
Tactical Thinking Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"In chess, assessing the pawn structure gives us instructions on how we should position our pieces."
"A good offense is better than a good defense."
"Attack where they are weak not where they are strong."
"The strategy is still the same, yeah, the main difference is just how you build the deck."
"Tactics and strategies open up... become unpredictable."
"Grand strategy is the art of looking beyond the battle and calculating ahead."
"There's definite strategy; this is not running around like Monopoly."
"I think Toxic Deluge all the time, all the time. Did you look at the board and go, 'What can get rid of all this?' I have one card that I know can just kill everything."
"Tactics allow somebody to reverse a positional disadvantage and make it into a positional advantage."
"I kinda like the two-dimensional bed defense."
"A lot of the meta in this game is figuring out what you have and how you can rally that into a victory for yourself."
"Now with 3.10, engaging any ship with turrets is going to make a pilot think twice."
"If you take back without thinking, you've only helped your opponent."
"Yeah it's simple we want this pawn gone so queen h1 will be made and knight h3 is a good way of doing that fork thinking of the queen good."
"When I see this small rear raised I think to myself, okay, you might want to have more hands in there."
"The battlefield has changed in the last 18 months... it means we need to change how we think about tactics, how we think about organization, deception, achieving surprise, and all these kinds of things."
"Think about the stability of your pieces if you're creating this situation."
"Welcome to Broken Ranks, where combat is turn-based, and tactics are key."
"Sometimes the best defense is making sure nothing survives before it hits you."
"Combat in Hogwarts Legacy offers depth and challenge, requiring tactical thinking."
"I really consider your targets for shooting and death as well and not just plow it into the biggest scariest thing."
"That's how you need to be thinking about like counters in the late game and like what to play around."
"If the objective was to stop what it could do as opposed to what it is doing currently."
"You must appear vulnerable when in fact you are operating under pure strategy."
"Card advantage is extremely important in Gwent."
"Always look for checks and sometimes just looking for checks in tactical patterns actually gets you the win."
"Saladin's position is actually kind of smart."
"Vanessa VanCleef... a super cool card that I think will make everyone triple think their turns against rogue."
"Finishing strong, I had a lot of fun where I should have waited on my shot."
"You never switch off your tactical detector even when you're looking for positional solutions."
"Looking for undefended pieces is really the majority of tactical thinking."
"Gaining a tactical advantage that's what it's called is not returning we're not we're not retreating we're just positioning yourself better to get the win."
"You're actually a genius for that placement."
"Presence of mind in these skirmishes is so so so so good."
"Anticipating your next move to avoid an attack... is really a lifesaver."
"Roger wins the game on turn 9 yeah bunny Harper does not know that so he may not feel the pressure that we know that he's under he's got to win in two turns two turns through a mass hysteria it's a I think it's impossible."
"Tricking others into getting eliminated might actually be easier than answering the question."
"When you're marked, don't let the weapon you like keep you from the weapon you need."
"No matter what you do in life... always have The High Ground."
"In chess, you don't always have to play the obvious move."
"We don't need to hurt them, but if we show them that we can easily get into their camp, they'll think twice about crossing our borders again." - Tiger Claw
"Maybe this deck is one of the best decks that you can actually work with."
"Recognize the true enemy and go behind that enemy."
"Focus your game on winning and picking the right chess piece for the right job."
"There isn't a right or wrong opening choice per se, but there are right or wrong general ideas around opening depending on all these factors like where you're at in game."
"It's not the power, it's not the skills again, it's the tactics."
"Your whole goal is to kill enemies before they kill you."
"Oh my god because I didn't think you would shoot like [ __ ] sight I thought he was going to shoot so much earlier but he never did so I did it again and neither does wood."
"Penumbra says thinking this through like you're in the situation is the way to go, even on the rare occasion where something seems off."
"Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Don't let your emotions walk you into a trap."
"I prefer tactical decision making over just spamming abilities all day long."
"I love it when a stand isn’t limited to its ability, and the ability makes the stand and user think outside of the box on execution of said ability."
"It's not a natural thing I don't think to like figure out how the checkmate works because you don't really think in terms of stalemates and what your opponent can't do."
"It taught me a very important lesson: not getting fixated on the concept of just winning a queen but understanding that this needs to be put into its proper context."
"He's very tactical and very smart."
"America is worth staying with; keep your head in the game, practice good tactics."
"Cybersecurity professionals need to be technically proficient but they also need to be able to think tactically and keep up with the latest emerging advancements in danger."
"It will test their ability to fight tactically and think instinctively at high speed."