
Ongoing Issues Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"This isn't a history that ever ended and it's still alive today."
"I didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning."
"We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning."
"Voting discrimination remains a real and ongoing problem."
"There's just certain things that I'll keep talking about because I think it's such a sick situation."
"Clearly this is not the last we have heard of this issue."
"Previously once your one personal email was leaked to spammers and scammers, you'd forever after have to play a game of whack-a-mole to block each new spammer targeting your single address."
"From 2013 onwards, the report listed cyber warfare as the top threat facing our world today."
"The conclusion is that COVID-19 is by no means over and we still need to take it seriously."
"It's not really like a specific crisis we're talking about... We're talking about an overt project that goes back to 2003."
"Glad to see him out, I'm glad to see a lot of outcry about it, and hopefully we'll carry that same energy when inevitably this type of action happens again."
"If we don't hit at the root, the fruit will keep on coming."
"A cosmic Watergate that continues to this day."
"You can deny it all you want but it's still happening."
"2022 was a reminder that the pandemic was or even is still ongoing."
"It's still ongoing and yeah about those animal cruelty allegations this week."
"Microsoft continuing their human listening program...we're gonna continue...with the dozens of people who talk to Cortana."
"I was able to get past my initial problem, however, I have another issue."
"It may continue to trouble Modi ji for the rest of the year."
"We often forget like when the media is not covering COVID doesn't mean that the COVID has gone away."
"This company was a mess from the very beginning, and it's still a mess now."
"Oh man, I kind of wanted this one to die. I guess it keeps going."
"It's been going on from before I even got elected. It's a disgrace that it happened."
"This is not only real, it has deep-seeded beginnings from years ago."
"I hate that you can log off, but it's still happening and you can't stop it."
"This was not a small deal and this is not going anywhere."
"Greed, greed, greed, and at this point, it's just greed, greed, greed."
"I can forgive all right, but they're always running."
"Persecution is not merely a relic of the past but a present and escalating reality."
"People forget just because it's not being talked about in mainstream media doesn't mean it's ended. There is very much stuff that's happening."
"The troll Factory is still very much running at Full Tilt."
"We can keep that going. Fear, you know, the corporate rule is back."
"This can't just continue. It's not sustainable."
"Whatever gets said here or doesn't get said here doesn't stop all of that."
"So long as modern body image continues to be a problem."
"What you continue to accept without repercussions will continue to take place."
"I'm really looking forward to the day where we don't have to keep talking about this thing but right now it's affecting all sorts of things and it trickles down much like the economics that work oh so well."
"Philly's been going through it for, seem like the past year, but people watching Philly at the same time."
"It is not going to be good for anybody who has been watching this all of the community has been seeing this stuff go on for years."
"In the meantime, we have some lingering foreign policy issues that are still kind of driving out of a sense of ownership with the global war on terror."
"It's about how it's still very much an issue in the country."
"As we've been talking about these things just continue to happen... We really need to be honest and open about the possibilities here."
"It's what's happening College athletics for a long time now."
"Cartel members shooting over the border towards the U.S is nothing new, not new at all."
"It's sad to see, unfortunately it is still continuing."
"It's still happening today even though I've got cases that are quite old it's still going on today so this hasn't ended."
"This fundamental problem that we had to start with still exists and it's something that we need to continue to tackle."