
Philosophical Stance Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Sight. I'm on nobody's side because nobody is on my side."
"It's not about making money, it's just not what it's about."
"I know nothing... but an open mind can be shown the truth."
"If you really believe Gotham is better off without me," he offered, "I won't fight what's coming."
"Justice sought by violence is not justice; it just becomes revenge."
"Their disgust does not break him as he would still choose to be him in the next world."
"It's not about the problem, it's about the principle."
"A child is a person as of the moment of conception."
"I don't deal in absolutes. I'm not a Sith, I'm a Jedi."
"I have never expressed agreement with the idea that one race can be said to be the master race over all the others."
"And I mean I look I don't like what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
"The short answer is no: belief in God does not require extraordinary evidence."
"Tolerance for the Intolerable is the path to certain destruction. It has to end."
"If you lack a belief in a god, you ARE an atheist."
"Let's stop referring to it as the skeptic community."
"The default position has to be atheism if you are not convinced by either side in the debate."
"The need to be philosophically conservative but temperamentally radical is even more urgently needed today than it was in Buckley's day."
"I don't believe there's ethical consumption under capitalism."
"Any pursuit or defense of truth is not going to erase God. Quite the opposite."
"No answer is a much more respectable intellectual position than making up a story."
"Atheism is just one conclusion of rational thinking."
"I stand on the truth because all else will fall in time."
"You can't have materialism in the field of spirituality."
"If your faith can be destroyed by evidence, it deserves to be destroyed by evidence."
"There is no my truth. Your truth. There is the truth."
"I reject atheism because it doesn't account for the rationality behind science."
"If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth."
"This is the place we're standing when we perceive the world."
"Atheism is an honest resignation, not a result."
"I swear eternal hostility on the altar of God against every form of control over the mind of man."
"Pelini exercised his intellectual responsibility to say no, perhaps then the aspect of society Pelini defied to deserve death was simply the authority of its leaders and their insistence on propping up consumerist values."
"Any desire by anybody for power is the definition of evil."
"Reality is all we've got until somebody demonstrates something else."
"Biology and concrete reality will always win out."
"Pragmatism as a virtue in and of itself is no longer persuasive."
"If you don't have God, you can't have a moral compass at all and you're capable of anything." - Christopher Hitchens
"Do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the devil benefit of law for my own safety's sake."
"I guess I'll bite the bullet on that one and say okay, well in that case I'm okay with liberalism as being authoritative over Islam because I like to defend fundamental human rights among other groups of people."
"Dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery any day of the week."
"We don't have to succumb to the post modernity of our age and just throw up our hands in the air and say well nobody can know because you can know."
"Ground between 'I believe' and 'I don't believe' there is no such place but they try to stay there for... and some of them managed to stay there for a long time."
"Emotions are subordinate to reason. They are not to direct or lead reason."
"I'm not friends with hell, I'm not friends with death, I'm not friends with 11 of this world."
"Every religion teaches you to love, and that's where I'm standing."
"One Piece is anti-nihilism, it's something special that will stand out."
"A person does not even need to be an atheist to be an anti-theist. If Satan exists, he's an anti-theist without being an atheist."
"Gentleman said either the day of judgment is here or it is not if it is not there is no occasion for alarm and lamentation if it is however I wish to be found doing my duty."
"The rejection of one error, atheism, is merely a side issue for objectivism. A philosophy has to be a positive, not a negative."
"...he's an interactionist dualist, the kind of dualist that thinks that the body and mind interact with one another."
"Empiricism is a stance, not a belief."