
Ignition Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"It's really a question of how do you want to light the fuse. That's the only question left."
"For the first time ever, scientists have just successfully achieved what's called Ignition."
"We have ignition and liftoff of the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket."
"It was like a spark that was about to ignite this terrible inferno of energy."
"We're all potential lit matches waiting to be sparked."
"Detonation is basically whenever you have a second ignition of the air/fuel mixture inside your combustion chamber after your computer has fired your spark plug."
"The soul is the match, the spark."
"Let's light the fire, motivation amplifier."
"It only takes one spark to light a fire."
"This mix was hard to ignite, but once it lit, it was surprisingly energetic."
"I did it, fire was just ignited and I was like [ __ ] yes."
"Ignition is impossible if there's enough nitrogen around."
"I got shocked there, we got good spark, we're good to go."
"Calypso doesn't let up and orders the creature to release a puff that sets the superhero's uniform ablaze."
"It's going to be sparking allowing the rate over here the pilot to to ignite."
"We got power to the ignition. Yes! Sweet. That makes life a whole lot easier."
"Every single time we hit the ignition, it cranks right up."
"So when you turn the ignition key, that acts like a switch."
"Turning the key a little bit further jolts to start a motor into life."
"If you don't ignite, you don't go anywhere."
"I'm going to light it and basically going to start the experiment."
"You light a match, everything burns."
"Well, it's only Mr. Kidney, Henry. No. Oh, come on, please. Oh, all right. Ah, well, I can't get started. Maybe you haven't turned on your ignition."
"Foss's Journey ignites the story."
"Pleasure was the hinge for me; it was the moment that ignited everything."
"So you heard the igniter fight sorry and you can tell this has got magnesium in it as well because the Sparks are white."
"It's easy to light a match, use the match to light kindling, the kindling to light a twig, and the twig to light the log."
"As soon as I had her, it ignited the fire within me again."
"Why do you think romance dies or fades? I think it's the lack of ignition. Romance takes effort, you know."
"It's a blaze of four plus and is once again ignited."
"Putting a log on fire isn't easy but it's easy to light a match."
"Every time I start up the ignition on this car, I feel like my shoulders get a little broader."
"It's time to put some gasoline in the mini fuel tank and fire this engine up."
"I'm gonna cycle the key a couple times."
"Sometimes all it takes is a spark."
"I remember sitting down and we told we need something in the beginning to light this [ __ ] up."
"Miracles begin when your faith is ignited."
"Even the smallest embers can start a wildfire."
"A single match can cause thousands of acres to burn."
"They got the ignition and the starter."
"And if you start there, with every primer, with every lot number of brass, with every lot number of primers, you will have reliable ignition."
"The helicopter was airtight and a little flame burst into life."
"Wildfires can spark from a variety of sources."
"Just one small ember can burn down everything."
"Surface area is always the key to good ignition."
"I think what you're going to find is that it gives you a more reliable or quicker ignition or definitely as fast but because you don't have any sulfur coming off of here you don't have the longevity of spark that you have with the fool's gold or the iron pyrite."
"It takes you to see somebody in Amity cause for you to burn."
"A green tree is not easily set on fire; a dry one is easily kindled and burns rapidly."
"We cannot hide forever. We are sparks clinging stubbornly to life, but sparks can ignite a fire."
"Let's all just talk about reborn from the ashes and an ember in the ashes can spark a great blaze."
"You actually use a key to fire this Viper up. You turn the key and then you push this bright red engine start button to make all 10 cylinders come alive."
"In most cars, that means turn the engine on, right? Yeah, it's not necessarily to turn the engine fully on. You can turn the key so that it activates the battery and alternator and it will power up the system."
"It's like a lit tree; it's going to ignite everything. It's like free game afterwards."
"When the field collapses, the spark is weak."
"We've decided that you can have an expark of ignition in the centerline fuel tank of a large air carrier."
"Timing the ignition event to release that energy so that it exerts its maximum force on the piston during the power stroke is ignition timing's only job."
"It's extremely important to understand the relationship between ignition timing and cylinder pressure."
"If we are still, ignite us by the power of God."
"There is a spark that is within you waiting to be ignited."
"The Magneto's are like magnets that spin and with the polarity switching of the magnet, it creates electricity."
"Always a good sign when you turn the key and it cranks over."
"Now this fire will go up, and when it touches that fuel, suddenly that fuel is igniting, and not only is it igniting, it's sort of exploding."
"When the firing pin hits the cup of the primer, it forces the anvil and the cup to touch each other, igniting the priming compound."
"T-minus ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one... there's ignition and liftoff."
"The concept of spark and ignition being good has been chased all that time."
"One single shot, that's all it took to set the world alight."
"Behold how great a matter a little fire kindleth."
"So it's going to start by warming up the glow plug, once the glow plug's up to temperature, you'll hear the fuel pump kick in, and then it should ignite."
"Fire progresses as a series of ignitions and it follows the same rules regarding topography, weather, and fuels."
"Any grounded metal part that's close to that ignition source will create a spark to jump across the gap when those igniters are excited."
"That's how you get a fire started."
"It's notoriously hard to ignite, but when it does, it burns brighter than the sun as well."
"Oh yeah, check that out, now when we put the key in the ignition position, the screen should boot up."
"Advancing the timing makes the spark plug fire sooner."
"This is real world, I want to install a pressure transducer ignition to see the secondary."
"The lunarians are a nearly extinct race that used to live on the red line and possess the ability of ignition."
"This was the spark that engulfed the nation in the flames of civil war."
"You're going to be a fire starter and a torch bearer."
"It's like a furnace starting to burn."
"The trigger coil can be a common issue as to why you're not getting spark."
"The ignition temperature specifies at which temperature a voxel will ignite."
"The three essential elements required for combustion are fuel, oxygen, and heat or source of ignition."
"Let this be a spark that lights a fire inside you."
"A Haynes manual was purchased, the engine disassembled, and in Nigel, a spark was lit."
"This is Mission Control Houston, ignition sequence."
"We have ignition, we have liftoff of the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket."
"It ignites pretty fast; that's a real good fire starter."
"If there's something there, if there's a spark, I want to light a fire."
"There is a fire inside of you that all you gotta do is strike the match."
"Once I have one little spark, that's enough for me to kind of turn it on."
"It's like the light or the match being struck, the fire being lit within."
"One tiny little spark and this thing will fire up and it'll snowball on itself."
"Something has been ignited within them very unexpectedly."
"It's about your passion being ignited."
"Your heart is igniting something here."
"Your passion is about to be ignited."
"There's a spark, there's a fire being lit there, absolutely is, and it's coming from above."
"Your spirit is going to be raised, and your passion is about to be ignited like never before."
"It's going to ignite your passion for life."