
Political Hope Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The last hope really is Boris Johnson yourself and others."
"The hate of men will pass and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people."
"My hope is that we gotta get some more transparency. That's really the hope for me. This is about government transparency."
"One hopes that in this new cycle, social democracy will assert itself."
"Getting a progressive president would be absolutely awesome."
"Hoping to try and make America normal again today and throughout the week."
"Even though we may not get there in our lifetimes... I still have faith we can create a more perfect union."
"Bernie Sanders offered some sort of hope to people."
"We're all crossing our fingers for Arizona and Pennsylvania."
"I believe that China, when it throws off the shackles of the Communist Party of China, will be a nation like no other."
"I hope we get a normal Republican party back in our lifetimes."
"The idea that someone with these reserves of compassion and just empathy for human suffering... would be such a change in the office of the presidency."
"Conservatives are always lamenting the decline of the West, but this administration gives me hope."
"There's signs of hope even in this room full of proud Manhattan Democrats."
"The people have spoken, and I hope our leadership would listen."
"I have no doubt that every speaker that you're going to hear for the rest of today and that you've heard over the last couple days wants to live in the same country, wants to live in a country that has been the great promise."
"Imagine January 20th when we swear in a president and a vice president who have a plan."
"A free Democratic Afghanistan is a real thing."
"So if you're in a deeply red state, there's still hope. Georgia flipped!"
"Luis Carlos Galán, a man who many found hope as Colombia's next president."
"The only thing to be feared is anyone who might be able to truncate the hope of the Nigerian people."
"I will deliver optimism, opportunity, and hope."
"Can Beto convince Democrats that there's a chance he can turn Texas blue? Duh, totally."
"He is our president at that point, that accepting that he has the role and then we gotta actually hope that he can figure out how to do something he doesn't want to."
"Millions of Russian citizens are currently counting down the days for their country to be freed from Putin's dictatorial regime."
"The other flag is the flag of new Russia, new free Russia."
"He's the last hope for this country, last hope for our kids' future."
"With the help of everyone here today, the American dream is back, bigger, better, and stronger than ever before."
"I hope Hong Kong works out in a very humane way."
"I know what they're doing. I believe in what they're doing. I do believe it's going to eventually pass with compromise, just like all of the other bills passed with compromise."
"The three branches of government have an opportunity to save us."
"I think that eventually I do have hope that we will defeat the myth of Russian Supremacy in Eastern Europe and that the population will have to finally for the first time and it's history face their true story and Collective guilt."
"This movement is beyond even Peter Obi himself because Nigerians all over the world are crying for a change, for a new Nigeria."
"There is a sense of hope in this country that this United States Congress will rise to the occasion and present meaningful solutions to this crisis."
"Labor's resurgence of 2017 might repeat itself here."
"When you elect Joe Biden, the screaming stops, the noise goes down, the craziness starts to recede, sanity returns."
"Good luck to the Biden Administration in pursuing that. If they can manage it, that would be very forward-looking of them."
"Maybe just maybe somebody in parliament finds their moral courage."
"People will return to the fold, you know, and there's a chance for economic populism."
"Here's to President Biden and hope that he has an incredible presidency."
"Hopefully, after four years of a Biden-Harris administration, we might be able to function more normally and productively."
"I pray that I have the capacity to do for the country what you all deserve."
"I still don't want the president to fail I want him to be successful do you really huh-huh do you really."
"I took great hope from the prime minister's intervention."
"America is looking for a white knight, a progressive, someone who actually stands up for the people."
"The hope has always been that the moderate opposition would get control of Iran."
"There's a chance that the youth will come out and propel the NDP to victory."
"Mr. President, you clearly represent the hopes and aspirations of all Americans."
"Liberal Democrats will continue to stand up for hope."
"My deepest hope right now is that Trump does seem worn out."