk at you gum at the same time."
"It is time to live unhindered, uncompromised, unbound, go all out on fire and mighty in the power of the living God."
"Our why has to be The Who that I'm here because he wants me to be here that you're here because he wants you to be here."
"Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice... he's saying he comes quickly, since Living God."
"As long as God is your driving force that there is no such thing as your lane there's only what the voice of God told you to do."
"God had you right now, sovereignly place you where you are, who you are, when you are so that you could have an influence for Jesus Christ."
"We're the generation that he's choosing to actually take possession of the promised land and not just talk about it."
"We should pursue godliness in our relationships because we love God, not because we think we're owed a fulfilling, happy, ponies-and-rainbows type deal."
"Greatness is what you make in a devotional act for a higher power beyond worldly success."
"Did you come to Hong Kong to save drug addicts? I want to see if I could serve the people here and bring them to know Jesus, show them love."
"What is that thing God laid on your heart to do five months ago, one year ago, and you kept delaying? After now, that thing is triggered. There is a triggering in your spirit."
"This is all being done to build up and put the fire under us so that we can come to a realization and for the body to move and for Christ to be working."
"When you're doing the Most High's work...anything is possible."
"The people of God are to rise, because the Glory of God will be seen upon us."
"We are our own saviors. We are here to create the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth."
"When God has something for you, you have to go for it fully."
"Being a police officer is a calling, not a job. If God has called you to serve, serve."
"Lesson number one: Dream about winning Christ well done, the ultimate prize."
"For it is God which worketh in you to will and to do of his good pleasure."
"Did you forget that Allah made you such a beautiful promise?"
"Rise up men and women of God, rise up, oh children of God, and do what it is that our God has called you to do!"
"God is waiting on you to make a move."
"Whatever you do, work hard, as for the Lord."
"Live for the applause of nail-scarred hands."
"You're just missing the boat if you ought to be a soul winner, if for nothing else, just to live an interesting, exciting life."
"If you really focus on the impermanence of the body and its weakness, you will develop spiritual motivation, the recognition that you must change."
"Everything that you do, do it with all you got, do it for God."
"We want to learn to write and we want to become good communicators for the glory of God."