
Respectability Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"If you want respect, you have to act in a respectable manner."
"We're way more open to just having it as like a romantic thing and yes it can be a relationship that is respectable."
"Everybody was on their p's and q's. Look how respectable everybody is presenting themselves. I love it!"
"There was a coolness about him that everybody could respect."
"Marcel Pettio, who years earlier had been placed in a psychiatric hospital and considered insane by some medical professionals, was now a respectable doctor, mayor of the town, and married with a child."
"The most honest and respectable way to deal with criticism is not to cleverly evade it but to tactfully face it head-on."
"Command respect, look like the guy you want to come off as competent."
"However you can get work, however you're earning your living is respectable."
"Your resume is not a ticket to the job. Your resume is a ticket to the interview, and then you're honest."
"It just makes it look like I'm wearing fake eyelashes and there's nothing else to it. It's so good."
"He's respectable guy, he's honest, love him."
"Joe Biden has condemned violence. I can respect that."
"Ellen was often told that she had brought up two very respectable daughters."
"You Are An Idiot" was soon regarded as a rather humorous program and became somewhat respected in the online space.
"Just because I'm respectable doesn't mean I'm out of touch."
"The chicken sandwich broke boundaries in showing fast food can be respectable."
"He is so desperately afraid that he will not be respectable."
"Multiply that by 6 gives me 13 and 32 cents an hour doing this task, which is incredibly respectable and honestly not a bad gig."
"I had a very exciting time at University, you know. I got to Oxford which I had applied to precisely because I was in the bind of seeking respectability and it was the thing to do."
"This idea of policing, or the politics of respectability, right?"
"One by one, they stood to their feet, a vast army of God’s zombies, according to the bible, respectable zombies, not the riff-raff you get nowadays."
"You can be on the way of Cain and look very respectable. You can be on the way of Cain and be an upstanding citizen."
"To be respectable, you have to be limited."
"Respectability politics are constructed to keep you in a position where you never quite get to accurately describe harm."
"This gets me 46.3 kHz, which I think is pretty respectable."
"There's nothing wrong with being respectable."
"It attacked the guardians of the respectability that made Britain and the British Empire great."
"What makes a man respectable is being a kind and loving person, not being tough as nails, a fighter, a protector, or whatever else you attribute to being masculine."
"Car auctions have found a new respectability."
"Peyton Farquhar was a well-to-do planter of an old and highly respected Alabama family."
"But 5.7 for a car like this is very, very respectable."
"The game received a new respectability; young ladies could now ask their escorts to take them up to the Polo Grounds to see the college boy play."
"This could function on the battlefield as a fully robust and respectable weapon."
"The devil's most devilish when respectable."
"We have to keep it classy, not trashy."
"His behavior is consistent, diligent. His conduct inspires respect from other people."
"I am biting no ordinary people, it's got to be quite social and respectable."
"As long as you're here, we're going to pretend that you're a respectable woman. We're going to hold our heads up."
"We're honest hard-working respectable people."
"I want to be able to teach my kids that actually being honest and loving is being a respectable human being in life."
"We've always built that bulwark... we've always been respectable, it wasn't about respectability in other people's eyes."
"It's universally considered a very respectable thing for a young lawyer to do, spend a couple of years in the private sector firm before going into government service."
"It's slightly more respectable, and they believe there's a little bit more of IQ involved when it comes to playing the crypto sector."
"You need to make a change by being a decent respectable human being and modeling what it really means to be a man, what it really means to be a gentleman."
"Anything around 15 minutes or quicker would be very, very respectable."
"To be respected, they must be respectable."
"I am a prudent gentlewoman of good and honorable family, a woman without reproach."
"I was born in the year eighteen blanc to a large fortune, endowed besides with excellent parts, inclined by nature to industry, fond of the respect of the wise and good among my fellow men."
"I was the first that could thus plod in the public eye with a load of genial respectability, and in a moment, like a schoolboy, strip off these lendings and spring headlong into the sea of liberty."
"We were going to maintain a certain decorum at these events and be respectable and upstanding."
"The family teaches you responsibility, accountability, and respectability."
"It doesn't make you less relatable, it doesn't make you out of touch or anything like that, it makes you honest and ethical and that's a lot more respectable than just lying."
"The word is Dignified. Meaning upstanding or respectable."
"Gordon likes pulling the express and believes he's a very respectable engine."
"...he was so respectable, yes ma'am, no ma'am."
"It's going to look really respectable now."
"Just a respectable, godfear man who loves family, who loves kids."
"They're both highly intellectual and they're both... respectable people, hard-working people."
"I'm very educated, and you can take me home to your parents."
"She had character, she had morals, she had class."
"It seems to me that cowardice is a terrible price to pay for respectability."
"Everything that's good and respectable keeps getting lumped into what we view as masculine."
"It's not gonna win you any races, but you're still going to get 0-60 about 4.9 seconds, which is quite respectable."
"Privileged lady energy, meaning just upstanding, respectable, you know, gifted."
"It's a respectable outfit really, isn't it?"
"We are not respectable according to the world's standards, but on many occasions, we are respected."
"This brings up this whole situation about respectability politics when it comes to black folks and white people."
"In order to have respect, you must be respectable."
"You have to merit it; it's a burden of performance. You have to perform in order to earn respectability."
"Respectability is so important to the movement, because anything that transgressed a line of being respectable could be used to justify a denial of some sort."
"I wanted to be a respectable man so they could look up to me."
"Everybody had amazing things to say about Deborah. She wasn't a wild girl, she wasn't a party girl."
"What makes you respectable? That'd be a good place to start."
"The veil was actually a sign of respectability and high status."
"When it comes to your reputation and how others perceive you, you're somebody who is perceived as respectable, noble, someone who's righteous."
"The true definition of a gangster is a person who works hard for a living, a person who's not afraid to get their hands dirty the legal and legit way."
"Honor is respectability, integrity, responsibility."
"The very men who are dictating to us what is respectable and non-respectable behavior for women are the very ones that are paying these workers for their services."
"Anita Cobby was the epitome of respectability."
"There's something that they are doing that's noble and respectable."
"This is a perfectly respectable outfit."
"Being a man of your word, being admirable."
"I discovered that Eddie Murphy's career, while rocky, is a pretty respectable career."