
Lifelong Bond Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"You'll carry me around for the rest of your life, and even afterwards in death, we'll remain inseparable."
"Your kids will forever be your baby no matter how grown they get."
"A permanent companion and a permanent friend for life."
"The most important thing is be patient—you're developing a genuine bond that will last you a lifetime."
"Even a wild predator like a tiger, if raised with love, will forever remain a playful kitten."
"The twin flame is the mirror of yourself, a person who will always stay in your heart no matter what and a person who helps you grow mentally, physically, and spiritually."
"It is a mark of the deep love they shared for the rest of their lives. I can't think of anything more moving than that."
"That's a friend that I want for the rest of my life."
"My son and daughter will always be my son and daughter; they will not always be my children."
"I fell for you. We've been together since we were young, but this is the first time I felt this way."
"We are true friends, bounded by this bond for the rest of time."
"She was his partner, his best friend, his companion for the rest of his life."
"I'm going to be a good mother, I'm going to be there from now until forever."
"please don't ever leave me again I want you in my life forever Dad Dad Dad look look mom didn't leave she's right here."
"We are friends for life, brother. Thank you for everything."
"You guys will be my teammates and my family members for life and I know there's not a day that I wake up or a day that I live that there's not some part of all of you that I carry deep in my soul."
"They say that your college friends turn into lifelong friends. I know that's true because of you."
"If they are your friend, they will be your friend forever."
"I'm going to take you to kindergarten... I'm going to know you, darling, for the rest of your life."
"Family is henceforth and forever."
"You're my bestest friend and my forever soulmate."
"Mama, even though I'm grown, I will still need you always."
"Marriage means a lifelong bond and it's going to make us safe."
"Cheers, and we're going to be friends till the day we die, and maybe even after that."
"We met at school at the age of 11 and we've been together ever since."
"You're going to take care of me forever 'cause you're my daddy, and that's what daddies do."
"Dad, if you're listening to this, I hope we can ride forever."
"You have a bond with this person that is a lifelong bond."
"Are we going to be friends for the rest of our lives?"
"I want to be the last man that you wake up with, the last man you go home with."
"It's literally always just been me and you."
"I'll always love you like a brother."
"I loved him, I will love him all my life."
"More than anything, he wanted a friend to grow together and to be with forever."
"Mama's going to love you all your life, and if you ever need a friend, Mama's right there till the very end."
"Make this for your moms, for your wife, or your boyfriend; they'll live with you forever, ever."
"Goldie claims that she and Kate have shared an immeasurable amount of laughter, love, and joy over the years."
"We will be in each other's lives for the rest of our lives, no matter what it looks like."
"Everyone only has one kindred spirit, and once found, they would hold on to that person throughout their lifetime."
"Thunder buddies for life, now that's cute as ever are thunder bros."
"I knew the moment that I when we looked at each other at this holiday party and we smiled at each other not having to say any words that you were going to be my person forever."
"She's my favorite gap, she's my only gap, that's it for life."
"Marriage is a bond, and when people give their souls to each other, they belong for the rest of their lives."
"You'll always be my best friend, no matter what. I love you."
"This is my promise of a lifetime."
"We just know you're our friends for life."
"We were bonded for life after we did that run with the Steiner Brothers."
"We kind of saw that we were probably going to be part of each other's lives for the rest of our lives."
"Friendship is unwavering; it's yours forever."
"You're my best friend, Shmuel," he said. "My best friend for life."
"Having accepted one another, you'll surely be friends for life."
"From the day you stole my heart, I meant forever."
"Cleo was always there for me, so I knew I had to keep her by my side forever."
"Ever since you found me, we're the only thing I see, forever in a day is you and me."
"A friend makes it all mean so much more, a friend you can call, a friend will be there, let me be your friend to the end, with the world to share."
"The knowledge that this person would accept them always, even as they changed and grew through the years to come."
"When you go through certain things for so long together, the bond that we created, it's a lifetime thing."
"My world spinning crazily, anchored by the slender back I'm holding, and knowing this is the woman I'm going to be kissing for the rest of my life."
"It's his mother loved him until the end."
"I love my friend and he's my best friend to this day, almost 30 years later."
"With the Virgo man and Virgo woman, I see you guys as being best friends and being together forever."
"We're incredibly fortunate that we do, you know, we're close friends, and we can still hug but we can give each other a hard time, and at the end of the day, you know, I'm hoping we'll be closed forever."
"She's my soulmate, I've known that all these years."
"They want you locked in for life with them."
"He said he wants freedom, and he wants me to be in his life forever."
"That's my brother man, to the day I die, that's my brother."
"We've been best friends since forever and always got each other's backs."
"Meg literally shone with happiness, we've been like sisters since we were two years old."
"This is special as the first one, all of them were just so thankful for it all, man, I tied it forever."
"Once you've got that connection, you got your souls the rest of your life."
"I get to be with my best friend forever."
"Everybody's brother, I want to be your lifetime friend."
"Always been and nothing gonna change. Me and you knew we gonna always be with each other for life."
"Even though we never physically met in person, it's like we knew each other our whole lives."
"I have someone on my side for life and that I have a family of my own now."
"If you take them into your home, you will take care of them to the best of your ability for the rest of their life and enjoy them for their unique personalities and all the little adventures you'll go on together."
"First day at school we sat down next to each other, and yeah, 30 years ago, near enough, and still best friends to this day."