
Statistical Significance Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"There's almost a desired p-value for p-values."
"God cares about the babies, and if you look at the numbers, there is no atrocity in America statistically that is greater than that."
"That is a huge, huge difference, p-value of less than point zero zero warned so less than a one in 1,000 chance of this being accidental random chance."
"Statistics don't change if individuals don't change."
"Anecdote is not science. Everybody will tell you that. But if you see a million people do the same thing, that means something."
"Their violent crime rate is 45% below the national average."
"The longer, larger the sample, the stronger the case for it actually happening."
"This is how it ends, 98 to 99 percent. That is crazy, that is crazy."
"Averageness, symmetry, and expression accounted for 71% of the variants in attractiveness ratings."
"When the overall data of these 28 studies was analyzed the odds of the results occurring by chance were greater than a billion to one."
"N equals one can matter, and there's a wonderful analogy that many of you will know about black swans."
"It's not a 99 survival rate, it's a 99.9999 survival rate."
"These are some extraordinary figures, certainly a lot more than average."
"Just because you can prove that something is statistically significant does not mean that it has practical significance."
"The impact on inflation is statistically indistinguishable from zero for either estimate."
"Bruno Fernández is the only player in the world at the moment who scores and creates at a colossal level, who's told that stats don't matter."
"Having a statistically significant effect doesn’t make it REAL."
"You've got to have stat statistical significance to claim consistency you've got to have consistency to claim God-like Trader status."
"That equates to 99.9987 percent confidence, okay that's a lot of confidence but it's not quite five sigma yet."
"So our p-value associated with this sample was point 102 being greater than 0.05 we know we do not reject."
"One person could be a fluke, 1000? 2000, 5000? Now it's like, okay, this is powerful."
"The lower the p-value, the more you can trust the probability of that result."
"Statistically persuasive and clinically meaningful."
"Stationarity will work anywhere that you think stationarity is important. It's just a statistical property."
"Accuracy does not capture the rare cases."
"Volcano plots are useful for identifying genes that are significantly regulated."
"The result is significant, and so you can reject H0."
"Statistically significant results mean that the difference was so big it could not have occurred by chance."
"Differences are significant if there's a 5% or less likelihood that the result is due to chance."
"No significance is still a significant result. We do not want to not report results just because they are not significant."
"You have to adjust the statistical significance for the number of tests that you do."
"By performing a meta-analysis... we can see that that's actually identified a statistically significant difference between the groups."
"If the treatment group started off with a lower score than the control group and then at the post-treatment they get a much bigger score, then we can be pretty sure that the treatment has done something that's caused that difference to happen."
"Values that are 0.95 or above are generally considered indicative of a very good fitting model."
"Low p-value: reject the null hypothesis; high p-value: fail to reject the null hypothesis."
"The interaction term was statistically significant, suggesting that perceived control moderates the effect of rumination on anxiety."
"The important statistic that you get from BLAST is something called the Expect Value or the E-value."
"If you choose a small significance level, say 1%, then if you're in your critical region, you can be pretty sure that this is a biased coin."
"Control charts... indicate when aberrations in quality are greater than could be left to chance."
"My p-value is 0.002, which is a lot less than 0.05, so statistically, there's enough difference between one data and the other to say salaries are not the same."
"The likelihood ratio test is used to test whether the model containing the full set of predictors represents a significant improvement in fit over a null or intercept-only model."
"The larger your sample size, the more confident you can be in the significance of your findings."
"The indirect effect of mastery on achievement via the interest variable is statistically significant."
"The added variable must reduce error significantly, and I do mean that statistically, so it must be statistically significant."
"The strength of the effect of X on Y is measured by this term called eta square."
"For correlations, there are two things you say: whether it's positive or negative, or neither, and how strong it is."
"A p-value is trying to get the idea of what's the probability of getting what we got in our sample or something even more extreme if the null is true."
"What I'm trying to do is to say, well okay, you have to be here that there's actually a very low probability that just by chance you end up being here."
"The statistical analysis only quantifies the association between the independent variable and the dependent variable."
"This quantity here... pivotal, right? So this is a pivotal quantity meaning that its distribution does not depend on any unknown parameter."
"This confidence interval is more important, whether this 95% confidence level is achieving or not, that is important."
"Increasing n can decrease both type of error, that is type 1 and type 2."
"It's important when interpreting a two-way interaction; it's even more important for a three-way interaction."
"Plus or minus one sigma spans 68.3 percent of the area."