
Active Engagement Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"It's live and let die on the political stage."
"Soleimani made it his life's work to take the Iranian revolutionary call for death to America and death to Israel and turn them into action."
"Good people have to enter the fight, build a better product."
"Give your characters something active to do."
"Active practice is better than passive practice."
"Speak up because you know somebody might not like it, but we have to swing the bat for Jesus."
"True feminism means actually engaging with the problems around you and actually engaging with the world."
"There was a Republican Navy, and they were active and they did what they could do."
"Making democracy work means holding on to our principles."
"Your participation and your spirit and your determination."
"If you are someone that actually enjoys playing the game, it's another great way to earn a lot of v bucks just by simply playing."
"I'm a world changer changing the world everywhere I go."
"The current state of the papa verse is very much alive and well with a forum full of thousands of posts."
"Meditation to me is essentially a way of working actively on your mind."
"There is more peace in the battle than there is sitting on the sideline."
"I think like I said the big thing that you notice from that gameplay is it was we played it smart we always prioritize positioning but we weren't camping we're still running around getting in a lot of fights."
"The only way to keep the dark stuff away is by actively working through it."
"Jump in and do something, opportunity is around you."
"It's about getting in there and really just paying attention to what's happening."
"Engage with why it's wrong and not just say it's wrong."
"Make the effort and engagement. This is about leveling up."
"It's just not the hour to be like sitting on our behinds doing whatever we want."
"The integration is what's important. You can skim the surface of 100 things, but listen, research, read, and take action because now there's no time left."
"You are an active participant in your own life."
"Racism still exists... we need to be willing to pull that down."
"I certainly wanted your voice to be out there to correct the record you're doing a tremendous work on air and off."
"Memory is not something you have, it's something you do... it's a verb."
"Gadgets are unlocked at level seven and you can think of them as a star power sort of but they're a brand new ability that you gain and unlike star powers they're not just mainly passive they are an active star power that you engage yourself."
"I'm hype, I don't care if it's firefighting, I'm hype."
"However messy the world may be, it is still worth playing in and trying to make the most of."
"We're on offense and we're not just going to sit there and let the left define the agenda."
"You'll be really on top of things now with a real renewed vitality."
"You do constructive stuff, can try it, talking on a phone. Actual words are going back and forth."
"If you're actually doing something, there will be an opposition to what you're doing."
"Challenging catastrophizing requires us to stay engaged even when there's a risk of things not going perfectly."
"I like being in the thick of it, fighting the evil."
"You are the one who actually goes after their dreams, doesn't just sit and talk about them."
"People are craving conversation, not just passive consumption."
"I'm not interested in just talking anymore by itself. I'm interested in educating but also providing Solutions right after that."
"It's very empowering to participate in the economy as opposed to sitting on the sideline."
"It's so important to move ahead instead of just stay still when you're staying still you're falling back automatically."
"When you become a doer, not just a hearer, that's what we're implementing."
"Always side with the Word" - "If you believe that you should always side with the Word, write in the comment section right now."
"For people who really care about politics, not reflexively voting for Joe might actually be a difficult and certainly very active and maybe yes ultimately a brave choice."
"We really desired a church that was like encouraging the congregation on a regular basis, 'Get in this word, like don't just take what I say for a fact, go study yourself, please.'"
"Engage with people, comment on their photos, and make sure that you're really responding to what the caption is saying or what the image of the graphic is about."
"We can't just turn a blind eye to this anymore."
"Good, get a minute and a half, keep staying busy with it."
"Fight for something that you genuinely believe in. Don't just jump on bandwagons."
"It's awesome Hands-On is always the best way to learn."
"Gotta wield it. You gotta use it or lose it."
"Start hunting, you'll see them actually moving around the battlefield now because they're on Hunt firing away."
"Every day I watch those, and it's so frustrating to me because I wish I were there to get to raise my questions to ask of these people."
"The community has been increasing in active player base over time."
"This guy genuinely [__] cares, he's in streamers' chats all day long answering questions, looking for feedback."
"The 74 million plus votes the president got, it's real, it's alive, and it's demanding."
"The room is a stir with a little buzz of activity as these great matches are continuing."
"If you're super polite about it and you let people filibuster without having to stand there for days, you're undermining your own message."
"Thank you for watching today don't forget to live your extra life."
"It's such a hardcore map as well, like you're always constantly engaged, there's only something to do and I like how you have to push for your ground, you have to advance."
"Protect your heart, but don't stop doing what you're doing. Be powerful and strong, healing, not hiding."
"Don't let him or anybody off the hook if they don't meet your political standards."
"Aminos communities are super active with thousands of members who all love the same thing, in this case Zootopia."
"Go find what's already working and then jump in and reproduce it."
"What is the person doing actually to improve his own mental existence? What are his interests? What does he do to make a better life that will solve some of his problems?"
"Be actively doing it, let your talent shine."
"I'm trying to create different platforms that will showcase that not just conversation but with action."
"Support is all around you. Valiant courage. Take action with passion."
"More important to us was the community that we wanted to build, a community and keep that community active and alive and energized all through the process and beyond."
"Reflecting isn't a passive Endeavor—it's an active pursuit of wisdom."
"Just get your best pets, go to a smaller area like this, and just click on a bunch of stuff."
"Active gameplay first and passive gameplay second."
"I'm awake, I'm gone, I'm just literally flying through everything."
"I've never wanted to be a lady that just lunches, I want to be on the ground doing the work."
"I'm most active on Telegram... MuslimSkeptic.com."
"...supporting eudaimonic well-being... engaging in the world because I want to, because I enjoy people, because I can, because I know how."
"It's better than watching telly. Watching tele is passively stimulating where playing games is quite active because you're using your brain to think."
"Relationship requires conversation, not just observation."
"Make sure you go through this active learning process because that is how your skills are going to improve substantially and quickly."
"I'd rather be constantly watching these types of things than having a TV on in the background."
"It requires active listening and active reading; you actually have to force yourself to pay attention."
"The ritual of choosing something off the shelf, dropping that needle down, and sitting down with the artwork to actively listen to something I've always appreciated."
"We're just active and vocal about this: this is intentional, we want you to be intentional, and we're supporting you in being intentional."
"Wheresoever these are, there brotherhood is active."
"We have over 20 million active customers."
"Whenever you're in the performance or the practice space, you want to be in the doing space."
"Hearing is passive, and listening is much more active."
"This means both of them are busy; nobody is sitting idle in the project."
"You've got to be a peacemaker, not a peacekeeper."
"I'm really actively contracting my abs, squeezing my glutes because I have to."
"At Data Quest, it's all about learning by doing."
"Using the strap and lifting your arms away from your back like this is one of the best things we can do in yoga to help make your upper back active."
"You focus on the active ones, that 10, 20, whatever percent that is."
"I'm gonna try and make a more active effort to actually connect with people."
"We have one of the most popping hip-hop discords online right now, that's a fact."